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[src/trunk]: src/usr.bin/make make: change debug log for variable evaluation ...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 960346:bec78fec64b7
user:      rillig <>
date:      Mon Mar 15 15:39:13 2021 +0000

make: change debug log for variable evaluation flags to lowercase

This makes them easier distinguishable from variable names since the
latter are usually uppercase.

No functional change outside debug mode.


 usr.bin/make/nonints.h                             |   4 +-
 usr.bin/make/unit-tests/deptgt-makeflags.exp       |   2 +-
 usr.bin/make/unit-tests/directive-export-impl.exp  |  56 +++++++-------
 usr.bin/make/unit-tests/directive-unexport-env.exp |  10 +-
 usr.bin/make/unit-tests/var-eval-short.exp         |  16 ++--
 usr.bin/make/unit-tests/var-op-append.exp          |   6 +-
 usr.bin/make/unit-tests/vardebug.exp               |  88 +++++++++++-----------
 usr.bin/make/unit-tests/varmod-defined.exp         |  18 ++--
 usr.bin/make/unit-tests/varmod-indirect.exp        |  52 ++++++------
 usr.bin/make/unit-tests/varmod-match-escape.exp    |  48 ++++++------
 usr.bin/make/unit-tests/varname-dot-shell.exp      |  14 +-
 usr.bin/make/unit-tests/varname-empty.exp          |  42 +++++-----
 usr.bin/make/unit-tests/varname.exp                |  20 ++--
 usr.bin/make/var.c                                 |  57 +++++---------
 14 files changed, 209 insertions(+), 224 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 753 to 300 lines):

diff -r 47a57bd87aa2 -r bec78fec64b7 usr.bin/make/nonints.h
--- a/usr.bin/make/nonints.h    Mon Mar 15 12:15:03 2021 +0000
+++ b/usr.bin/make/nonints.h    Mon Mar 15 15:39:13 2021 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: nonints.h,v 1.205 2021/03/15 12:15:03 rillig Exp $     */
+/*     $NetBSD: nonints.h,v 1.206 2021/03/15 15:39:13 rillig Exp $     */
  * Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990, 1993
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@
         * int (since that is the default representation of Boolean in make),
         * even for initializers consisting entirely of constants.
-       Boolean : 1;
+       Boolean : 0;
 } VarEvalFlags;
 #define VARE_PARSE_ONLY        (VarEvalFlags) { FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE }
diff -r 47a57bd87aa2 -r bec78fec64b7 usr.bin/make/unit-tests/deptgt-makeflags.exp
--- a/usr.bin/make/unit-tests/deptgt-makeflags.exp      Mon Mar 15 12:15:03 2021 +0000
+++ b/usr.bin/make/unit-tests/deptgt-makeflags.exp      Mon Mar 15 15:39:13 2021 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Command:DOLLAR = $$$$
 CondParser_Eval: ${DOLLAR} != "\$\$"
-Var_Parse: ${DOLLAR} != "\$\$" with VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES
+Var_Parse: ${DOLLAR} != "\$\$" (eval-defined)
 lhs = "$$", rhs = "$$", op = !=
 Global:.MAKEFLAGS =  -r -k -D VAR -D VAR -d cv -d
 Global:.MAKEFLAGS =  -r -k -D VAR -D VAR -d cv -d 0
diff -r 47a57bd87aa2 -r bec78fec64b7 usr.bin/make/unit-tests/directive-export-impl.exp
--- a/usr.bin/make/unit-tests/directive-export-impl.exp Mon Mar 15 12:15:03 2021 +0000
+++ b/usr.bin/make/unit-tests/directive-export-impl.exp Mon Mar 15 15:39:13 2021 +0000
@@ -3,48 +3,48 @@
 ParseReadLine (28): '.export UT_VAR'
 ParseReadLine (32): ': ${UT_VAR:N*}'
+Var_Parse: ${UT_VAR:N*} (eval-defined)
+Var_Parse: ${REF}> (eval-defined)
+Applying ${UT_VAR:N...} to "<>" (eval-defined, VFL_EXPORTED|VFL_REEXPORT, regular)
 Pattern[UT_VAR] for [<>] is [*]
 ModifyWords: split "<>" into 1 words
+Result of ${UT_VAR:N*} is "" (eval-defined, VFL_EXPORTED|VFL_REEXPORT, regular)
 ParseDoDependency(: )
 CondParser_Eval: ${:!echo "\$UT_VAR"!} != "<>"
-Var_Parse: ${:!echo "\$UT_VAR"!} != "<>" with VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES
