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[src/trunk]: src/usr.sbin/sysinst Remove dead (#if 0) code.
branches: trunk
changeset: 844657:32ef27a33be8
user: martin <>
date: Wed Aug 28 15:19:05 2019 +0000
Remove dead (#if 0) code.
usr.sbin/sysinst/bsddisklabel.c | 241 +---------------------------------------
1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 239 deletions(-)
diffs (262 lines):
diff -r 062fe97e0fb2 -r 32ef27a33be8 usr.sbin/sysinst/bsddisklabel.c
--- a/usr.sbin/sysinst/bsddisklabel.c Wed Aug 28 12:24:03 2019 +0000
+++ b/usr.sbin/sysinst/bsddisklabel.c Wed Aug 28 15:19:05 2019 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: bsddisklabel.c,v 1.26 2019/08/01 17:50:16 martin Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: bsddisklabel.c,v 1.27 2019/08/28 15:19:05 martin Exp $ */
* Copyright 1997 Piermont Information Systems Inc.
@@ -147,73 +147,6 @@
{ .def_size = DEFVARSIZE*(MEG/512), .mount = "/var", .type = PT_root },
-#if 0 // XXX
-static int
-save_ptn(int ptn, daddr_t start, daddr_t size, int fstype, const char *mountpt)
- static int maxptn;
- partinfo *p;
- int pp;
- char *buf;
- if (maxptn == 0)
- maxptn = getmaxpartitions();
- if (ptn < 0 || PI_FSTYPE(&pm->bsdlabel[ptn]) != FS_UNUSED) {
- ptn = getrawpartition() + 1;
- if (ptn < PART_FIRST_FREE)
- for (;; ptn++) {
- if (ptn >= maxptn)
- return -1;
-// XXX if (ptn == PART_USR)
-// continue;
- if (PI_FSTYPE(&pm->bsdlabel[ptn]) == FS_UNUSED)
- break;
- }
- }
- if (fstype == FS_UNUSED)
- return ptn;
- p = pm->bsdlabel + ptn;
- PI_SET_OFFSET(p, start);
- PI_SET_SIZE(p, size);
- set_ptype(p, fstype, mountpt ? PIF_NEWFS : 0);
- /* Hack because we does not have something like FS_LVMPV */
- p->lvmpv = 0;
- if (mountpt != NULL && strcmp(mountpt, "lvm") == 0)
- p->lvmpv = 1;
- else if (mountpt != NULL) {
- for (pp = 0; pp < maxptn; pp++) {
- if (strcmp(pm->bsdlabel[pp].pi_mount, mountpt) == 0)
- pm->bsdlabel[pp].pi_flags &= ~PIF_MOUNT;
- }
- if (mountpt[0] != '/')
- asprintf(&buf, "/%s", mountpt);
- else
- asprintf(&buf, "%s", mountpt);
- strlcpy(p->pi_mount, buf, sizeof p->pi_mount);
- p->pi_flags |= PIF_MOUNT;
- /* Default to UFS2. */
- if (PI_FSTYPE(p) == FS_BSDFFS) {
-#ifdef DEFAULT_UFS2
-#ifndef HAVE_UFS2_BOOT
- if (strcmp(mountpt, "/") != 0)
- p->pi_flags |= PIF_FFSv2;
- }
- free(buf);
- }
- return ptn;
static const char size_separator[] =
"----------------------------------- - --------------------";
static char size_menu_title[STRSIZE];
@@ -644,177 +577,7 @@
pset->menu = -1;
pset->menu_opts = NULL;
- if (!pset->ok)
- return false;
-#if 0
- if (cur_ptns.menu_no < 0) {
- /* If there is a swap partition elsewhere, don't add one here.*/
- if (no_swap || (swap_created && partman_go)) {
- cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_SWAP].size = 0;
- } else {
-#if DEFSWAPSIZE == -1
- /* Dynamic swap size. */
- cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_SWAP].dflt_size = get_ramsize();
- cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_SWAP].size =
- cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_SWAP].dflt_size;
- }
- /* If installing X increase default size of /usr */
- if (set_X11_selected())
- cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_USR].dflt_size += XNEEDMB;
- /* Start of planning to give free space to / */
- cur_ptns.pool_part = &cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_ROOT];
- /* Make size of root include default size of /usr */
- cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_ROOT].size += cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_USR].dflt_size;
- sm = MEG / pm->sectorsize;
- if (root_limit != 0) {
- /* Bah - bios can not read all the disk, limit root */
- cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_ROOT].limit = root_limit -
- part_start;
- /* Allocate a /usr partition if bios can't read
- * everything except swap.
