Subject: Re: rename list?
To: Don Yuniskis <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: tech-install
Date: 12/31/2001 14:45:18
On Mon, 31 Dec 2001, Don Yuniskis wrote:

> Though, this discussion *does* bring up a valid point;
> should there be a forum for newbie "help me install this"
> questions or should they fend for themselves?  I would
> argue that -users is probably the most appropriate
> place since YAML will just get folks crossposting to
> -users, -bob (!!  :>) *and* -newbie ...

I seem to remember that the whole purpose for netbsd-help was for
"help installing and setting up NetBSD", that it's birth was triggered
by the same sort of question that triggered this discussion. What's on
the MailingLists page now, "This list provides a general help forum
where users can ask questions.", is actually broader than that, and
still there isn't too much traffic on that list.

I think a better solution to the problem at hand, how to get newbies
to post questions to the correct list, would be to add a pre-amble to
the MailingLists page. Like a big heading "Problems Installing",
followed by a pointer to the FAQS and then to netbsd-help; "Problems
Building From Source", FAQS and a pointer to current-users, and so on.
