Subject: NetBSD master CVS tree commits
To: None <source-changes@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <source@NetBSD.ORG>
List: source-changes
Date: 04/07/1997 02:10:03
Sun Apr 6 19:00:10 PDT 1997
Update of /cvsroot/src/sys/arch/alpha/pci
In directory netbsd1:/var/slash-tmp/cvs-serv2795
Modified Files:
apecsreg.h apecsvar.h bt485reg.h ciareg.h ciavar.h dwlpxreg.h
dwlpxvar.h lcareg.h lcavar.h pci_2100_a50.h pci_axppci_33.h
pci_eb164.h pci_kn20aa.h pci_kn8ae.h pci_machdep.h sioreg.h
siovar.h tgavar.h vga_pcivar.h
Log Message:
clean up NetBSD RCS ID strings
Sun Apr 6 19:01:34 PDT 1997
Update of /cvsroot/src/sys/arch/alpha/pci
In directory netbsd1:/var/slash-tmp/cvs-serv3698
Modified Files:
cia.c dwlpx.c dwlpx_pci.c lca.c pci_2100_a50.c pci_axppci_33.c
pci_eb164.c pci_eb164_intr.s pci_kn20aa.c pci_kn8ae.c
pci_machdep.c sio.c sio_pic.c tga.c tga_bt463.c tga_bt485.c
tga_conf.c vga_pci.c
Log Message:
clean up NetBSD RCS ID strings, include machine/options.h