- */
- if (cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_ROOT].limit
- < sectors - cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_SWAP].size * sm) {
- /* Root won't be able to access all the space */
- /* Claw back space for /usr */
- cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_USR].size =
- cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_USR].dflt_size;
- cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_ROOT].size -=
- cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_USR].dflt_size;
- cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_ROOT].changed = 1;
- /* Give free space to /usr */
- cur_ptns.pool_part = &cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_USR];
- }
- }
- /* Change preset sizes from MB to sectors */
- cur_ptns.free_space = sectors;
- for (p = cur_ptns.ptn_sizes; p->mount[0]; p++) {
- p->size = NUMSEC(p->size, sm, pm->dlcylsize);
- p->dflt_size = NUMSEC(p->dflt_size, sm, pm->dlcylsize);
- cur_ptns.free_space -= p->size;
- }
- /* Steal space from swap to make things fit.. */
- if (cur_ptns.free_space < 0) {
- i = roundup(-cur_ptns.free_space, pm->dlcylsize);
- if (i > cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_SWAP].size)
- i = cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_SWAP].size;
- cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_SWAP].size -= i;
- cur_ptns.free_space += i;
- }
- /* Add space for 2 system dumps to / (traditional) */
- i = get_ramsize() * sm;
- i = roundup(i, pm->dlcylsize);
- if (cur_ptns.free_space > i * 2)
- i *= 2;
- if (cur_ptns.free_space > i) {
- cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_ROOT].size += i;
- cur_ptns.free_space -= i;
- }
- if (root_created && partman_go) {
- cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_ROOT].size = 0;
- cur_ptns.pool_part = 0;
- }
- /* Ensure all of / is readable by the system boot code */
- i = cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_ROOT].limit;
- if (i != 0 && (i -= cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_ROOT].size) < 0) {
- cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[PI_ROOT].size += i;
- cur_ptns.free_space -= i;
- }
- /* Count free partition slots */
- cur_ptns.free_parts = 0;
-#if 0 // XXX
- for (i = 0; i < maxpart; i++) {
- if (pm->bsdlabel[i].pi_size == 0)
- cur_ptns.free_parts++;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < MAXPARTITIONS; i++) {
- p = &cur_ptns.ptn_sizes[i];
- if (i != 0 && p->use == 0)
- p->use = PART_EXTRA;
- if (p->size != 0)
- cur_ptns.free_parts--;
- }
- cur_ptns.menu_no = new_menu(0, cur_ptns.ptn_menus,
- __arraycount(cur_ptns.ptn_menus),
- 3, -1, 12, 70,
- NULL, set_ptn_titles, NULL,
- "help", cur_ptns.exit_msg);
- if (cur_ptns.menu_no < 0)
- return;
- }
- do {
- set_ptn_menu(&cur_ptns);
- pm->current_cylsize = pm->dlcylsize;
- process_menu(cur_ptns.menu_no, &cur_ptns);
- } while (cur_ptns.free_space < 0 || cur_ptns.free_parts < 0);
- /* Give any cylinder fragment to last partition */
- if (cur_ptns.pool_part != NULL || cur_ptns.free_space < pm->dlcylsize) {
- for (p = cur_ptns.ptn_sizes + __arraycount(cur_ptns.ptn_sizes) - 1; ;p--) {
- if (p->size == 0) {
- if (p == cur_ptns.ptn_sizes)
- break;
- continue;
- }
- if (p->use == PART_TMP_RAMDISK)
- continue;
- p->size += cur_ptns.free_space % pm->dlcylsize;
- cur_ptns.free_space -= cur_ptns.free_space % pm->dlcylsize;
- break;
- }
- }
- for (p = cur_ptns.ptn_sizes; p->mount[0]; p++, part_start += size) {
- size = p->size;
- if (p == cur_ptns.pool_part) {
- size += rounddown(cur_ptns.free_space, pm->dlcylsize);
- if (p->limit != 0 && size > p->limit)
- size = p->limit;
- }
- i = p->use;
- if (i == PART_TMP_RAMDISK) {
- tmp_ramdisk_size = size;
- size = 0;
- continue;
- }
- if (size == 0)
- continue;
- if (i == PART_ROOT && size > 0)
- root_created = 1;
- if (i == PART_SWAP) {
- if (size > 0)
- swap_created = 1;
- save_ptn(i, part_start, size, FS_SWAP, NULL);
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(p->mount, "raid")) {
- save_ptn(i, part_start, size, FS_RAID, NULL);
- continue;
- } else if (!strcmp(p->mount, "cgd")) {
- save_ptn(i, part_start, size, FS_CGD, NULL);
- continue;
- }
- save_ptn(i, part_start, size, FS_BSDFFS, p->mount);
- }
- return true;
+ return pset->ok;
static int
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