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[src/trunk]: src/bin/stty Simplify by splitting the "simple" mode setting and...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 808000:2bbd6fe931c2
user:      christos <>
date:      Fri May 01 17:01:08 2015 +0000

Simplify by splitting the "simple" mode setting and the "special" ones.


 bin/stty/modes.c |  258 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 files changed, 120 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 335 to 300 lines):

diff -r dc0d31e6bc7e -r 2bbd6fe931c2 bin/stty/modes.c
--- a/bin/stty/modes.c  Fri May 01 16:22:49 2015 +0000
+++ b/bin/stty/modes.c  Fri May 01 17:01:08 2015 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: modes.c,v 1.17 2006/10/16 00:37:55 christos Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: modes.c,v 1.18 2015/05/01 17:01:08 christos Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 1991, 1993, 1994
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 #if 0
 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)modes.c    8.3 (Berkeley) 4/2/94";
-__RCSID("$NetBSD: modes.c,v 1.17 2006/10/16 00:37:55 christos Exp $");
+__RCSID("$NetBSD: modes.c,v 1.18 2015/05/01 17:01:08 christos Exp $");
 #endif /* not lint */
@@ -42,12 +42,18 @@
 #include <stddef.h>
 #include <string.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
 #include "stty.h"
 #include "extern.h"
 struct modes {
        const char *name;
+       tcflag_t flag;
+struct specialmodes {
+       const char *name;
        tcflag_t set;
        tcflag_t unset;
@@ -57,18 +63,24 @@
  * options, i.e. "foo" must immediately precede "-foo".
 const struct modes cmodes[] = {
+       { "cstopb",     CSTOPB },
+       { "cread",      CREAD },
+       { "parenb",     PARENB },
+       { "parodd",     PARODD },
+       { "hupcl",      HUPCL },
+       { "hup",        HUPCL },
+       { "clocal",     CLOCAL },
+       { "crtscts",    CRTSCTS },
+       { "mdmbuf",     MDMBUF },
+       { "cdtrcts",    CDTRCTS },
+       { .name = NULL },
+const struct specialmodes cspecialmodes[] = {
        { "cs5",        CS5, CSIZE },
        { "cs6",        CS6, CSIZE },
        { "cs7",        CS7, CSIZE },
        { "cs8",        CS8, CSIZE },
-       { "cstopb",     CSTOPB, 0 },
-       { "-cstopb",    0, CSTOPB },
-       { "cread",      CREAD, 0 },
-       { "-cread",     0, CREAD },
-       { "parenb",     PARENB, 0 },
-       { "-parenb",    0, PARENB },
-       { "parodd",     PARODD, 0 },
-       { "-parodd",    0, PARODD },
        { "parity",     PARENB | CS7, PARODD | CSIZE },
        { "-parity",    CS8, PARODD | PARENB | CSIZE },
        { "evenp",      PARENB | CS7, PARODD | CSIZE },
@@ -77,166 +89,136 @@
        { "-oddp",      CS8, PARODD | PARENB | CSIZE },
        { "pass8",      CS8, PARODD | PARENB | CSIZE },
        { "-pass8",     PARENB | CS7, PARODD | CSIZE },
-       { "hupcl",      HUPCL, 0 },
-       { "-hupcl",     0, HUPCL },
-       { "hup",        HUPCL, 0 },
-       { "-hup",       0, HUPCL },
-       { "clocal",     CLOCAL, 0 },
-       { "-clocal",    0, CLOCAL },
-       { "crtscts",    CRTSCTS, 0 },
-       { "-crtscts",   0, CRTSCTS },
-       { "mdmbuf",     MDMBUF, 0 },
-       { "-mdmbuf",    0, MDMBUF },
-       { "cdtrcts",    CDTRCTS, 0 },
-       { "-cdtrcts",   0, CDTRCTS },
        { .name = NULL },
 const struct modes imodes[] = {
-       { "ignbrk",     IGNBRK, 0 },
