Subject: Re: modload vs. ld/libbfd
To: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: tech-install
Date: 03/28/2005 10:17:14
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On Thu, Mar 24, 2005 at 10:52:32PM +0100, Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:
  | modload needs ld, currently.
  | I think we should either move /usr/bin/ld and /usr/lib/
  | (as of 2.0) to the base set, or move modload to comp.

modload is used by the base startup scripts, so anything it depends
upon should be in the base set...

However, it's a bigger problem than that: modload is used early in the
boot sequence, before /usr is mounted (i.e, before /usr/bin/ld may exist).

The solutions include:

    1.	Rewrite /sbin/modload not to depend upon /usr/bin/ld.

    2.	Move ld to /bin.  (Ewww.)

    3.	Deprecate support for loading lkms before /usr is mounted.
	The rationale for this was ``/usr may need an lkm to load'',
	but that's obviously not being used in the practice because
	modload needs ld which is in /usr/bin, and noone has raised
	this as a problem!

	There's also a separate case for deprecating support for
	loading /usr via the network where it needs more special
	handling that / (e.g, NFS over ipsec with krb5 IKE), as
	it's causing a larger maintenance headache due to the
	potential for cycles in the rc.d startup sequence.

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