Subject: Re: My take on the send-pr issue
To: Jordan K. Hubbard <>
From: Peter Galbavy <>
List: source-changes
Date: 10/26/1994 07:45:06
>                                                     From my
> perspective of sitting on a 1-800 tech support number, I believe I can
> say with some authority that a very large majority of the world's
> population is composed of utter morons.  The people at whom product
> warnings stickers labeled "WARNING: DO NOT STICK THIS PRODUCT UP YOUR
> NOSE!  YOU WILL VOID YOUR WARRANTEE!" are squarely aimed.

On this I have to completey agree. We thought (at Demon) on how to maybe
make the setup of a connection etc to our service easier and quicker by
making sure the instructions were plain and simple. Did this work ? No
way. Some people just *lie* to you on a support line. One woman asked
the boss: "Do you think I'm completely stupid ?". "That's a matter of
opinion" he said, back in the early days when he used to take some of
the difficult callers :-) We stopped him doing that now !

My thoughts would be to aim *any* bug reporting system at someone
who can already get as far as reading, understanding and then
following "the instructions". Getting rid of send-pr or making it
more "easy to use" would be a shot in the foot. Especially to those
people who then have to try to answer them.

Just a $.2c comment...
Peter Galbavy					work:
Wonderland					rest:
"The 'net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it." - John Gilmore