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[src/trunk]: src/sys/arch/x86/x86 Downgrade the direct map from 1GB superpage...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 828714:03328f2ee806
user:      maxv <>
date:      Thu Dec 28 13:46:10 2017 +0000

Downgrade the direct map from 1GB superpages to 2MB large pages, and
simplify. Then, map the "head" region and the kernel segments as RO instead
of RW, to kill the last place that has .text mapped as writable. It will
also allow for a greater number of possibilities when we will randomize
the direct map.

While it is true that this change theoretically reduces performance a bit,
we are more interested in correctness.


 sys/arch/x86/x86/pmap.c |  126 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)

diffs (178 lines):

diff -r 89b468194a89 -r 03328f2ee806 sys/arch/x86/x86/pmap.c
--- a/sys/arch/x86/x86/pmap.c   Thu Dec 28 09:47:52 2017 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/x86/x86/pmap.c   Thu Dec 28 13:46:10 2017 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: pmap.c,v 1.267 2017/11/22 21:26:01 christos Exp $      */
+/*     $NetBSD: pmap.c,v 1.268 2017/12/28 13:46:10 maxv Exp $  */
  * Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, 2016, 2017 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
-__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: pmap.c,v 1.267 2017/11/22 21:26:01 christos Exp $");
+__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: pmap.c,v 1.268 2017/12/28 13:46:10 maxv Exp $");
 #include "opt_user_ldt.h"
 #include "opt_lockdebug.h"
@@ -1419,7 +1419,9 @@
- * Create the amd64 direct map. Called only once at boot time.
+ * Create the amd64 direct map. Called only once at boot time. We map all of
+ * the physical memory contiguously using 2MB large pages, with RW permissions.
+ * However there is a hole: the kernel is mapped with RO permissions.
 static void
 pmap_init_directmap(struct pmap *kpm)
@@ -1427,19 +1429,24 @@
        extern phys_ram_seg_t mem_clusters[];
        extern int mem_cluster_cnt;
-       paddr_t lastpa, L2page_pa, L3page_pa, pdp;
+       const vaddr_t startva = PMAP_DIRECT_BASE;
+       size_t nL4e, nL3e, nL2e;
+       size_t L4e_idx, L3e_idx, L2e_idx;
+       size_t spahole, epahole;
+       paddr_t lastpa, pa;
        vaddr_t tmpva;
        pt_entry_t *pte;
-       pd_entry_t *pde;
        phys_ram_seg_t *mc;
-       size_t nL4e, nL3e, nL2e;
-       size_t pn, npd;
-       int i, n;
+       int i;
        const pd_entry_t pteflags = PG_V | PG_KW | pmap_pg_nx;
+       const pd_entry_t holepteflags = PG_V | pmap_pg_nx;
+       spahole = roundup(, NBPD_L2);
+       epahole = rounddown(, NBPD_L2);
        /* Get the last physical address available */
        lastpa = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < mem_cluster_cnt; i++) {
@@ -1458,85 +1465,48 @@
        tmpva = bootspace.spareva;
        pte = PTE_BASE + pl1_i(tmpva);
-       /* Number of L4 entries. */
+       /* Build L4 */
+       L4e_idx = pl4_i(startva);
        nL4e = (lastpa + NBPD_L4 - 1) >> L4_SHIFT;
        KASSERT(nL4e <= NL4_SLOT_DIRECT);
-       /* Allocate L3, and zero it out. */
-       L3page_pa = pmap_bootstrap_palloc(nL4e);
        for (i = 0; i < nL4e; i++) {
-               pdp = L3page_pa + i * PAGE_SIZE;
-               *pte = (pdp & PG_FRAME) | pteflags;
+               KASSERT(L4_BASE[L4e_idx+i] == 0);
+               pa = pmap_bootstrap_palloc(1);
+               *pte = (pa & PG_FRAME) | pteflags;
                memset((void *)tmpva, 0, PAGE_SIZE);
+               L4_BASE[L4e_idx+i] = pa | pteflags | PG_U;
-       /* Number of L3 entries. */
+       /* Build L3 */
