Subject: Re: etcupdate and postinstall: make "-s src" compulsory
To: None <>
From: Sverre Froyen <>
List: tech-install
Date: 12/20/2007 07:52:10
Alan Barrett <> suggests
> So, I'd like to make it an error to run postinstall or etcupdate without
> giving a "-s" arg.  People can still use "-s /usr/src" to get the
> existing (IMHO broken) behaviour.

I have no problem with requiring the -s arg.  I would, however, like to be 
able to run etcupdate after a "build distribution", i.e., without the extra 
step of "build sets".  This would require solving the etc make issue.

On a slightly similar note, I think it would be nice if etcupdate had an 
option to completely ignore files where a locally modified installed version 
had the same RCS version as the distribution version.  Used with the -a 
option, such an option would prevent most of the prompts to install new 
files. If this sounds useful to others, I could take a stab at it. Comments?
