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[src/trunk]: src/sys/arch/arm/sociox reorder functions for better relevance

branches:  trunk
changeset: 955731:c89c3898b56e
user:      nisimura <>
date:      Sat Oct 10 03:29:48 2020 +0000

reorder functions for better relevance


 sys/arch/arm/sociox/if_scx.c |  783 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 files changed, 411 insertions(+), 372 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 1089 to 300 lines):

diff -r 3d1c2df43d5a -r c89c3898b56e sys/arch/arm/sociox/if_scx.c
--- a/sys/arch/arm/sociox/if_scx.c      Sat Oct 10 03:05:04 2020 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/arm/sociox/if_scx.c      Sat Oct 10 03:29:48 2020 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: if_scx.c,v 1.22 2020/03/28 13:15:24 nisimura Exp $     */
+/*     $NetBSD: if_scx.c,v 1.23 2020/10/10 03:29:48 nisimura Exp $     */
  * Copyright (c) 2020 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
@@ -29,35 +29,24 @@
-#define NOT_MP_SAFE    0
  * Socionext SC2A11 SynQuacer NetSec GbE driver
- *   (possibly incorrect notes to be removed eventually)
- * - 32 byte descriptor for 64 bit paddr design.
- * - multiple rings seems available. There are special descriptor fields
- *   to designify ring number from which to arrive or to which go.
- * - memory mapped EEPROM to hold MAC address. The rest of the area is
- *   occupied by a set of ucode for two DMA engines and one packet engine.
- * - The size of frame address filter is 16 plus 16.
- * - The first slot is my own station address. Always enabled to perform
- *   to identify oneself.
- * - 1~15 are for supplimental MAC addresses. Independently enabled for
- *   use. Good to catch multicast. Byte-wise selective match available.
- *   Use the mask to catch { 0x01, 0x00, 0x00 } and/or { 0x33, 0x33 }.
- * - 16~32 might be exact match without byte-mask.
- * - The size of multicast hash filter store is 64 bit.
- * - Socionext/Linaro "NetSec" code contains some constants left unexplained.
- *   Fortunately, Intel/Altera CycloneV PDFs describe every detail of
- *   "such the instance of" DW EMAC IP and most of them are likely applicable
- *   to SC2A11 GbE.
- * - not known "NetSec" instanciates DW timestamp or builds its own.
- * - DW EMAC implmentation (0x20) is known 0x10.36
+ * Multiple Tx and Rx queues exist inside and dedicated descriptor
+ * fields specifies which queue is to use. Three internal micro-processors
+ * to handle incoming frames, outgoing frames and packet data crypto
+ * processing. uP programs are stored in an external flash memory and
+ * have to be loaded by device driver.
+ * NetSec uses Synopsys DesignWare Core EMAC.  DWC implmentation
+ * regiter (0x20) is known to have 0x10.36 and feature register (0x1058)
+ * to report XX.XX.
+#define NOT_MP_SAFE    0
 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
-__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: if_scx.c,v 1.22 2020/03/28 13:15:24 nisimura Exp $");
+__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: if_scx.c,v 1.23 2020/10/10 03:29:48 nisimura Exp $");
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <sys/bus.h>
@@ -84,8 +73,47 @@
 #include <dev/acpi/acpivar.h>
 #include <dev/acpi/acpi_intr.h>
+/* Socionext SC2A11 descriptor format */
+struct tdes {
+       uint32_t t0, t1, t2, t3;
+struct rdes {
+       uint32_t r0, r1, r2, r3;
+#define T0_OWN         (1U<<31)        /* desc is ready to Tx */
+#define T0_EOD         (1U<<30)        /* end of descriptor array */
+#define T0_DRID                (24)            /* 29:24 D-RID */
+#define T0_PT          (1U<<21)        /* 23:21 PT */
+#define T0_TRID                (16)            /* 20:16 T-RID */
+#define T0_FS          (1U<<9)         /* first segment of frame */
+#define T0_LS          (1U<<8)         /* last segment of frame */
+#define T0_CSUM                (1U<<7)         /* enable check sum offload */
+#define T0_SGOL                (1U<<6)         /* enable TCP segment offload */
+#define T0_TRS         (1U<<4)         /* 5:4 TRS */
+#define T0_IOC         (0)             /* XXX TBD interrupt when completed */
+/* T1 segment address 63:32 */
+/* T2 segment address 31:0 */
+/* T3 31:16 TCP segment length, 15:0 segment length to transmit */
+#define R0_OWN         (1U<<31)        /* desc is empty */
+#define R0_EOD         (1U<<30)        /* end of descriptor array */
+#define R0_SRID                (24)            /* 29:24 S-RID */
+#define R0_FR          (1U<<23)        /* FR */
+#define R0_ER          (1U<<21)        /* Rx error indication */
+#define R0_ERR         (3U<<16)        /* 18:16 receive error code */
+#define R0_TDRID       (14)            /* 15:14 TD-RID */
+#define R0_FS          (1U<<9)         /* first segment of frame */
+#define R0_LS          (1U<<8)         /* last segment of frame */
+#define R0_CSUM                (3U<<6)         /* 7:6 checksum status */
+#define R0_CERR                (2U<<6)         /* 0 (undone), 1 (found ok), 2 (bad) */
+/* R1 frame address 63:32 */
+/* R2 frame address 31:0 */
+/* R3 31:16 received frame length, 15:0 buffer length to receive */
- * SC2A11 register block 0x100-0x1204?
