Subject: Re: CVS commit: src/bin/pax
To: <>
From: David Laight <>
List: source-changes
Date: 10/18/2004 20:36:24
> > Will "tar -xf file.tar -C /destdir --chroot" chroot to /destdir ?
> > Or do we have to do "(cd /destdir ; tar -xf - --chroot) <file.tar"
> > to get that effect?
> A lot of static analisis later.....
> If -C destdir is specified, and there are no filename patterns (ie
> extracting all the archive), then the chdir() will be done before
> the chroot().
> If there are filename patterns (extract different files to different
> places) then the chdir() is done after the chroot() - ie when a file
> matching the pattern is found.
> So "tar -xf file.tar --chroot -C /destdir" will chroot to /destdir.

Nope... the chroot is always to the original current directory.
the cd /destdir will be done before the chroot - but may be affected
by the chroot ("." must be inside the chroot).


David Laight: