Subject: Re: CVS commit: basesrc
To: None <>
From: Rafal Boni <>
List: source-changes
Date: 02/08/2001 21:54:39
In message <>, you write:
-> i'll point you to official announcement when it comes out.
-> >-> Log Message:
-> >-> authentication mistake in SSHv2 + pubkey, from markus.
-> >-> (vulnerability window for netbsd-current - < 48hours)
-> >Can you give us more info on this, esp. which versions are affected?
-> as stated above, if you are using sshd from netbsd-current,
-> built during this 48 hours (depending on timezone, around Feb 7, 8
-> and 9) you need to rebuild. (another way is to check openssh
-> version number: if you have sshd that says "2.3.1",
-> you need to rebuild)
Ah, I assumed it was a bug in the recently-imported version, but I didn't
parse your statement as exonerating all other versions. Thanks for the
follow-up and the pointer to the advisory.
Keep up the good work!
Rafal Boni