+ * SC2A11 NetSec registers. 0x100 - 1204
 #define SWRESET                0x104
 #define COMINIT                0x120
@@ -98,7 +126,7 @@
 #define xINTBEN                0x23c           /* INT_B enable */
 #define xINTB_SET      0x240           /* bit to set */
 #define xINTB_CLR      0x244           /* bit to clr */
-/* 0x00c-048 */                /* pkt,tls,s0,s1 SR/IE/SET/CLR */
+/* 0x00c - 048 */                      /* pkt,tls,s0,s1 SR/IE/SET/CLR */
 #define TXISR          0x400
 #define TXIEN          0x404
 #define TXI_SET                0x428
@@ -123,7 +151,7 @@
 #define PKTENG         0x0d0           /* packet engine ucode port */
 #define CLKEN          0x100           /* clock distribution enable */
 #define  CLK_G         (1U<<5)
-#define  CLK_ALL       0x24
+#define  CLK_ALL       0x13            /* 0x24 ??? */
 #define MACADRH                0x10c           /* ??? */
 #define MACADRL                0x110           /* ??? */
 #define MCVER          0x22c           /* micro controller version */
@@ -140,6 +168,7 @@
 /* 0xA00 */            /* enc RAW Rx  SR/IE/SET/CLR */
 /* 0xA40 */            /* dec RAW Rx  SR/IE/SET/CLR */
+/* indirect GMAC registers. accessed thru MACCMD/MACDATA operation */
 #define MACCMD         0x11c4          /* gmac operation */
 #define  CMD_IOWR      (1U<<28)        /* write op */
 #define  CMD_BUSY      (1U<<31)        /* busy bit */
@@ -150,7 +179,8 @@
 #define DESC_SRST      0x1204          /* desc engine sw reset */
- * GMAC register block. use mac_write()/mac_read() to handle
+ * GMAC registers. not memory mapped, but handled by indirect access.
+ * Mostly identical to Synopsys DesignWare Core Ethernet.