-       { "-ignbrk",    0, IGNBRK },
-       { "brkint",     BRKINT, 0 },
-       { "-brkint",    0, BRKINT },
-       { "ignpar",     IGNPAR, 0 },
-       { "-ignpar",    0, IGNPAR },
-       { "parmrk",     PARMRK, 0 },
-       { "-parmrk",    0, PARMRK },
-       { "inpck",      INPCK, 0 },
-       { "-inpck",     0, INPCK },
-       { "istrip",     ISTRIP, 0 },
-       { "-istrip",    0, ISTRIP },
-       { "inlcr",      INLCR, 0 },
-       { "-inlcr",     0, INLCR },
-       { "igncr",      IGNCR, 0 },
-       { "-igncr",     0, IGNCR },
-       { "icrnl",      ICRNL, 0 },
-       { "-icrnl",     0, ICRNL },
-       { "ixon",       IXON, 0 },
-       { "-ixon",      0, IXON },
-       { "flow",       IXON, 0 },
-       { "-flow",      0, IXON },
-       { "ixoff",      IXOFF, 0 },
-       { "-ixoff",     0, IXOFF },
-       { "tandem",     IXOFF, 0 },
-       { "-tandem",    0, IXOFF },
-       { "ixany",      IXANY, 0 },
-       { "-ixany",     0, IXANY },
+       { "ignbrk",     IGNBRK },
+       { "brkint",     BRKINT },
+       { "ignpar",     IGNPAR },
+       { "parmrk",     PARMRK },
+       { "inpck",      INPCK },
+       { "istrip",     ISTRIP },
+       { "inlcr",      INLCR },
+       { "igncr",      IGNCR },
+       { "icrnl",      ICRNL },
+       { "ixon",       IXON },
+       { "flow",       IXON },
+       { "ixoff",      IXOFF },
+       { "tandem",     IXOFF },
+       { "ixany",      IXANY },
+       { "imaxbel",    IMAXBEL },
+       { .name = NULL },
+const struct specialmodes ispecialmodes[] = {
        { "decctlq",    0, IXANY },
        { "-decctlq",   IXANY, 0 },
-       { "imaxbel",    IMAXBEL, 0 },
-       { "-imaxbel",   0, IMAXBEL },
        { .name = NULL },
 const struct modes lmodes[] = {
-       { "echo",       ECHO, 0 },
-       { "-echo",      0, ECHO },
-       { "echoe",      ECHOE, 0 },
-       { "-echoe",     0, ECHOE },
-       { "crterase",   ECHOE, 0 },
-       { "-crterase",  0, ECHOE },
-       { "crtbs",      ECHOE, 0 },     /* crtbs not supported, close enough */
-       { "-crtbs",     0, ECHOE },
-       { "echok",      ECHOK, 0 },
-       { "-echok",     0, ECHOK },
-       { "echoke",     ECHOKE, 0 },
-       { "-echoke",    0, ECHOKE },
-       { "crtkill",    ECHOKE, 0 },
-       { "-crtkill",   0, ECHOKE },
-       { "altwerase",  ALTWERASE, 0 },
-       { "-altwerase", 0, ALTWERASE },
-       { "iexten",     IEXTEN, 0 },
-       { "-iexten",    0, IEXTEN },
-       { "echonl",     ECHONL, 0 },
-       { "-echonl",    0, ECHONL },
-       { "echoctl",    ECHOCTL, 0 },
-       { "-echoctl",   0, ECHOCTL },
-       { "ctlecho",    ECHOCTL, 0 },
-       { "-ctlecho",   0, ECHOCTL },
-       { "echoprt",    ECHOPRT, 0 },
-       { "-echoprt",   0, ECHOPRT },
-       { "prterase",   ECHOPRT, 0 },
-       { "-prterase",  0, ECHOPRT },
-       { "isig",       ISIG, 0 },
-       { "-isig",      0, ISIG },
-       { "icanon",     ICANON, 0 },
-       { "-icanon",    0, ICANON },
-       { "noflsh",     NOFLSH, 0 },
-       { "-noflsh",    0, NOFLSH },
-       { "tostop",     TOSTOP, 0 },
-       { "-tostop",    0, TOSTOP },
-       { "flusho",     FLUSHO, 0 },
-       { "-flusho",    0, FLUSHO },
-       { "pendin",     PENDIN, 0 },
-       { "-pendin",    0, PENDIN },
+       { "echo",       ECHO },
+       { "echoe",      ECHOE },
+       { "crterase",   ECHOE },
