Subject: Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc
To: Michael Graff <>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: source-changes
Date: 07/06/1999 08:38:22
On Jul 2,  8:39am, Michael Graff wrote:
} Jaromir Dolecek <> writes:
} > They may be needed by e.g. Linux, couldn't they ?
} I really can't help but wonder why we are even playing with the idea
} that the NetBSD package system would be used for linux.  They have
} much better tools.

     I disagree with this.  I think pkgsrc is much better then RPM
(which seems to be the most popular Linux package system) for third
party stuff.

} I hear the debian package widget is pretty good.  I'm even a little

     I haven't seen this, so I can't comment on it.

}-- End of excerpt from Michael Graff