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Re: WPA regression (was: CVS commit: src/dist/wpa)

Quoting Jukka Salmi <>:

[moving from source-changes to current-users]

Stephen M. Rumble --> source-changes (2008-01-28 18:13:47 -0500):
On Sat, 26 Jan 2008, Jared D. McNeill wrote:
On Sat, 26 Jan 2008, Jared D. McNeill wrote:
This works great for me, I can now use my 11g network again -- thanks!!!
Crap, spoke too soon -- not long after I wrote this email, my old
issue where a NetBSD wifi client can kill my 11g network came up

So I should say, "no regressions" :-)
I'm seeing a significant regression:

My ath0 will now completely stop working after about 5-10 minutes. I
have to ifconfig down/up and restart wpa_supplicant.
Does it stop working exactly when the first GTK rekeying takes place?
If yes, it's probably the same problem I'm trying to debug ATM (using
hostapd(8) and wpa_supplicant(8) with ath(4) on NetBSD/i386 current).
I have no idea. Is there an easy way to check?

wpa_cli's `status' command just says COMPLETED, I think.

Reverting to wpa_supplicant 0.4.9 made everything better again (I've
been using it without issue for months).
The problem I'm seeing also occurred with 0.4.9, but far less often
than with 0.6.2.
I've never had any issues with 0.4.9. My laptop has run without  
problem with multi-week uptimes.
ath0 does timeout a lot (and I commented out the printf in the  
driver), but appears to work fine (or well enough) regardless.

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