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[src/perseant-stdc-iso10646]: src/sys/arch/xen/conf 2302716

branches:  perseant-stdc-iso10646
changeset: 850652:b0bdd987b6b8
user:      cherry <>
date:      Sun Jul 16 14:02:48 2017 +0000



 sys/arch/xen/conf/files.xen |  412 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 412 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 416 to 300 lines):

diff -r c85f01366e89 -r b0bdd987b6b8 sys/arch/xen/conf/files.xen
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/xen/conf/files.xen       Sun Jul 16 14:02:48 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+#      $NetBSD: files.xen,v 2017/07/16 14:02:49 cherry Exp $
+#      NetBSD: files.x86,v 1.10 2003/10/08 17:30:00 bouyer Exp 
+#      NetBSD: files.i386,v 1.254 2004/03/25 23:32:10 jmc Exp 
+ifdef i386
+maxpartitions 8
+maxpartitions 16
+maxusers 2 16 128
+defparam opt_kernbase.h        KERNBASE
+# options for MP configuration through the MP spec
+# delay before cpu_reset() for reboot.
+defparam               CPURESET_DELAY
+# splraise()/spllower() debug
+defflag        opt_spldebug.h                  SPLDEBUG
+# Beep on halt
+defflag opt_beep.h             BEEP_ONHALT
+defparam opt_beep.h            BEEP_ONHALT_COUNT=3
+defparam opt_beep.h            BEEP_ONHALT_PITCH=1500
+defparam opt_beep.h            BEEP_ONHALT_PERIOD=250
+# PCI fixup options
+defflag opt_pcifixup.h PCI_ADDR_FIXUP PCI_BUS_FIXUP
+                       PCI_INTR_FIXUP PCI_INTR_FIXUP_FORCE
+defparam               PCI_CONF_MODE
+file   arch/xen/x86/autoconf.c
+ifdef i386
+file   arch/i386/i386/aout_machdep.c   exec_aout
+file   arch/i386/i386/busfunc.S
+file   arch/i386/i386/cpufunc.S
+file   arch/i386/i386/cpu_in_cksum.S   (inet | inet6) & cpu_in_cksum
+file   arch/i386/i386/db_disasm.c      ddb
+file   arch/i386/i386/db_interface.c   ddb
+file   arch/i386/i386/db_machdep.c     ddb
+file   arch/i386/i386/dumpsys.c
+file   arch/i386/i386/gdt.c
+file   arch/i386/i386/ipkdb_glue.c     ipkdb
+file   arch/i386/i386/kgdb_machdep.c   kgdb
+file   arch/i386/i386/kobj_machdep.c   modular
+file   arch/i386/i386/machdep.c
+file   arch/i386/i386/longrun.c
+file   arch/i386/i386/mtrr_k6.c        mtrr
+file   arch/i386/i386/process_machdep.c
+file   arch/i386/i386/trap.c
+file   arch/i386/i386/lock_stubs.S
+file   crypto/des/arch/i386/des_enc.S          des
+file   crypto/des/arch/i386/des_cbc.S          des
+file   crypto/blowfish/arch/i386/bf_enc.S      blowfish
+file   crypto/blowfish/arch/i386/bf_cbc.S      blowfish
+elifdef amd64
+file   arch/amd64/amd64/busfunc.S
+file   arch/amd64/amd64/cpufunc.S
+file   arch/amd64/amd64/cpu_in_cksum.S         (inet | inet6) & cpu_in_cksum
+file   arch/amd64/amd64/db_disasm.c            ddb
+file   arch/amd64/amd64/db_interface.c         ddb
+file   arch/amd64/amd64/db_machdep.c           ddb
+file   arch/amd64/amd64/kgdb_machdep.c  kgdb
+file   arch/amd64/amd64/kobj_machdep.c         modular
+file   arch/amd64/amd64/gdt.c
