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[src/trunk]: src/crypto/external/bsd/netpgp/dist/src centralize the conversio...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 829559:01963e599534
user:      christos <>
date:      Mon Feb 05 23:56:01 2018 +0000

centralize the conversion functions and make this work with both
openssl-1.0 and 1.1


 crypto/external/bsd/netpgp/dist/src/lib/openssl_crypto.c |  260 +++++++++-----
 crypto/external/bsd/netpgp/dist/src/lib/signature.c      |   13 +-
 crypto/external/bsd/netpgp/dist/src/netpgp/Makefile      |  100 ++---
 3 files changed, 224 insertions(+), 149 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 658 to 300 lines):

diff -r 47f500f050bd -r 01963e599534 crypto/external/bsd/netpgp/dist/src/lib/openssl_crypto.c
--- a/crypto/external/bsd/netpgp/dist/src/lib/openssl_crypto.c  Mon Feb 05 22:14:26 2018 +0000
+++ b/crypto/external/bsd/netpgp/dist/src/lib/openssl_crypto.c  Mon Feb 05 23:56:01 2018 +0000
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 #if defined(__NetBSD__)
 __COPYRIGHT("@(#) Copyright (c) 2009 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.");
-__RCSID("$NetBSD: openssl_crypto.c,v 1.33 2010/11/07 08:39:59 agc Exp $");
+__RCSID("$NetBSD: openssl_crypto.c,v 1.34 2018/02/05 23:56:01 christos Exp $");
@@ -89,18 +89,144 @@
 #include "netpgpdigest.h"
 #include "packet.h"
+static void
+takeRSA(const RSA *orsa, pgp_rsa_pubkey_t *pk, pgp_rsa_seckey_t *sk)
+       const BIGNUM *n, *e, *d, *q, *p;
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L
+       RSA_get0_key(orsa, &n, &e, &d);
+       RSA_get0_factors(orsa, &q, &p);
+       n = orsa->n;
+       e = orsa->e;
+       d = orsa->d;
+       p = orsa->p;
+       q = orsa->q;
+       if (sk) {
+               sk->d = BN_dup(d);
+               sk->p = BN_dup(p);
+               sk->q = BN_dup(q);
+       }
+       if (pk) {
+               pk->n = BN_dup(n);
+               pk->e = BN_dup(e);
+       }
+static RSA *
+makeRSA(const pgp_rsa_pubkey_t *pubkey, const pgp_rsa_seckey_t *seckey)
+       BIGNUM  *n, *e, *d, *p, *q;
+       RSA *orsa;
+       orsa = RSA_new();
+       n = BN_dup(pubkey->n);
+       e = BN_dup(pubkey->e);
+       if (seckey) {
+               d = BN_dup(seckey->d);
+               p = BN_dup(seckey->p);
+               q = BN_dup(seckey->q);
+       } else {
+               d = p = q = NULL;
+       }
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L
+       RSA_set0_key(orsa, n, e, d);
+       RSA_set0_factors(orsa, p, q);
+       BN_free(orsa->n);
+       BN_free(orsa->e);
+       orsa->n = n;
+       orsa->e = e;
+       if (d) {
+               BN_free(orsa->d);
+               orsa->d = d;
+       }
+       if (p) {
+               BN_free(orsa->p);
+               orsa->p = p;
+       }
+       if (q) {
+               BN_free(orsa->q);
+               orsa->q = q;
+       }
+       return orsa;
+static DSA_SIG *
+makeDSA_SIG(const pgp_dsa_sig_t *sig)
+       DSA_SIG        *osig;
+       BIGNUM         *r, *s;
+       osig = DSA_SIG_new();
+       r = BN_dup(sig->r);
+       s = BN_dup(sig->s);
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L
+       DSA_SIG_set0(osig, r, s);
+       BN_free(osig->r);
+       BN_free(osig->s);
+       osig->r = r;
+       osig->s = s;
+       return osig;
+static DSA *
+makeDSA(const pgp_dsa_pubkey_t *dsa, const pgp_dsa_seckey_t *secdsa)
+       DSA            *odsa;
+       BIGNUM         *p, *q, *g, *y, *x;
+       odsa = DSA_new();
+       p = BN_dup(dsa->p);
+       q = BN_dup(dsa->q);
+       g = BN_dup(dsa->g);
+       y = BN_dup(dsa->y);
+       x = secdsa ? secdsa->x : NULL;
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L
+       DSA_set0_key(odsa, y, x);
+       BN_free(odsa->p);
+       BN_free(odsa->q);
+       BN_free(odsa->g);
+       BN_free(odsa->pub_key);
+       odsa->p = p;
+       odsa->q = q;
+       odsa->g = g;
+       odsa->pub_key = y;
+       if (x) {
+               BN_free(odsa->priv_key);
+               odsa->priv_key = x;
+       }
+       return odsa;
+static void
+takeDSA(const DSA *odsa, pgp_dsa_seckey_t *sk)
+       const BIGNUM *x;
+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L
+       DSA_get0_key(odsa, NULL, &x);
+       x = odsa->priv_key;
+       sk->x = BN_dup(x);
 static void 
 test_seckey(const pgp_seckey_t *seckey)
