Subject: Re: sysinst with dhcp: host-name option
To: None <>
From: Alan Barrett <>
List: tech-install
Date: 03/29/2007 11:02:25
On Thu, 29 Mar 2007, Mikolaj Golub wrote:
> +menu mntnetconfig, title MSG_mntnetconfig_save, y = -10;
> +	display action { menu->cursel = *(int *)arg; };
> +	option MSG_Yes,    exit, action { *(int *)arg = 0; };
> +	option MSG_No,     exit, action { *(int *)arg = 1; };
> +	option MSG_Change, exit, action { *(int *)arg = 2; };

Multi-way questions in which some of the choices are Yes or No can be
confusing.  I'd make this one say "Save without changes"/"Edit before
saving"/"Do not save" instead of "Yes"/"No"/"Change".  Or just leave out
this question, go straight to the edit screen, but have a "cancel, do
not save" option on the edit screen.

--apb (Alan Barrett)