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Re: HTTPS trust anchors in sysinst

I tried running openssl speed on my VAXstation. No luck. Just a core dump.
Now I'm in the process of updating the system to see if it works any better after that.

On 2023-08-30 07:08, Mouse wrote:
Here are the numbers for the slowest sparc I have in working condition
(a SparcStation LX), running -current.
[/tmp] martin@somnambulist > ./Falcon-impl-20211101/speed
I finally made the falcon code build on the 1.4T/sparc
SPARCstation-20s.  One of them

cpu0 at mainbus0: RT620/625 @ 125 MHz, on-chip FPU
cpu0: 256K byte write-back, 64 bytes/line, sw flush: cache enabled

produced these numbers

time threshold = 2.0000 s
kg = keygen, ek = expand private key, sd = sign (without expanded key)
st = sign (with expanded key), vv = verify
sdc, stc, vvc: like sd, st and vv, but with constant-time hash-to-point
keygen in milliseconds, other values in microseconds

degree  kg(ms)   ek(us)   sd(us)  sdc(us)   st(us)  stc(us)   vv(us)  vvc(us)
  256:  3700.00  9043.82 30821.92 32537.31 19059.83 20818.18  4422.31  5783.78
  512:  8680.00 19636.36 63939.39 65151.52 38793.10 41272.73  8803.42 11230.77
1024: 27990.00 41568.63 130000.00 135625.00 78064.52 80689.66 19272.73 22886.60

for what that may be worth.  I find the similarities and differences
between these and martin@'s LX numbers interesting.

This was my principal screen-&-keyboard machine, so it was not
otherwise idle.  Based on a quick sample with top, I would estimate the
speed tester was getting 65-75 percent of the CPU.

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