-       RSA            *test = RSA_new();
-       test->n = BN_dup(seckey->pubkey.key.rsa.n);
-       test->e = BN_dup(seckey->pubkey.key.rsa.e);
-       test->d = BN_dup(seckey->key.rsa.d);
-       test->p = BN_dup(seckey->key.rsa.p);
-       test->q = BN_dup(seckey->key.rsa.q);
+       RSA *test = makeRSA(&seckey->pubkey.key.rsa, &seckey->key.rsa);
        if (RSA_check_key(test) != 1) {
                (void) fprintf(stderr,
@@ -435,25 +561,15 @@
               const pgp_dsa_pubkey_t *dsa)
        unsigned        qlen;
-       DSA_SIG        *osig;
-       DSA            *odsa;
+       DSA_SIG        *osig = makeDSA_SIG(sig);
+       DSA            *odsa = makeDSA(dsa, NULL);
        int             ret;
-       osig = DSA_SIG_new();
-       osig->r = sig->r;
-       osig->s = sig->s;
-       odsa = DSA_new();
-       odsa->p = dsa->p;
-       odsa->q = dsa->q;
-       odsa->g = dsa->g;
-       odsa->pub_key = dsa->y;
        if (pgp_get_debug_level(__FILE__)) {
                hexdump(stderr, "input hash", hash, hash_length);
-               (void) fprintf(stderr, "Q=%d\n", BN_num_bytes(odsa->q));
+               (void) fprintf(stderr, "Q=%d\n", BN_num_bytes(dsa->q));
-       if ((qlen = (unsigned)BN_num_bytes(odsa->q)) < hash_length) {
+       if ((qlen = (unsigned)BN_num_bytes(dsa->q)) < hash_length) {
                hash_length = qlen;
        ret = DSA_do_verify(hash, (int)hash_length, osig, odsa);
@@ -465,10 +581,7 @@
                return 0;
-       odsa->p = odsa->q = odsa->g = odsa->pub_key = NULL;
-       osig->r = osig->s = NULL;
        return (unsigned)ret;
@@ -489,19 +602,14 @@
                        size_t length,
                        const pgp_rsa_pubkey_t *pubkey)
-       RSA            *orsa;
-       int             n;
+       RSA            *orsa = makeRSA(pubkey, NULL);
+       int             ret;
-       orsa = RSA_new();
-       orsa->n = pubkey->n;
-       orsa->e = pubkey->e;
+       ret = RSA_public_decrypt((int)length, in, out, orsa, RSA_NO_PADDING);
-       n = RSA_public_decrypt((int)length, in, out, orsa, RSA_NO_PADDING);
-       orsa->n = orsa->e = NULL;
-       return n;
+       return ret;
@@ -521,21 +629,10 @@
                        const pgp_rsa_seckey_t *seckey,
                        const pgp_rsa_pubkey_t *pubkey)
-       RSA            *orsa;
-       int             n;
+       RSA            *orsa = makeRSA(pubkey, seckey);
+       int             ret;
-       orsa = RSA_new();
-       orsa->n = BN_dup(pubkey->n);
-       orsa->d = seckey->d;
-       orsa->p = seckey->q;    /* p and q are round the other way in openssl */
-       orsa->q = seckey->p;
-       /* debug */
-       orsa->e = BN_dup(pubkey->e);
-       /* If this isn't set, it's very likely that the programmer hasn't */
-       /* decrypted the secret key. RSA_check_key segfaults in that case. */
-       /* Use pgp_decrypt_seckey() to do that. */
-       if (orsa->d == NULL) {
+       if (seckey->d == NULL) {
                (void) fprintf(stderr, "orsa is not set\n");
                return 0;
@@ -545,12 +642,11 @@
        /* end debug */
-       n = RSA_private_encrypt((int)length, in, out, orsa, RSA_NO_PADDING);
+       ret = RSA_private_encrypt((int)length, in, out, orsa, RSA_NO_PADDING);
-       orsa->n = orsa->d = orsa->p = orsa->q = NULL;
-       return n;
+       return ret;
@@ -570,18 +666,10 @@
                        const pgp_rsa_seckey_t *seckey,
                        const pgp_rsa_pubkey_t *pubkey)
-       RSA            *keypair;
+       RSA            *keypair = makeRSA(pubkey, seckey);
        int             n;
        char            errbuf[1024];
-       keypair = RSA_new();
-       keypair->n = pubkey->n; /* XXX: do we need n? */
-       keypair->d = seckey->d;
-       keypair->p = seckey->q;
-       keypair->q = seckey->p;
-       /* debug */
-       keypair->e = pubkey->e;
        if (RSA_check_key(keypair) != 1) {
                (void) fprintf(stderr, "RSA_check_key is not set\n");
                return 0;
@@ -601,7 +689,6 @@
                ERR_error_string(err, &errbuf[0]);
                (void) fprintf(stderr, "openssl error : %s\n", errbuf);
-       keypair->n = keypair->d = keypair->p = keypair->q = NULL;
        return n;
@@ -621,15 +708,11 @@
                        size_t length,

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