+       L3e_idx = pl3_i(startva);
        nL3e = (lastpa + NBPD_L3 - 1) >> L3_SHIFT;
-       /*
-        * Map the direct map RW. Use super pages (1GB) or large pages (2MB) if
-        * they are supported. Note: PG_G is not allowed on non-leaf PTPs.
-        */
-       if (cpu_feature[2] & CPUID_P1GB) {
-               /* Super pages are supported. Just create L3. */
-               for (i = 0; i < nL3e; i++) {
-                       pdp = (paddr_t)&(((pd_entry_t *)L3page_pa)[i]);
-                       *pte = (pdp & PG_FRAME) | pteflags;
-                       pmap_update_pg(tmpva);
-                       pde = (pd_entry_t *)(tmpva + (pdp & ~PG_FRAME));
-                       *pde = ((paddr_t)i << L3_SHIFT) | pteflags | PG_U |
-                           PG_PS | PG_G;
+       for (i = 0; i < nL3e; i++) {
+               KASSERT(L3_BASE[L3e_idx+i] == 0);
+               pa = pmap_bootstrap_palloc(1);
+               *pte = (pa & PG_FRAME) | pteflags;
+               pmap_update_pg(tmpva);
+               memset((void *)tmpva, 0, PAGE_SIZE);
+               L3_BASE[L3e_idx+i] = pa | pteflags | PG_U;
+       }
+       /* Build L2 */
+       L2e_idx = pl2_i(startva);
+       nL2e = (lastpa + NBPD_L2 - 1) >> L2_SHIFT;
+       for (i = 0; i < nL2e; i++) {
+               KASSERT(L2_BASE[L2e_idx+i] == 0);
+               pa = (paddr_t)(i * NBPD_L2);
+               if (spahole <= pa && pa < epahole) {
+                       L2_BASE[L2e_idx+i] = pa | holepteflags | PG_U | PG_PS;
+               } else {
+                       L2_BASE[L2e_idx+i] = pa | pteflags | PG_U | PG_PS;
-       } else {
-               /* Allocate L2. */
-               L2page_pa = pmap_bootstrap_palloc(nL3e);
-               /* Number of L2 entries. */
-               nL2e = (lastpa + NBPD_L2 - 1) >> L2_SHIFT;
-               KASSERT(pmap_largepages != 0);
-               /* Large pages are supported. Just create L2. */
-               for (i = 0; i < nL3e; i++) {
-                       pdp = L2page_pa + i * PAGE_SIZE;
-                       *pte = (pdp & PG_FRAME) | pteflags;
-                       pmap_update_pg(tmpva);
-                       memset((void *)tmpva, 0, PAGE_SIZE);
-                       pde = (pd_entry_t *)tmpva;
-                       npd = ((i == nL3e - 1) && (nL2e % NPDPG != 0)) ?
-                           (nL2e % NPDPG) : NPDPG;
-                       for (n = 0; n < npd; n++) {
-                               pn = (i * NPDPG) + n;
-                               pde[n] = ((paddr_t)pn << L2_SHIFT) | pteflags |
-                                       PG_U | PG_PS | PG_G;
-                       }
-               }
-               /* Fill in the L3 entries, linked to L2. */
-               for (i = 0; i < nL4e; i++) {
-                       pdp = L3page_pa + i * PAGE_SIZE;
-                       *pte = (pdp & PG_FRAME) | pteflags;
-                       pmap_update_pg(tmpva);
-                       pde = (pd_entry_t *)tmpva;
-                       npd = ((i == nL4e - 1) && (nL3e % NPDPG != 0)) ?
-                           (nL3e % NPDPG) : NPDPG;
-                       for (n = 0; n < npd; n++) {
-                               pn = (i * NPDPG) + n;
-                               pde[n] = (L2page_pa + (pn << PAGE_SHIFT)) |
-                                   pteflags | PG_U;
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       /* Fill in the L4 entries, linked to L3. */
-       for (i = 0; i < nL4e; i++) {
-               kpm->pm_pdir[PDIR_SLOT_DIRECT + i] =
-                   (L3page_pa + (i << PAGE_SHIFT)) | pteflags | PG_U;
        *pte = 0;

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