+       { "crtbs",      ECHOE },        /* crtbs not supported, close enough */
+       { "echok",      ECHOK },
+       { "echoke",     ECHOKE },
+       { "crtkill",    ECHOKE },
+       { "altwerase",  ALTWERASE },
+       { "iexten",     IEXTEN },
+       { "echonl",     ECHONL },
+       { "echoctl",    ECHOCTL },
+       { "ctlecho",    ECHOCTL },
+       { "echoprt",    ECHOPRT },
+       { "prterase",   ECHOPRT },
+       { "isig",       ISIG },
+       { "icanon",     ICANON },
+       { "noflsh",     NOFLSH },
+       { "tostop",     TOSTOP },
+       { "flusho",     FLUSHO },
+       { "pendin",     PENDIN },
+       { "nokerninfo", NOKERNINFO },
+       { .name = NULL },
+const struct specialmodes lspecialmodes[] = {
        { "crt",        ECHOE|ECHOKE|ECHOCTL, ECHOK|ECHOPRT },
        { "-crt",       ECHOK, ECHOE|ECHOKE|ECHOCTL },
        { "newcrt",     ECHOE|ECHOKE|ECHOCTL, ECHOK|ECHOPRT },
        { "-newcrt",    ECHOK, ECHOE|ECHOKE|ECHOCTL },
-       { "nokerninfo", NOKERNINFO, 0 },
-       { "-nokerninfo",0, NOKERNINFO },
        { "kerninfo",   0, NOKERNINFO },
        { "-kerninfo",  NOKERNINFO, 0 },
        { .name = NULL },
 const struct modes omodes[] = {
-       { "opost",      OPOST, 0 },
-       { "-opost",     0, OPOST },
+       { "opost",      OPOST },
+       { "onlcr",      ONLCR },
+       { "ocrnl",      OCRNL },
+       { "oxtabs",     OXTABS },
+       { "onocr",      ONOCR },
+       { "onlret",     ONLRET },
+       { .name = NULL },
+const struct specialmodes ospecialmodes[] = {
        { "litout",     0, OPOST },
        { "-litout",    OPOST, 0 },
-       { "onlcr",      ONLCR, 0 },
-       { "-onlcr",     0, ONLCR },
-       { "ocrnl",      OCRNL, 0 },
-       { "-ocrnl",     0, OCRNL },
        { "tabs",       0, OXTABS },            /* "preserve" tabs */
        { "-tabs",      OXTABS, 0 },
-       { "oxtabs",     OXTABS, 0 },
-       { "-oxtabs",    0, OXTABS },
-       { "onocr",      ONOCR, 0 },
-       { "-onocr",     0, ONOCR },
-       { "onlret",     ONLRET, 0 },
-       { "-onlret",    0, ONLRET },
        { .name = NULL },
 #define        CHK(s)  (!strcmp(name, s))
+static int
+modeset(const char *name, const struct modes *mp,
+    const struct specialmodes *smp, tcflag_t *f)
+       bool neg;
+       for (; smp->name; ++smp)
+               if (CHK(smp->name)) {
+                       *f &= ~smp->unset;
+                       *f |= smp->set;
+                       return 1;
+               }
+       if ((neg = (*name == '-')))
+               name++;
+       for (; mp->name; ++mp)
+               if (CHK(mp->name)) {
+                       if (neg)
+                               *f &= ~mp->flag;
+                       else
+                               *f |= mp->flag;
+                       return 1;
+               }
+       return 0;
 msearch(char ***argvp, struct info *ip)
-       const struct modes *mp;
-       char *name;
+       const char *name = **argvp;
-       name = **argvp;
+       if (modeset(name, cmodes, cspecialmodes, &ip->t.c_cflag))
+               goto out;
+       if (modeset(name, imodes, ispecialmodes, &ip->t.c_iflag))
+               goto out;
-       for (mp = cmodes; mp->name; ++mp)
-               if (CHK(mp->name)) {
-                       ip->t.c_cflag &= ~mp->unset;
-                       ip->t.c_cflag |= mp->set;
-                       ip->set = 1;

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