-Applying ${:!...} to "" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, undefined)
+Var_Parse: ${:!echo "\$UT_VAR"!} != "<>" (eval-defined)
+Applying ${:!...} to "" (eval-defined, none, undefined)
 Modifier part: "echo "$UT_VAR""
-Applying ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:O} to "UT_VAR" (VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
-Result of ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:O} is "UT_VAR" (VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
-Applying ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:u} to "UT_VAR" (VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
-Result of ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:u} is "UT_VAR" (VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
-Var_Parse: ${UT_VAR} with VARE_WANTRES
-Var_Parse: ${REF}> with VARE_WANTRES
-Result of ${:!echo "\$UT_VAR"!} is "<>" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, defined)
+Var_Parse: ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:O:u} (eval)
+Applying ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:O} to "UT_VAR" (eval, none, regular)
+Result of ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:O} is "UT_VAR" (eval, none, regular)
+Applying ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:u} to "UT_VAR" (eval, none, regular)
+Result of ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:u} is "UT_VAR" (eval, none, regular)
+Var_Parse: ${UT_VAR} (eval)
+Var_Parse: ${REF}> (eval)
+Result of ${:!echo "\$UT_VAR"!} is "<>" (eval-defined, none, defined)
 lhs = "<>", rhs = "<>", op = !=
 ParseReadLine (49): ': ${UT_VAR:N*}'
+Var_Parse: ${UT_VAR:N*} (eval-defined)
+Var_Parse: ${REF}> (eval-defined)
+Applying ${UT_VAR:N...} to "<>" (eval-defined, VFL_EXPORTED|VFL_REEXPORT, regular)
 Pattern[UT_VAR] for [<>] is [*]
 ModifyWords: split "<>" into 1 words
+Result of ${UT_VAR:N*} is "" (eval-defined, VFL_EXPORTED|VFL_REEXPORT, regular)
 ParseDoDependency(: )
 ParseReadLine (53): 'REF=              defined'
 Global:REF = defined
 CondParser_Eval: ${:!echo "\$UT_VAR"!} != "<defined>"
-Var_Parse: ${:!echo "\$UT_VAR"!} != "<defined>" with VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES
-Applying ${:!...} to "" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, undefined)
+Var_Parse: ${:!echo "\$UT_VAR"!} != "<defined>" (eval-defined)
+Applying ${:!...} to "" (eval-defined, none, undefined)
 Modifier part: "echo "$UT_VAR""
-Applying ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:O} to "UT_VAR" (VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
-Result of ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:O} is "UT_VAR" (VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
-Applying ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:u} to "UT_VAR" (VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
-Result of ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:u} is "UT_VAR" (VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
-Var_Parse: ${UT_VAR} with VARE_WANTRES
-Var_Parse: ${REF}> with VARE_WANTRES
-Result of ${:!echo "\$UT_VAR"!} is "<defined>" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, defined)
+Var_Parse: ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:O:u} (eval)
+Applying ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:O} to "UT_VAR" (eval, none, regular)
+Result of ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:O} is "UT_VAR" (eval, none, regular)
+Applying ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:u} to "UT_VAR" (eval, none, regular)
+Result of ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:u} is "UT_VAR" (eval, none, regular)
+Var_Parse: ${UT_VAR} (eval)
+Var_Parse: ${REF}> (eval)
+Result of ${:!echo "\$UT_VAR"!} is "<defined>" (eval-defined, none, defined)
