Subject: Re: CVS commit: src/sbin/newfs
To: matthew green <>
From: Greg 'groggy' Lehey <>
List: source-changes
Date: 10/10/2003 17:48:49
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On Friday, 10 October 2003 at 17:54:27 +1000, matthew green wrote:
>>    On Friday, 10 October 2003 at 16:23:31 +1000, matthew green wrote:
>>> what's this all about?  this sounds like a strange option to me
>>> and i don't recall it being discussed anywhere...
>>> how is it different to using `sysctl kern.rawpartition`?
>>    Good question.  Where do I find the docco for kern.rawpartition?
>> try sysctl(8)?
>    Yes, before writing that.  It says:
>         kern.rawpartition                            integer       no
>    That doesn't exactly say what it's good for.  Setting it as root
>    doesn't help much either:
> do you not understand the concept of a disk raw partition?=20

Yes, of course I do.  As I said, my question was what the sysctl
meant.  That was somewhat confused by the expectation that it might be
relevant to the issue at hand.

> it seem that sysctl(3) has more info, but it doesn't really say more
> than "the raw partition of the disk" ...

OK, so this is just the number of the raw partition.  Now I understand
it, but it's not relevant.

>    The -V flag tells newfs not to make assumptions about the device name.
> i think the best thing would be to teach newfs to just try the name
> as-is first (perhaps the -F flag already does what you need, but i
> think it would be better for this to "just work.")

Hmm, yes, this might be a good alternative.  I don't like having to
specify the size; possibly I can fix that, though.  I'll take a look.

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