Subject: Re: install could use some static binaries
To: Jason Thorpe , David Brownlee <>
From: Webmaster Jim <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 08/07/1996 08:25:42
On Aug 6, 10:12am, Jason Thorpe wrote:
}   remove the port-i386 ... I'd like to cross-post to encourage
OK, I'm encouraged :-)
}  David Brownlee <> wrote:
}  > 	Some ports already use 'edlabel', which is much easier for a
} Let me dig though the archives and re-post the mail I sent about this 
} some months ago (gosh, almost a year, I guess...)

I'll pass on the ramifications of the edlabel program by professing
ignorance.  I started this with a specific whine based on my not being
able to load the distribution from a foreign partition.  Let me
generalize the install glitches I see in the shoehorn problem:

*)  A user has a PC with IDE CDROM, gets NetBSD on CDROM, backs up her
system and installs a NetBSD partition.  She then finds we don't have
IDE CDROM support (or tape :-) and thinks, well I'll copy the files in
DOS to the hard drive.  Now she boots up in NetBSD, tries to get to the
msdos partition.  How can she get there?

*)  A user has the above situation, without CD.  She downloads the
tarfiles into a msdos partition using the free modem software that came
with her machine, since she has never heard of `tip' much less how to
use it to get the distribution into the BSD native partition.  What
could she have done instead?

*)  A user has an Internet account, and thinks, Oh Cool, I'll get The
Internet un*x-like operating system, NetBSD!  I'll just dial in, set my
PPP numbers up, and transfer all that great code onto my PC.  Now how
does she connect?  I can do this with FTP at work with a functional
network, but what about the home PC?  The 1.1 install allowed for
NFS, FTP, tape, and floppy (ugh) installs.
I don't speak (or work) for the Baltimore County Public Library.
They keep telling me, "Shhhhh!"