 lhs = "<defined>", rhs = "<defined>", op = !=
 ParseReadLine (61): 'all:'
diff -r 47a57bd87aa2 -r bec78fec64b7 usr.bin/make/unit-tests/directive-unexport-env.exp
--- a/usr.bin/make/unit-tests/directive-unexport-env.exp        Mon Mar 15 12:15:03 2021 +0000
+++ b/usr.bin/make/unit-tests/directive-unexport-env.exp        Mon Mar 15 15:39:13 2021 +0000
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
 Global:UT_UNEXPORTED = value
 make: "" line 21: The directive .unexport-env does not take arguments
-Applying ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:O} to "UT_EXPORTED" (VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
-Result of ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:O} is "UT_EXPORTED" (VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
-Applying ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:u} to "UT_EXPORTED" (VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
-Result of ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:u} is "UT_EXPORTED" (VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
+Var_Parse: ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:O:u} (eval)
+Applying ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:O} to "UT_EXPORTED" (eval, none, regular)
+Result of ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:O} is "UT_EXPORTED" (eval, none, regular)
+Applying ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:u} to "UT_EXPORTED" (eval, none, regular)
+Result of ${.MAKE.EXPORTED:u} is "UT_EXPORTED" (eval, none, regular)
 Unexporting "UT_EXPORTED"
 Global:delete .MAKE.EXPORTED
 Global:.MAKEFLAGS =  -r -k -d v -d
diff -r 47a57bd87aa2 -r bec78fec64b7 usr.bin/make/unit-tests/var-eval-short.exp
--- a/usr.bin/make/unit-tests/var-eval-short.exp        Mon Mar 15 12:15:03 2021 +0000
+++ b/usr.bin/make/unit-tests/var-eval-short.exp        Mon Mar 15 15:39:13 2021 +0000
@@ -3,21 +3,21 @@
 make: "" line 91: Invalid time value: ${FAIL}}
 make: "" line 91: Malformed conditional (0 && ${:Uword:localtime=${FAIL}})
 CondParser_Eval: 0 && ${0:?${FAIL}then:${FAIL}else}
-Var_Parse: ${0:?${FAIL}then:${FAIL}else} with none
-Applying ${0:?...} to "" (none, none, undefined)
+Var_Parse: ${0:?${FAIL}then:${FAIL}else} (parse-only)
+Applying ${0:?...} to "" (parse-only, none, undefined)
 Modifier part: "${FAIL}then"
 Modifier part: "${FAIL}else"
-Result of ${0:?${FAIL}then:${FAIL}else} is "" (none, none, defined)
+Result of ${0:?${FAIL}then:${FAIL}else} is "" (parse-only, none, defined)
 ParseReadLine (156): 'DEFINED= defined'
 Global:DEFINED = defined
 CondParser_Eval: 0 && ${DEFINED:L:?${FAIL}then:${FAIL}else}
-Var_Parse: ${DEFINED:L:?${FAIL}then:${FAIL}else} with none
-Applying ${DEFINED:L} to "defined" (none, none, regular)
-Result of ${DEFINED:L} is "defined" (none, none, regular)
-Applying ${DEFINED:?...} to "defined" (none, none, regular)
+Var_Parse: ${DEFINED:L:?${FAIL}then:${FAIL}else} (parse-only)
+Applying ${DEFINED:L} to "defined" (parse-only, none, regular)
+Result of ${DEFINED:L} is "defined" (parse-only, none, regular)
+Applying ${DEFINED:?...} to "defined" (parse-only, none, regular)
 Modifier part: "${FAIL}then"
 Modifier part: "${FAIL}else"
-Result of ${DEFINED:?${FAIL}then:${FAIL}else} is "defined" (none, none, regular)
+Result of ${DEFINED:?${FAIL}then:${FAIL}else} is "defined" (parse-only, none, regular)
 ParseReadLine (159): '.MAKEFLAGS: -d0'
 ParseDoDependency(.MAKEFLAGS: -d0)
 Global:.MAKEFLAGS =  -r -k -d cpv -d
diff -r 47a57bd87aa2 -r bec78fec64b7 usr.bin/make/unit-tests/var-op-append.exp
--- a/usr.bin/make/unit-tests/var-op-append.exp Mon Mar 15 12:15:03 2021 +0000
+++ b/usr.bin/make/unit-tests/var-op-append.exp Mon Mar 15 15:39:13 2021 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Var_Parse: ${:U\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$} with VARE_WANTRES
