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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/devel/fossil Update devel/fossil to 2.11

branches:  trunk
changeset: 432890:551a0d5e60f8
user:      js <>
date:      Tue May 26 20:42:51 2020 +0000

Update devel/fossil to 2.11

Changes for Version 2.11 (2020-05-25)

  *  Support Markdown in the default ticket configuration.
  *  Timestamp strings in object names can now omit punctation. So, for
     example, "202004181942" and "2020-04-18 19:42" mean the same thing.
  *  Enhance backlink processing so that it works with Markdown-formatted
     tickets and so that it works for wiki pages.
     fossil rebuild is needed to take full advantage of this fix.
     Fossil will continue to work without the rebuild, but the new
     backlinks will be missing.
  *  The algorithm for finding the location of the configuration database
     is enhanced to be XDG-compliant.
  *  Add a hide/show feature to associated wiki display on check-in and
     branch information pages.
  *  Enhance the fossil info command so that it works with no arguments
     even if not within an open check-out.
  *  Many improvements to the forum and especially email notification
     of forum posts, in response to community feedback after switching
     SQLite support from a mailing list over to the forum.
  *  Minimum length of a self-registered user ID increased from 3 to 6
  *  When the "vfx" query parameter is used on the /timeline page, it
     causes the complete text of forum posts to be displayed.
  *  Rework the "fossil grep" command to be more useful.
  *  Expose the redirect-to-https setting to the settings command.
  *  Improve support for CGI on IIS web servers.
  *  The /ext page can now render index files, in the same way as the
     embedded docs.
  *  Most commands now support the Unix-conventional "--" flag to treat
     all following arguments as filenames instead of flags.
  *  Added the mimetypes config setting (versionable) to enable mimetype
     overrides and custom definitions.
  *  Add an option on the /Admin/Timeline setup page to set a default
     timeline style other than "Modern".
  *  In embedded documentation, hyperlink URLs of the form
     "/doc/$CURRENT/..." the "$CURRENT" text is translated into the
     check-in hash for the document currently being viewed.
  *  Added the /phantoms webpage that shows all phantom artifacts.
  *  Enhancements to phantom processing to try to reduce
     bandwidth-using chatter about phantoms on the sync protocol.
  *  Security: Fossil now assumes that the schema of every
     database it opens has been tampered with by an adversary and takes
     extra precautions to ensure that such tampering is harmless.
  *  Security: Fossil now puts the Content-Security-Policy in the HTTP
     reply header, in addition to also leaving it in the HTML <head>
     section, so that it is always available, even if a custom skin
     overrides the HTML <head> and omits the CSP in the process.
  *  Output of the fossil diff -y command automatically adjusts
     according to the terminal width.
  *  The Content-Security-Policy is now set using the default-csp
  *  Merge conflicts caused via the merge and update commands no longer
     leave temporary files behind unless the new --keep-merge-files flag
     is used.
  *  The /artifact_stats page is now accessible to all users if the new
     "artifact_stats_enable" setting is turned on. There is a new
     checkbox under the /Admin/Access menu to turn that capability on
     and off.
  *  Add the fossil tls-config command for viewing the TLS configuration
     and the list of SSL Cert exceptions.
  *  Captchas all include a button to read the captcha using an audio
     file, so that they can be completed by the visually impaired.
  *  Stop using the IP address as part of the login cookie.
  *  Bug fix: fix the SSL cert validation logic so that if an exception
     is allowed for particular site, the exception expires as soon as the
     cert changes values.
  *  Bug fix: the FTS search into for forum posts is now kept up-to-date
  *  Bug fix: the "fossil git export" command is now working on Windows
  *  Bug fix: display Technote items on the timeline correctly
  *  Bug fix: fix the capability summary matrix of the Security Audit
     page so that it does not add "anonymous" capabilities to the
     "nobody" user.
  *  Update internal Unicode character tables, used in regular expression
     handling, from version 12.1 to 13.
  *  Many documentation enhancements.
  *  Many minor enhancements to existing features.


 devel/fossil/Makefile |   5 ++---
 devel/fossil/distinfo |  10 +++++-----
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diffs (29 lines):

diff -r 060d9fbfc268 -r 551a0d5e60f8 devel/fossil/Makefile
--- a/devel/fossil/Makefile     Tue May 26 16:54:06 2020 +0000
+++ b/devel/fossil/Makefile     Tue May 26 20:42:51 2020 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.55 2020/04/12 08:28:29 adam Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.56 2020/05/26 20:42:51 js Exp $
-DISTNAME=      fossil-src-2.10
+DISTNAME=      fossil-src-2.11
 PKGNAME=       ${DISTNAME:S/-src//}
 WRKSRC=                ${WRKDIR}/${PKGNAME_NOREV}
 CATEGORIES=    devel scm
diff -r 060d9fbfc268 -r 551a0d5e60f8 devel/fossil/distinfo
--- a/devel/fossil/distinfo     Tue May 26 16:54:06 2020 +0000
+++ b/devel/fossil/distinfo     Tue May 26 20:42:51 2020 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.34 2019/10/05 20:53:01 gutteridge Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.35 2020/05/26 20:42:51 js Exp $
-SHA1 (fossil-src-2.10.tar.gz) = db68c266c2df094972ce7c38a0e2e0294b7b2f1f
-RMD160 (fossil-src-2.10.tar.gz) = e4ac6020a0369b3aff8942e06f45fe0de6cd3f50
-SHA512 (fossil-src-2.10.tar.gz) = aad54e3eaa2d647257c5c723fca4e55981aac0432d3d0b4deaa9651c7db7d27cb9f26f7ff40c31c452cb8dd54b0f0663c632183dc11982bc9cc24adf78b952e5
-Size (fossil-src-2.10.tar.gz) = 5634327 bytes
+SHA1 (fossil-src-2.11.tar.gz) = 63187b7254d21b3a03ff468e7dbb120de8699c88
+RMD160 (fossil-src-2.11.tar.gz) = a9bc0e50783451c2c67481f0f58d711d0e785ceb
+SHA512 (fossil-src-2.11.tar.gz) = 0489b5b8595a0c50c8a7d787ff2d4a30980dce83b33052f7bf8f4630320fe8a0276bc73a00f3ced2962a474df1fddb2dd2e0d70f8854e1fc83e3746ea63b6ba1
+Size (fossil-src-2.11.tar.gz) = 5850256 bytes
 SHA1 (patch-src_sqlite3.c) = cccf9af1ba8695dedcc5487234541d11f4538f8d

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