Subject: Re: core dumps
To: None <,,>
From: Mike Hibler <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 05/25/1994 10:40:15
One thought I have had from time to time when trying to decide how to adapt
the core format to the brave new sparse address space world:

It would be nice if someday the core format was a subset of the exec format
so that core files could be used as checkpoints.  Of course there is a lot
more to checkpointing then just the static processor/memory state, so maybe
I haven't thought about it enough :-)  It sounds like your format is a step
in the necessary direction.

It seems like you also need to describe RO segments, at least those which
you cannot intuit from the exec file, though you may not have access to all
the necessary info (or you could just dump the segment into the core file).
