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Re: etcupdate and postinstall: make "-s src" compulsory

On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 01:01:39PM +0200, Johnny Billquist wrote:
> Okay. So the recommendation is to use -s, and the proposed changes don't 
> affect any of that. You're just annoyed that it actually will try to do 
> something if you don't give a -s?
> The fact that for the people and situations referred to above, the 
> default won't work seems to me to make it pretty harmless. And for 
> people who actually do use stuff the "old" way, it has always worked, 
> and continues to work, and you just want to mess with them, is a good 
> reason?

I'm not entirely sure it's harmless, although I've always been careful enough
to remember to pass an appropriate -s flag.  On the machine I build on
 /usr/src is definitely NOT the right source tree for updating / against, 
so if I were to leave off the -s option I don't think I'd end up with the 
correct updates.
Then again, the way I've got things set up probably isn't very common.


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