+file   arch/amd64/amd64/machdep.c
+file   arch/amd64/amd64/process_machdep.c
+file   arch/amd64/amd64/trap.c
+file   arch/amd64/amd64/lock_stubs.S
+file   kern/subr_disk_mbr.c            disk
+file   uvm/pmap/pmap_pvt.c
+file   arch/x86/x86/convert_xmm_s87.c
+file   arch/x86/x86/db_memrw.c         ddb | kgdb
+file   arch/x86/x86/db_trace.c         ddb
+file   arch/x86/x86/fpu.c
+file   arch/x86/x86/dbregs.c
+file   arch/xen/x86/hypervisor_machdep.c
+# file         arch/x86/x86/mtrr_i686.c        mtrr
+file   arch/x86/x86/syscall.c
+file   arch/xen/x86/x86_xpmap.c
+file   arch/xen/x86/xen_pmap.c
+file   arch/xen/x86/xen_intr.c
+file   arch/xen/x86/xenfunc.c
+file   arch/xen/xen/xen_ucode.c        dom0ops & cpu_ucode needs-flag
+file   arch/x86/x86/cpu_ucode_amd.c    dom0ops & cpu_ucode needs-flag
+file   arch/x86/x86/cpu_ucode_intel.c  dom0ops & cpu_ucode needs-flag
+file   arch/xen/xen/xen_machdep.c
+file   arch/xen/xen/xen_debug.c
+file   arch/xen/xen/clock.c
+file   arch/x86/isa/rtc.c              dom0ops
+file   arch/xen/xen/evtchn.c
+file   arch/xen/xen/xengnt.c
+file   arch/x86/x86/cpu_rng.c
+file   dev/cons.c
+# Stack-less Just-In-Time compiler
+include        "external/bsd/sljit/conf/files.sljit"
+# Machine-independent SCSI drivers
+include        "dev/scsipi/files.scsipi"
+# Machine-independent ATA drivers
+include        "dev/ata/files.ata"
+# Memory Disk for install floppy
+file   dev/md_root.c                   memory_disk_hooks
+file   arch/x86/x86/bus_dma.c          machdep
+file   arch/x86/x86/core_machdep.c     coredump
+file   arch/xen/x86/xen_bus_dma.c      machdep
+file   arch/x86/x86/bus_space.c        machdep
+file   arch/xen/x86/consinit.c         machdep
+file   arch/x86/x86/identcpu.c         machdep
+file   arch/xen/x86/intr.c             machdep
+file   arch/xen/x86/xen_ipi.c          multiprocessor
+file   arch/x86/x86/pmap.c             machdep
+file   arch/x86/x86/pmap_tlb.c         machdep
+file   arch/x86/x86/procfs_machdep.c   procfs
+file   arch/x86/x86/sys_machdep.c      machdep
+file   arch/x86/x86/tsc.c              machdep
+file   arch/x86/x86/vm_machdep.c       machdep
+file   arch/x86/x86/x86_machdep.c      machdep
+file   arch/x86/x86/cpu_topology.c     machdep
+file   arch/x86/x86/platform.c         machdep
+include        "arch/xen/conf/files.compat"
+# BIOS32 routines
+define bios32
+ifdef i386
+file   arch/i386/i386/bios32.c         bios32 needs-flag
+elifdef amd64
+file   arch/amd64/amd64/bios32.c       bios32 needs-flag
+# xen specific mainbus attributes
+define cpubus { [apid = -1] }
+define cpufeaturebus {}
+define ioapicbus { [apid = -1] }
+define apmbus {}
+define pnpbiosbus {}
+define hypervisorbus {}
+define xendevbus {}
+define ipmibus {}
+# System bus types
+device mainbus: cpubus, ioapicbus, hypervisorbus, bios32, ipmibus
+attach mainbus at root
+file   arch/xen/x86/mainbus.c          mainbus
+# Xen hypervisor
+device hypervisor { [apid = -1]}: isabus, pcibus, sysmon_power, xendevbus, acpibus