-Applying ${:U...} to "" (VARE_WANTRES, none, undefined)
-Result of ${:U\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$} is "$$$$$$$$" (VARE_WANTRES, none, defined)
+Var_Parse: ${:U\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$} (eval)
+Applying ${:U...} to "" (eval, none, undefined)
+Result of ${:U\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$} is "$$$$$$$$" (eval, none, defined)
 Global:VAR.$$$$$$$$ = dollars
 Global:.MAKEFLAGS =  -r -k -d v -d
 Global:.MAKEFLAGS =  -r -k -d v -d 0
diff -r 47a57bd87aa2 -r bec78fec64b7 usr.bin/make/unit-tests/vardebug.exp
--- a/usr.bin/make/unit-tests/vardebug.exp      Mon Mar 15 12:15:03 2021 +0000
+++ b/usr.bin/make/unit-tests/vardebug.exp      Mon Mar 15 15:39:13 2021 +0000
@@ -5,76 +5,76 @@
 Global:VAR = overwritten
 Global:delete VAR
 Global:delete VAR (not found)
-Var_Parse: ${:U} with VARE_WANTRES
-Applying ${:U} to "" (VARE_WANTRES, none, undefined)
-Result of ${:U} is "" (VARE_WANTRES, none, defined)
+Var_Parse: ${:U} (eval)
+Applying ${:U} to "" (eval, none, undefined)
+Result of ${:U} is "" (eval, none, defined)
 Var_Set("${:U}", "empty name", ...) name expands to empty string - ignored
-Var_Parse: ${:U} with VARE_WANTRES
-Applying ${:U} to "" (VARE_WANTRES, none, undefined)
-Result of ${:U} is "" (VARE_WANTRES, none, defined)
+Var_Parse: ${:U} (eval)
+Applying ${:U} to "" (eval, none, undefined)
+Result of ${:U} is "" (eval, none, defined)
 Var_Append("${:U}", "empty name", ...) name expands to empty string - ignored
 Global:FROM_CMDLINE = overwritten ignored!
 Global:VAR = 1
 Global:VAR = 1 2
 Global:VAR = 1 2 3
-Applying ${VAR:M...} to "1 2 3" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
+Var_Parse: ${VAR:M[2]} (eval-defined)
+Applying ${VAR:M...} to "1 2 3" (eval-defined, none, regular)
 Pattern[VAR] for [1 2 3] is [[2]]
 ModifyWords: split "1 2 3" into 3 words
 VarMatch [1] [[2]]
 VarMatch [2] [[2]]
 VarMatch [3] [[2]]
-Result of ${VAR:M[2]} is "2" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
-Applying ${VAR:N...} to "1 2 3" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
+Result of ${VAR:M[2]} is "2" (eval-defined, none, regular)
+Var_Parse: ${VAR:N[2]} (eval-defined)
+Applying ${VAR:N...} to "1 2 3" (eval-defined, none, regular)
 Pattern[VAR] for [1 2 3] is [[2]]
 ModifyWords: split "1 2 3" into 3 words
-Result of ${VAR:N[2]} is "1 3" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
-Var_Parse: ${VAR:S,2,two,} with VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES
-Applying ${VAR:S...} to "1 2 3" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
+Result of ${VAR:N[2]} is "1 3" (eval-defined, none, regular)
+Var_Parse: ${VAR:S,2,two,} (eval-defined)
+Applying ${VAR:S...} to "1 2 3" (eval-defined, none, regular)
 Modifier part: "2"
 Modifier part: "two"
 ModifyWords: split "1 2 3" into 3 words
-Result of ${VAR:S,2,two,} is "1 two 3" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
-Applying ${VAR:Q} to "1 2 3" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
-Result of ${VAR:Q} is "1\ 2\ 3" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
-Var_Parse: ${VAR:tu:tl:Q} with VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES
-Applying ${VAR:t...} to "1 2 3" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
-Result of ${VAR:tu} is "1 2 3" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
-Applying ${VAR:t...} to "1 2 3" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
-Result of ${VAR:tl} is "1 2 3" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
-Applying ${VAR:Q} to "1 2 3" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
-Result of ${VAR:Q} is "1\ 2\ 3" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, regular)
