Subject: Re: filesystem, partition question.
To: Jason Thorpe <>
From: David Gluss <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 11/08/1994 09:20:43
Jason> Quick one...
Jason> it possible for a filesystem to be a few bytes (or
Jason> several, but not too terribly many...) short of the end of a partition?
Jason> For example, if a partition was 15mb (raw size) and the filesystem was
Jason> 14.7mb (raw size) would the filesystem remain intact, or would the kernel
Jason> eventually panic due to a filesystem error?
No problem. If the partition was shorter than the filesystem
(one could achieve this by dd'ing a long partition into a shorter one)
than one might have the momentary illusion of success, followed
by enlightenment at some time in the future (from milliseconds to hours,
depending on the relative sizes.)