Subject: Re: Kernel include files proposal
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-kern
Date: 04/11/2001 09:51:07
>> What happens when a tool is extended, or developed, that requries
>> one of [these include files] ?

> Generally, yes, but for sys/dev/ includes, this doesn't matter too
> much.  Only kvm growellers and programs we maintain should use those
> includes,

I find it astonishing that a NetBSD person could (apparently seriously)
advance an argument that amounts to "we don't want you to build your
own software, trust us, if you think you want something our software
doesn't already do, you're wrong".  I'd expect that from a
commercialware vendor.  Not from a free-source project.

I find it even more astonishing that this was sent some six hours ago
and nobody else has said anything about it.  (I realize those six hours
were mostly nighttime in North America, but still.)

Is this *really* the attitude you want to present?

					der Mouse

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