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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/doc/guide/files fixes.html: Expand Github versioning g...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 436915:c1d53ef79b47
user:      bacon <>
date:      Tue Aug 11 20:32:58 2020 +0000

fixes.html: Expand Github versioning guide

Split section on Github commits into two:

1. Commits before the first release (recommend 0.0.0.N)
2. Commits between releases (use git describe --tags)

Also clean up indentation and remove zero-width space chars that were not
rendering properly.


 doc/guide/files/fixes.xml |  62 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diffs (102 lines):

diff -r 1116757c98a3 -r c1d53ef79b47 doc/guide/files/fixes.xml
--- a/doc/guide/files/fixes.xml Tue Aug 11 18:48:57 2020 +0000
+++ b/doc/guide/files/fixes.xml Tue Aug 11 20:32:58 2020 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<!-- $NetBSD: fixes.xml,v 1.158 2020/06/18 20:30:12 wiz Exp $ -->
+<!-- $NetBSD: fixes.xml,v 1.159 2020/08/11 20:32:58 bacon Exp $ -->
 <chapter id="fixes"> <?dbhtml filename="fixes.html"?>
 <title>Making your package work</title>
@@ -1017,48 +1017,76 @@
       <title>Fetch based on a tagged release</title>
       <para>If your distfile URL looks similar to
-      <literal></literal>,
+      <literal></literal>,
       then you are packaging a tagged release.</para>
-DISTNAME=       exampleproject-1.0
+DISTNAME=       example-1.0
-#GITHUB_PROJECT=        # can be omitted if same as DISTNAME
+#GITHUB_PROJECT= example    # can be omitted if same as DISTNAME
-    <sect3 id="build.fetch.github.commit">
-      <title>Fetch based on a specific commit</title>
-      <para>If your distfile URL looks similar to
-      <literal>;/example&#x200B;/example&#x200B;/archive&#x200B;/988881adc9fc3655077dc2d4d757d480b5ea0e11.tar.gz</literal>,
-      then you are packaging a specific commit not tied to a
-      release.</para>
+    <sect3 id="build.fetch.github.commit.prerelease">
+      <title>Fetch based on a specific commit before the first release</title>
+      <para>If your distfile looks similar to
+      <literal></literal> and is from a commit before the first
+      release, then set the package version to 0.0.0.N, where N is the number
+      of commits to the repository, and set GITHUB_TAG to the commit hash.
+      This will (almost) ensure that the first tagged release will have a
+      version greater than this one so that package upgrades will function
+      properly.</para>
-DISTNAME=       example-1.0
-#GITHUB_PROJECT=        # can be omitted if same as DISTNAME
+DISTNAME=       example-
+#GITHUB_PROJECT= example    # can be omitted if same as DISTNAME
 GITHUB_TAG=     988881adc9fc3655077dc2d4d757d480b5ea0e11
+    </sect3>
+    <sect3 id="build.fetch.github.commit.postrelease">
+      <title>Fetch based on a specific commit after a release</title>
+      <para>If your distfile looks similar to
+      <literal></literal> and is from a commit after a release,
+      then include the last release version and the commit count since that
+      release in the package version and set GITHUB_TAG to the commit hash.
+      The latest release and commit count are shown in the output of
+      "git describe --tags":
+      </para>
+# git clone
+# cd example
+# git describe --tags
+DISTNAME=       example-
+#GITHUB_PROJECT= example    # can be omitted if same as DISTNAME
+GITHUB_TAG=     988881adc9fc3655077dc2d4d757d480b5ea0e11
     <sect3 id="build.fetch.github.release">
       <title>Fetch based on release</title>
       <para>If your distfile URL looks similar to
-      <literal>;/username/exampleproject&#x200B;/releases&#x200B;/download&#x200B;/rel-1.6&#x200B;/</literal>,
+      <literal></literal>,
       then you are packaging a release.</para>
 DISTNAME=       offensive-1.6
 PKGNAME=        ${DISTNAME:S/offensive/proper/}
-GITHUB_PROJECT= exampleproject
 GITHUB_RELEASE= rel-${PKGVERSION_NOREV} # usually just set this to ${DISTNAME}

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