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Re: CVS commit: src/sys/netinet

In message <>, John Hawkinson 
>Steven M. Bellovin <> wrote on Tue,  9 Sep 2003
>at 07:40:55 -0400 in 
>> >Without wanting to advocate change for the sake of change, how much
>> >sense does it make to go a step further and use a constant value in
>> >the ID field (say 0?) for all "do not fragment" packets ?
>> It makes a lot of sense, though it gives away some fingerprinting info. 
>> In fact, I believe that some Linux distributions already do just that.
>> (At least one brand of router uses 0 for link-local OSPF packets, which 
>> it knows can't be fragmented, and a counter for TCP.)
>I'm curious if it really buys us very much. Having consistently
>increasing ip IDs (and even different IP IDs) can be a valuable
>debugging tool.

It blocks some stealth scanning techniques, and defeats my "count the 
hosts behind a NAT" technique.  I believe that the latest ipf does the
latter when it's acting as a NAT, but it doesn't help machines that are 
behind commercial NATs.

                --Steve Bellovin,

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