Subject: Re: CVS commit: src/etc/etc.macppc
To: Izumi Tsutsui <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: source-changes
Date: 10/07/2005 17:06:36
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On 2005.10.08 00:34:27 +0900, Izumi Tsutsui wrote:
| In article <>
| wrote:
| > | | Well, we can't use tty00 because having symlinks listed in /etc/ttys
| > | | breaks PAM (see port-macppc).
| > | | I'm not sure but, is ttyZC0 equal to ttyZ0 ? I thought not.
| > | | Also, I thought that the pty namespace included only lowercase char=
| > | | like tty[a-z][0-f].
| > |=20
| > | I don't get it. Why make tty00 a symlink and not the actual device?
| >=20
| > Under macppc /dev/ttyZ* are handled by zstty (the "serial" ports).
| > I have no idea why the name was chosen instead of just /dev/tty0*.
| It was changed when MI MAKEDEV(8) was introduced.
| All ports which have zstty devices and "tty[0-9]" entries
| in MD MAKEDEV.conf will have ttyZ* and compat tty0* symlinks.
| BTW, should I change etc.hp300/ttys as well?
| (tty0? are symlinks to ttyM?)
I changed macppc because I was having troubles login in via serial
without a root password (PAM enabled system).
I suppose you will have the same problem on hp300.
-- Rui Paulo
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