+attach hypervisor at hypervisorbus
+file   arch/xen/xen/hypervisor.c       hypervisor needs-flag
+file   arch/xen/xen/shutdown_xenbus.c  hypervisor
+# Xenbus
+device xenbus {[id = -1]}
+attach xenbus at xendevbus
+file arch/xen/xenbus/xenbus_client.c xenbus needs-flag
+file arch/xen/xenbus/xenbus_comms.c xenbus needs-flag
+file arch/xen/xenbus/xenbus_dev.c xenbus needs-flag
+file arch/xen/xenbus/xenbus_probe.c xenbus needs-flag
+file arch/xen/xenbus/xenbus_xs.c xenbus needs-flag
+# Xen console support
+device xencons: tty
+attach xencons at xendevbus
+file   arch/xen/xen/xencons.c          xencons needs-flag
+# Xen event peudo-device
+defpseudo xenevt
+defpseudo xvif
+defpseudo xbdback
+# Xen Network driver
+device xennet: arp, ether, ifnet
+attach xennet at xenbus
+file   arch/xen/xen/if_xennet_xenbus.c xennet needs-flag
+# Xen Block device driver and wd/sd/cd identities
+device xbd: disk
+attach xbd at xenbus
+file   arch/xen/xen/xbd_xenbus.c       xbd
+# PCI frontend
+device xpci: pcibus
+attach xpci at xenbus with xpci_xenbus
+file   arch/xen/xen/xpci_xenbus.c      xpci_xenbus
+# Xen Balloon driver
+device balloon
+attach balloon at xenbus
+file   arch/xen/xen/balloon.c          balloon
+# Non-Xen specific devices and options
+include        "dev/pckbport/files.pckbport"
+# Machine-independent PCI devices
+include "dev/i2o/files.i2o"
+include "dev/pci/files.pci"
+include "dev/pci/files.agp"
+file   arch/xen/xen/pciide_machdep.c   pciide_common
+device pciback {unit = -1}
+attach pciback at pci
+file   arch/xen/xen/pciback.c          pciback
+# x86 specific PCI hardware
+include "arch/x86/pci/files.pci"
+# Machine-independent ISA devices
+include "dev/isa/files.isa"
+include "dev/usb/files.usb"
+include "dev/ieee1394/files.ieee1394"
+device fdc {drive = -1} #XXX
+include "dev/apm/files.apm"
+include "dev/acpi/files.acpi"
+file   arch/xen/xen/xen_acpi_machdep.c acpi
+file   arch/x86/x86/mpacpi.c           acpi
+file   arch/x86/x86/i8259.c
+# Stubs for x86 routines not included in the system
+file   arch/x86/x86/x86_stub.c
+# MP configuration using Intel SMP specification 1.4
+file   arch/x86/x86/mpbios.c           mpbios
+# MP configuration using either ACPI or Intel SMP specification 1.4
+file   arch/x86/x86/mp.c               acpi | mpbios
+file   arch/x86/pci/pci_bus_fixup.c    pci_bus_fixup
+file   arch/x86/pci/pci_addr_fixup.c   pci_addr_fixup
+file   arch/x86/x86/apic.c             ioapic
+file   arch/x86/x86/nmi.c
+file   arch/x86/acpi/acpi_machdep.c    acpi
+file   arch/x86/acpi/acpi_pdc.c        acpi
+device ioapic
+attach ioapic at ioapicbus
+file   arch/x86/x86/ioapic.c           ioapic needs-flag
+#IPMI device
+device ipmi : sysmon_envsys, sysmon_wdog
+attach ipmi at ipmibus
+file   arch/x86/x86/ipmi.c             ipmi needs-flag
+# CPUs
+device cpu: cpufeaturebus
+attach cpu at cpubus
+device vcpu
+attach vcpu at xendevbus

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