Subject: re: CVS commit: basesrc
To: matthew green <>
From: Jim Wise <>
List: source-changes
Date: 11/01/2001 13:07:14
Hash: SHA1

I'm gonna come out in favor of keeping at least the generated text
version of this file at the top level.

The point of this file is to help someone coming to src/ for the first
time to understand how to build a system.  Pick any software package off
the shelf and you'll find (at least) a README and an INSTALL document at
the top level, to help newbies get started.

We have long needed such a document, and with the complexity (and
benefit!) added by the new USETOOLS stuff, and, the need is
even greater.

So, I'd like to say:  a.) thanks, Todd, for providing this, and b.) at
least the text version should stay at the top level, probably without
the .txt suffix, to help people new to src/ to figure out what they need
to do...

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, matthew green wrote:

>   : in /usr/src and the stuff used to generate it, and other versions (html
>   : etc) in /usr/share/doc/building (or something), available to those who
>   : need to modify it, but out of the way.
>   Now that idea's usable; I could find another path for it.  I'll ponder it.
>   I'm not particularly keen on putting it somewhere that would imply that it
>   gets installed in /usr/share, as the document is very much tied to the
>   source tree (and not the target binary system).
>that's why i suggested (a new) src/docs...

- -- 
				Jim Wise
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