Subject: Re: CVS commit: [netbsd-1-6] src/sys/sys
To: None <>
From: Havard Eidnes <>
List: source-changes
Date: 03/12/2004 09:26:19
> I'm new to NetBSD. Is the list of pending tickets public? I
> couldn't find info about that.
Well, it's not widely published, but you find it on and by adding req/ at the end...
Please note that only developers are supposed to send in pull-up
requests -- if there is a specific fix you as a non-developer
want to see pulled up to the netbsd-1-6 branch, I think I would
suggest submitting a PR.
> And I'm just curious: Why this bump of pull-ups two weeks after
> NetBSD 1.6.2?
Because we have accumulated a number of requests that were deemed
non-essential to get 1.6.2 out the door, so these tickets were
stalled in anticipation of that happening. We need a stable
source tree to push out the release.
- H=E5vard