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Re: CVS commit: syssrc/sys/kern

At 10:06 PM 10/2/2002, wrote:
>> Modified Files:
>>         syssrc/sys/kern: kern_resource.c
>> Log Message:
>> check negative arg.  from openbsd
>Due to the `(u_int)' cast -- which I added just about 5 years ago --
>this code already handled negative arguments correctly.  Your change
>is a noop.

        ok, but isn't it better to explicitly check
                if (which < 0 || which >= MAX)
                        return EINVAL
                if ((u_int)which >= MAX)
                        return EINVAL
        from readability/clarity?
No.  It's slower and not if you don't know about signedness/unsigness
of number, you shouldn't be doing kernel programming.

Matt Thomas               Internet:
3am Software Foundry      WWW URL:
Cupertino, CA             Disclaimer: I avow all knowledge of this message

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