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Re: CVS commit: src/sys/compat/freebsd

To answer myself...

phyre:arch {86} grep COMPAT_FREEBSD i386/conf/files.i386
# FreeBSD binary compatibility (COMPAT_FREEBSD)
phyre:arch {87} grep COMPAT_FREEBSD amd64/conf/files.amd64
phyre:arch {88}

(a quick rtfm of options(4) could have told me the same, too)

Sorry for the noise,


Elad Efrat wrote:
Tom Spindler wrote:
Module Name:    src
Committed By:    dogcow
Date:        Fri Feb 29 08:41:51 UTC 2008

Modified Files:
    src/sys/compat/freebsd: freebsd_sched.c

Log Message:
Add some of those pesky semicolons, and correct number of args.
I've been doing too much Python lately. ;)

My kernel however does have "options COMPAT_FREEBSD" -- how come it
didn't pick up any of the FreeBSD compat files...?

phyre:elad {44} uname -v
NetBSD 4.99.54 (XPHYRE) #126: Thu Feb 28 16:07:11 IST 2008 phyre:elad {45} grep COMPAT_FREEBSD /usr/netbsd/src/sys/arch/amd64/conf/XPHYRE
options         COMPAT_FREEBSD
phyre:elad {46} sysctl machdep.booted_kernel
machdep.booted_kernel = xphyre
phyre:elad {47} nm /xphyre | grep freebsd
phyre:elad {48}

Anyway, thanks for fixing it.


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