 #define GMACMCR                0x0000          /* MAC configuration */
 #define  MCR_IBN       (1U<<30)        /* ??? */
@@ -183,8 +213,6 @@
 #define  AFR_MHTE      (1U<<2)         /* use multicast hash table */
 #define  AFR_UHTE      (1U<<1)         /* use hash table for unicast */
 #define  AFR_PR                (1U<<0)         /* run promisc mode */
-#define GMACMHTH       0x0008          /* 64bit multicast hash table 63:32 */
-#define GMACMHTL       0x000c          /* 64bit multicast hash table 31:0 */
 #define GMACGAR                0x0010          /* MDIO operation */
 #define  GAR_PHY       (11)            /* mii phy 15:11 */
 #define  GAR_REG       (6)             /* mii reg 10:6 */
@@ -193,8 +221,7 @@
 #define  GAR_BUSY      (1U)            /* busy bit */
 #define GMACGDR                0x0014          /* MDIO rd/wr data */
 #define GMACFCR                0x0018          /* 802.3x flowcontrol */
-                                       /* 31:16 pause timer value */
-                                       /* 5:4 pause timer threthold */
+/* 31:16 pause timer value, 5:4 pause timer threthold */
 #define  FCR_RFE       (1U<<2)         /* accept PAUSE to throttle Tx */
 #define  FCR_TFE       (1U<<1)         /* generate PAUSE to moderate Rx lvl */
 #define GMACVTAG       0x001c          /* VLAN tag control */
@@ -209,42 +236,37 @@
 #define  ISR_RX                (1U<<5)         /* Rx completed */
 #define  ISR_ANY       (1U<<4)         /* any of above 5-7 report */
 #define  ISR_LC                (1U<<0)         /* link status change detected */
-#define GMACMAH0       0x0040          /* MAC address 0 47:32 */
-#define GMACMAL0       0x0044          /* MAC address 0 31:0 */
-#define GMACMAH(i)     ((i)*8+0x40)    /* supplimental MAC addr 1 - 15 */
-#define GMACMAL(i)     ((i)*8+0x44)    /* bit 31 to use, 30 SA,
-                                        * 29:24 byte-wise don'care */
+#define GMACMAH0       0x0040          /* my own MAC address 47:32 */
+#define GMACMAL0       0x0044          /* my own MAC address 31:0 */
+#define GMACMAH(i)     ((i)*8+0x40)    /* supplimental MAC addr 1-15 */
+#define GMACMAL(i)     ((i)*8+0x44)    /* 31:0 MAC address low part */
+/* MAH bit-31: slot in use, 30: SA to match, 29:24 byte-wise don'care */
+#define GMACAMAH(i)    ((i)*8+0x800)   /* supplimental MAC addr 16-31 */
+#define GMACAMAL(i)    ((i)*8+0x804)   /* 31: MAC address low part */
+/* MAH bit-31: slot in use, no other bit is effective */
+#define GMACMHTH       0x0008          /* 64bit multicast hash table 63:32 */
+#define GMACMHTL       0x000c          /* 64bit multicast hash table 31:0 */
+#define GMACMHT(i)     ((i)*4+0x500)   /* 256-bit alternative mcast hash 0-7 */
+#define GMACVHT                0x0588          /* 16-bit VLAN tag hash */
 #define GMACMIISR      0x00d8          /* resolved xMII link status */
-                                       /*  3   link up detected
-                                        *  2:1 resovled speed
-                                        *      0 2.5Mhz (10Mbps)
-                                        *      1 25Mhz  (100Mbps)
-                                        *      2 125Mhz (1000Mbps)
-                                        *  1   full duplex detected */
-#define GMACEVCTL      0x0100          /* event counter control */
-#define GMACEVCNT(i)   ((i)*4+0x114)   /* event counter 0x114~284 */
-#define GMACMHT(i)     ((i)*4+0x500)   /* 256bit multicast hash table 0 - 7 */
-#define GMACVHT                0x0588          /* VLAN tag hash */
+/* 3: link up detected, 2:1 resovled speed (0/1/2), 1: fdx detected */
-/* 0x0700-0734 ??? */
-#define GMACAMAH(i)    ((i)*8+0x800)   /* supplimental MAC addr 16-31 */
-#define GMACAMAL(i)    ((i)*8+0x804)   /* bit 31 to use */
+/* 0x0700 - 0734 ??? */
-#define GMACBMR                0x1000          /* DMA bus mode control
-                                        * 24    4PBL 8???
-                                        * 23    USP
-                                        * 22:17 RPBL
-                                        * 16    fixed burst, or undefined b.
-                                        * 15:14 priority between Rx and Tx
-                                        *  3    rxtx ratio 41
-                                        *  2    rxtx ratio 31
-                                        *  1    rxtx ratio 21
-                                        *  0    rxtx ratio 11
-                                        * 13:8  PBL possible DMA burst len
-                                        *  7    alternative des8
-                                        *  0    reset op. self clear
-                                        */
+#define GMACBMR                0x1000          /* DMA bus mode control */
+/* 24    4PBL 8???
+ * 23    USP
+ * 22:17 RPBL
+ * 16    fixed burst, or undefined b.
