Subject: RE: Generic Properties
To: None <,>
From: None <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/27/2001 15:18:17
	eeh@netbsd org wrote:

	> -----Original Message-----
	> It has come to my attention that there is a desire to use properties for
	> objects other than devices.  To address this need, here is a proposal
	> for a framework to support generic kernel properties.  More specific
	> property frameworks, like device properties, can be built on top of
	> this:
	> Eduardo


	I am currently working on a maybe similar, but, compared to your proposal,
	simple system. It is a small, memory based filesystem, which has to be
	mounted like other file systems. Each configuration parameter is represented
	by a single file. Ordinary shell commands can be used to inspect or alter
	the configuration. A distinction is made between parameters defined by user
	space processes and kernel space modules.

	A kernel module puts the names of its configuration parameters into the
	configuration file system, but retains control about the parameters values.
	Read and write requests are forwarded to the controlling module, which
	manages the memory containing the parameters value. If a parameter is
	defined by multiple modules, each module manages its private copy of the
	parameter, the file system forwards write requests to each defining module
	and a read request to only one. No module is allowed to alter its private
	copy of a registered parameter without using the file system. To change a
	value a module calls the file system write function and the new value is
	forwarded to all other modules automatically. (this scheme seems to be more
	simple than a callback based)

Sounds much more complicated than what I'm proposing.  Do you have a
formal specification for it?  You probably should send it to tech-kern
for review.
