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Re: CVS commit: src/sys/sys

On Dec 20, 2005, at 12:17 AM, Hubert Feyrer wrote:

I don't see how this is "baggage", really - two lines further you'll probably access the struct anyways, and need the full definition then.
The struct?  We're talking about opaque types, here... I said before  
"I would really like to see NetBSD move towards opaque types."  Among  
other things, opaque types are really helpful for supporting LKMs ...  
it's pretty annoying that when you change "struct proc" right now,  
random LKMs may break.  Moving to opaque types and accessor/mutator  
functions[*] fixes that problem.
[*] Yes, and for things build in the kernel proper, it is still  
possible to expose the guts for speed, if necessary.
-- thorpej

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