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[src/netbsd-7]: src/sbin/atactl Pull up following revision(s) (requested by m...

branches:  netbsd-7
changeset: 798520:569cbc5eba62
user:      snj <>
date:      Sun Nov 09 19:23:04 2014 +0000

Pull up following revision(s) (requested by mrg in ticket #196):
        sbin/atactl/atactl.c: revision 1.74
add a whole bunch of S.M.A.R.T. status i found around various sources.
now nothing on my new SSD is unknown, except #249.


 sbin/atactl/atactl.c |  26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diffs (57 lines):

diff -r 1bdfc0412bed -r 569cbc5eba62 sbin/atactl/atactl.c
--- a/sbin/atactl/atactl.c      Sun Nov 09 19:06:57 2014 +0000
+++ b/sbin/atactl/atactl.c      Sun Nov 09 19:23:04 2014 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: atactl.c,v 1.73 2013/12/09 09:35:16 wiz Exp $  */
+/*     $NetBSD: atactl.c,v 2014/11/09 19:23:04 snj Exp $      */
  * Copyright (c) 1998 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
 #ifndef lint
-__RCSID("$NetBSD: atactl.c,v 1.73 2013/12/09 09:35:16 wiz Exp $");
+__RCSID("$NetBSD: atactl.c,v 2014/11/09 19:23:04 snj Exp $");
@@ -273,8 +273,27 @@
        {  11,          "Calibration retry count", NULL },
        {  12,          "Device power cycle count", NULL },
        {  13,          "Soft read error rate", NULL },
+       { 100,          "Erase/Program Cycles", NULL },
+       { 103,          "Translation Table Rebuild", NULL },
+       { 170,          "Reserved Block Count", NULL },
+       { 171,          "Program Fail Count", NULL },
+       { 172,          "Erase Fail Count", NULL },
+       { 173,          "Wear Leveller Worst Case Erase Count", NULL },
+       { 174,          "Unexpected Power Loss", NULL },
+       { 175,          "Program Fail Count", NULL },
+       { 176,          "Erase Fail Count", NULL },
+       { 177,          "Wear Leveling Count", NULL },
+       { 178,          "Used Reserved Block Count", NULL },
+       { 179,          "Used Reserved Block Count", NULL },
+       { 180,          "Unused Reserved Block Count", NULL },
+       { 181,          "Program Fail Count", NULL },
+       { 182,          "Erase Fail Count", NULL },
+       { 183,          "SATA Downshift Error Count", NULL },
        { 184,          "End-to-end error", NULL },
+       { 185,          "Head Stability", NULL },
+       { 186,          "Induced Op-Vibration Detection", NULL },
        { 187,          "Reported uncorrect", NULL },
+       { 188,          "Command Timeout", NULL },
        { 189,          "High Fly Writes", NULL },
        { 190,          "Airflow Temperature",          device_smart_temp },
        { 191,          "G-sense error rate", NULL },
@@ -310,7 +329,10 @@
        { 232,          "Available reserved space", NULL },
        { 233,          "Media wearout indicator", NULL },
        { 240,          "Head flying hours", NULL },
+       { 241,          "Total LBAs Written", NULL },
+       { 242,          "Total LBAs Read", NULL },
        { 250,          "Read error retry rate", NULL },
+       { 254,          "Free Fall Sensor", NULL },
        {   0,          "Unknown", NULL },

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