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Re: CVS commit: src/sys

On Sun, 5 Mar 2006, Jason Thorpe wrote:

On Mar 5, 2006, at 4:07 PM, YAMAMOTO Takashi wrote:

Log Message:
Add a proc_is_traced_p() macro and use it, instead of copying the same code
in many places. Idea from thorpej.
isn't it better to make it a real function?
otherwise, it's prone to have "missing opt_*.h include" type problems.

btw, i think you need to tweak "#if defined(KTRACE) || defined(SYSTRACE)"
around syscall_fancy.
Christos committed this before I did, and my patch is more complete.  I will 
be checking in my patch shortly, after resolving all of the conflicts.
Please, no one else touch this stuff for a short time.  thanks.
I'm not touching this, but does this include all the problems compiling
GENERIC_TINY? Problems with syscall_fancy in syscall.c, etc?


Hisashi T Fujinaka -
BSEE(6/86) + BSChem(3/95) + BAEnglish(8/95) + MSCS(8/03) + $2.50 = latte

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