-Var_Parse: ${:Uvalue:${:UM*e}:Mvalu[e]} with VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES
-Applying ${:U...} to "" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, undefined)
-Result of ${:Uvalue} is "value" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, defined)
-Var_Parse: ${:UM*e}:Mvalu[e]} with VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES
-Applying ${:U...} to "" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, undefined)
-Result of ${:UM*e} is "M*e" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, defined)
+Result of ${VAR:S,2,two,} is "1 two 3" (eval-defined, none, regular)
+Var_Parse: ${VAR:Q} (eval-defined)
+Applying ${VAR:Q} to "1 2 3" (eval-defined, none, regular)
+Result of ${VAR:Q} is "1\ 2\ 3" (eval-defined, none, regular)
+Var_Parse: ${VAR:tu:tl:Q} (eval-defined)
+Applying ${VAR:t...} to "1 2 3" (eval-defined, none, regular)
+Result of ${VAR:tu} is "1 2 3" (eval-defined, none, regular)
+Applying ${VAR:t...} to "1 2 3" (eval-defined, none, regular)
+Result of ${VAR:tl} is "1 2 3" (eval-defined, none, regular)
+Applying ${VAR:Q} to "1 2 3" (eval-defined, none, regular)
+Result of ${VAR:Q} is "1\ 2\ 3" (eval-defined, none, regular)
+Var_Parse: ${:Uvalue:${:UM*e}:Mvalu[e]} (eval-defined)
+Applying ${:U...} to "" (eval-defined, none, undefined)
+Result of ${:Uvalue} is "value" (eval-defined, none, defined)
+Var_Parse: ${:UM*e}:Mvalu[e]} (eval-defined)
+Applying ${:U...} to "" (eval-defined, none, undefined)
+Result of ${:UM*e} is "M*e" (eval-defined, none, defined)
 Indirect modifier "M*e" from "${:UM*e}"
-Applying ${:M...} to "value" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, defined)
+Applying ${:M...} to "value" (eval-defined, none, defined)
 Pattern[] for [value] is [*e]
 ModifyWords: split "value" into 1 words
 VarMatch [value] [*e]
-Result of ${:M*e} is "value" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, defined)
-Applying ${:M...} to "value" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, defined)
+Result of ${:M*e} is "value" (eval-defined, none, defined)
+Applying ${:M...} to "value" (eval-defined, none, defined)
 Pattern[] for [value] is [valu[e]]
 ModifyWords: split "value" into 1 words
 VarMatch [value] [valu[e]]
-Result of ${:Mvalu[e]} is "value" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, defined)
-Var_Parse: ${:UVAR} with VARE_WANTRES
-Applying ${:U...} to "" (VARE_WANTRES, none, undefined)
-Result of ${:UVAR} is "VAR" (VARE_WANTRES, none, defined)
+Result of ${:Mvalu[e]} is "value" (eval-defined, none, defined)
+Var_Parse: ${:UVAR} (eval)
+Applying ${:U...} to "" (eval, none, undefined)
+Result of ${:UVAR} is "VAR" (eval, none, defined)
 Global:delete VAR
-Var_Parse: ${:Uvariable:unknown} with VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES
-Applying ${:U...} to "" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, undefined)
-Result of ${:Uvariable} is "variable" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, defined)
-Applying ${:u...} to "variable" (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, defined)
+Var_Parse: ${:Uvariable:unknown} (eval-defined)
+Applying ${:U...} to "" (eval-defined, none, undefined)
+Result of ${:Uvariable} is "variable" (eval-defined, none, defined)
+Applying ${:u...} to "variable" (eval-defined, none, defined)
 make: "" line 44: Unknown modifier "unknown"
-Result of ${:unknown} is error (VARE_UNDEFERR|VARE_WANTRES, none, defined)
+Result of ${:unknown} is error (eval-defined, none, defined)
 make: "" line 44: Malformed conditional (${:Uvariable:unknown})
+Var_Parse: ${UNDEFINED} (eval-defined)
 make: "" line 53: Malformed conditional (${UNDEFINED})
 Global:delete .SHELL (not found)
 Command:.SHELL = </path/to/shell>

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