+ * 15:14 priority between Rx and Tx
+ *  3    rxtx ratio 41
+ *  2    rxtx ratio 31
+ *  1    rxtx ratio 21
+ *  0    rxtx ratio 11
+ * 13:8  PBL packet burst len
+ *  7    alternative des8
+ *  0    reset op. (SC)
+ */
 #define  _BMR          0x00412080      /* XXX TBD */
 #define  _BMR0         0x00020181      /* XXX TBD */
 #define  BMR_RST       (1)             /* reset op. self clear when done */
@@ -252,8 +274,8 @@
 #define GMACRPD                0x1008          /* write any to resume rdes */
 #define GMACRDLA       0x100c          /* rdes base address 32bit paddr */
 #define GMACTDLA       0x1010          /* tdes base address 32bit paddr */
-#define  _RDLA         0x18000         /* XXX TBD system SRAM with CC ? */
-#define  _TDLA         0x1c000         /* XXX TBD system SRAM with CC ? */
+#define  _RDLA         0x18000         /* XXX TBD system SRAM ? */
+#define  _TDLA         0x1c000         /* XXX TBD system SRAM ? */
 #define GMACDSR                0x1014          /* DMA status detail report; W1C */
 #define GMACOMR                0x1018          /* DMA operation */
 #define  OMR_TSF       (1U<<25)        /* 1: Tx store&forword, 0: immed. */
@@ -267,55 +289,45 @@
 #define GMACRWDT       0x1024          /* receive watchdog timer count */
 #define GMACAXIB       0x1028          /* AXI bus mode control */
 #define GMACAXIS       0x102c          /* AXI status report */
-/* 0x1048-1054 */                      /* descriptor and buffer cur. address */
+/* 0x1048 - 1054 */                    /* descriptor and buffer cur. address */
 #define HWFEA          0x1058          /* feature report */
-/* descriptor format definition */
-struct tdes {
-       uint32_t t0, t1, t2, t3;
-struct rdes {
-       uint32_t r0, r1, r2, r3;
+#define GMACEVCTL      0x0100          /* event counter control */
+#define GMACEVCNT(i)   ((i)*4+0x114)   /* event counter 0x114 - 0x284 */
-#define T0_OWN         (1U<<31)        /* desc is ready to Tx */
-#define T0_EOD         (1U<<30)        /* end of descriptor array */
-#define T0_DRID                (24)            /* 29:24 D-RID */
-#define T0_PT          (1U<<21)        /* 23:21 PT */
-#define T0_TRID                (16)            /* 20:16 T-RID */
-#define T0_FS          (1U<<9)         /* first segment of frame */
-#define T0_LS          (1U<<8)         /* last segment of frame */
-#define T0_CSUM                (1U<<7)         /* enable check sum offload */
-#define T0_SGOL                (1U<<6)         /* enable TCP segment offload */
-#define T0_TRS         (1U<<4)         /* 5:4 TRS */
-#define T0_IOC         (0)             /* XXX TBD interrupt when completed */
-/* T1 segment address 63:32 */
-/* T2 segment address 31:0 */
-/* T3 31:16 TCP segment length, 15:0 segment length to transmit */
-#define R0_OWN         (1U<<31)        /* desc is empty */
-#define R0_EOD         (1U<<30)        /* end of descriptor array */
-#define R0_SRID                (24)            /* 29:24 S-RID */
-#define R0_FR          (1U<<23)        /* FR */
-#define R0_ER          (1U<<21)        /* Rx error indication */
-#define R0_ERR         (3U<<16)        /* 18:16 receive error code */
-#define R0_TDRID       (14)            /* 15:14 TD-RID */
-#define R0_FS          (1U<<9)         /* first segment of frame */
-#define R0_LS          (1U<<8)         /* last segment of frame */
-#define R0_CSUM                (3U<<6)         /* 7:6 checksum status */
-#define R0_CERR                (2U<<6)         /* 0 (undone), 1 (found ok), 2 (bad) */
-/* R1 frame address 63:32 */
-/* R2 frame address 31:0 */
-/* R3 31:16 received frame length, 15:0 buffer length to receive */
+/* memory mapped CSR register */
+#define CSR_READ(sc,off) \
+           bus_space_read_4((sc)->sc_st, (sc)->sc_sh, (off))
+#define CSR_WRITE(sc,off,val) \
+           bus_space_write_4((sc)->sc_st, (sc)->sc_sh, (off), (val))
+/* flash memory access */
+#define EE_READ(sc,off) \
+           bus_space_read_4((sc)->sc_st, (sc)->sc_eesh, (off))

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