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Re: CVS commit: src/usr.bin/whois

Yes, indeed.  GCC even produces identical code before and after the
"fix".  Why are these pointless changes done?

        -- Lennart

Charles M. Hannum wrote:
On Thursday 16 October 2003 06:36 am, Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino wrote:

Module Name:    src
Committed By:   itojun
Date:           Thu Oct 16 06:36:51 UTC 2003

Modified Files:
        src/usr.bin/whois: whois.c

Log Message:
safer use of realloc

This is not in *any* way "safer." In practice it does nothing different at all. It is code churning for the sake of code churning. This kind of utter nonsense has introduced new bugs almost every time, and is *clearly* not worthwhile.


Index: src/usr.bin/whois/whois.c
diff -c src/usr.bin/whois/whois.c:1.24 src/usr.bin/whois/whois.c:1.25
*** src/usr.bin/whois/whois.c:1.24      Sat Oct 11 09:06:03 2003
--- src/usr.bin/whois/whois.c   Thu Oct 16 06:36:51 2003
*** 1,4 ****
! /*      $NetBSD: whois.c,v 1.24 2003/10/11 09:06:03 wiz Exp $   */
  /*    $OpenBSD: whois.c,v 1.28 2003/09/18 22:16:15 fgsch Exp $        */
--- 1,4 ----
! /*      $NetBSD: whois.c,v 1.25 2003/10/16 06:36:51 itojun Exp $   */
  /*    $OpenBSD: whois.c,v 1.28 2003/09/18 22:16:15 fgsch Exp $        */
*** 41,47 ****
  #if 0
  static const char sccsid[] = "@(#)whois.c        8.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/93";
! __RCSID("$NetBSD: whois.c,v 1.24 2003/10/11 09:06:03 wiz Exp $");
  #endif /* not lint */
--- 41,47 ----
  #if 0
  static const char sccsid[] = "@(#)whois.c        8.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/93";
! __RCSID("$NetBSD: whois.c,v 1.25 2003/10/16 06:36:51 itojun Exp $");
  #endif /* not lint */
*** 280,285 ****
--- 280,286 ----
  choose_server(const char *name, const char *country)
        static char *server;
+       char *nserver;
        const char *qhead;
        char *ep;
        size_t len;
*** 298,305 ****
        } else if (isdigit((unsigned char)*(++qhead)))
                return (ANICHOST);
        len = strlen(qhead) + sizeof(QNICHOST_TAIL);
!       if ((server = realloc(server, len)) == NULL)
                err(1, "realloc");
        (void)strlcpy(server, qhead, len);
        (void)strlcat(server, QNICHOST_TAIL, len);
        return (server);
--- 299,307 ----
        } else if (isdigit((unsigned char)*(++qhead)))
                return (ANICHOST);
        len = strlen(qhead) + sizeof(QNICHOST_TAIL);
!       if ((nserver = realloc(server, len)) == NULL)
                err(1, "realloc");
+       server = nserver;
        (void)strlcpy(server, qhead, len);
        (void)strlcat(server, QNICHOST_TAIL, len);
        return (server);

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