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[src/trunk]: src/bin/sh Redo .. much better this way, now fully ...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 824218:a250dd8af939
user:      kre <>
date:      Sun May 28 14:14:22 2017 +0000

Redo .. much better this way, now fully automated
option sorting (no longer required option.list to be manually
sorted by long option name) and properly handles conditional
options.   Cleaner output format as well.

This allows option.list to be reordered to group related options
together ... also added more comments to it.


 bin/sh/Makefile     |    3 +-
 bin/sh/ |  101 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 bin/sh/option.list  |   64 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 3 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 312 to 300 lines):

diff -r b9081ff66ba4 -r a250dd8af939 bin/sh/Makefile
--- a/bin/sh/Makefile   Sun May 28 13:55:07 2017 +0000
+++ b/bin/sh/Makefile   Sun May 28 14:14:22 2017 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#      $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.108 2017/05/28 00:38:01 kre Exp $
+#      $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.109 2017/05/28 14:14:22 kre Exp $
 #      @(#)Makefile    8.4 (Berkeley) 5/5/95
 .include <>
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 # Environment for scripts executed during build.
        AWK=${TOOL_AWK:Q} \
diff -r b9081ff66ba4 -r a250dd8af939 bin/sh/
--- a/bin/sh/       Sun May 28 13:55:07 2017 +0000
+++ b/bin/sh/       Sun May 28 14:14:22 2017 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #! /bin/sh
-# $NetBSD:,v 1.1 2017/05/28 00:38:01 kre Exp $
+# $NetBSD:,v 1.2 2017/05/28 14:14:22 kre Exp $
 # It would be more sensible to generate 2 .h files, one which
@@ -17,36 +17,53 @@
+E_FILE=$(${MKTEMP:-mktemp} -t MKO.E.$$)
+O_FILE=$(${MKTEMP:-mktemp} -t MKO.O.$$)
+trap 'rm -f "${E_FILE}" "${O_FILE}"' EXIT
+exec 5> "${E_FILE}"
+exec 6> "${O_FILE}"
        printf '/*\n * File automatically generated by %s.\n' "$0"
        printf ' * Do not edit, do not add to cvs.\n'
        printf ' */\n\n'
        printf '#ifdef DEFINE_OPTIONS\n'
-       printf '#define DEF_OPT(a,b,c,d,e) { a, b, c, d, e },\n'
        printf 'struct optent optlist[] = {\n'
-       printf '#else\n'
-       printf '#define DEF_OPT(a,b,c,d,e)\n'
-       printf '#endif\n\n'
 } >"${OF}"
+${SED:-sed} <"${IF}"                   \
+       -e '/^$/d'                      \
+       -e '/^#/d'                      \
+       -e '/^[         ]*\//d'         \
+       -e '/^[         ]*\*/d'         \
+       -e '/^[         ]*;/d'                  |
+sort -k2,2f -k2,2r < "${IF}"                   |
 while read line
        # Look for comments in various styles, and ignore them
-       # preprocessor statements are simply output verbatim
-       # but use them only first or last. one #ifdef/#endif at end is OK
+       # (these should generally be already removed by sed above)
        case "${line}" in
        '')     continue;;
        /*)     continue;;
        \**)    continue;;
        \;*)    continue;;
-       \#*)    printf '%s\n\n' "${line}" >&4; continue;;
+       \#*)    continue;;
+       case "${line}" in
+       *'#if'*)
+               COND="${line#*#}"
+               COND="#${COND%%#*}"
+               ;;
+       *)
+               COND=
+               ;;
+       esac
        set -- ${line%%[        ]#*}
        var="$1" name="$2"
@@ -59,7 +76,6 @@
        case "${name}" in
-#      =)      name=${var};;           # probably not a good idea
        ?)      set -- ${var} '' $name $3 $4; name= ;;
@@ -76,57 +92,90 @@
        case "${set}" in
        -)      set= ;;
-       [01])   dflt="${set}"; set= ;;
+       [01] | [Oo][Nn] | [Oo][Ff][Ff]) dflt="${set}"; set= ;;
        ''|?)   ;;
        *)      printf >&2 'set "%s": Not a character\n' "${set}"; continue;;
+       case "${dflt}" in
+       '')             ;;
+       [Oo][Nn])       dflt=1;;
+       [Oo][Ff][Ff])   dflt=0;;
+       [01])           ;;
+       *)      printf >&2 'default "%s" invalid, use 0 off 1 on\n'; continue;;
+       esac
+       # validation complete, now to generate output
+       if [ -n "${COND}" ]
+       then
+               printf '%s\n' "${COND}" >&4
+               printf '%s\n' "${COND}" >&5
+               printf '%s\n' "${COND}" >&6
+       fi
+       printf '\t_SH_OPT_%s,\n' "${var}" >&5
        if [ -n "${name}" ]
-               printf '    DEF_OPT("%s", ' "${name}" >&4
+               printf '    { "%s", ' "${name}" >&4
-               printf '    DEF_OPT(0, ' >&4
+               printf '    { 0, '              >&4
        if [ -n "${chr}" ]
-               printf "'%s', " "${chr}" >&4
+               printf "'%s', " "${chr}"        >&4
-               printf '0, ' >&4
+               chr=
+               printf '0, '                    >&4
        if [ -n "${set}" ]
-               printf "'%s', 0, " "${set}" >&4
+               printf "'%s', 0, " "${set}"     >&4
-               printf '0, 0, ' >&4
+               printf '0, 0, '                 >&4
        if [ -n "${dflt}" ]
-               printf '%s )\n' "${dflt}" >&4
+               printf '%s },\n' "${dflt}"      >&4
-               printf '0 )\n' >&4
+               printf '0 },\n'                 >&4
-       printf '#define %s      optlist[%d].val\n\n' "${var}" "${I}" >&4
-       I=$((I + 1))
+       printf '#define %s\toptlist[_SH_OPT_%s].val\n' "${var}" "${var}" >&6
+       if [ -n "${COND}" ]
+       then
+               printf '#endif\n' >&4
+               printf '#endif\n' >&5
+               printf '#endif\n' >&6
+       fi
        test -z "${chr}" && continue
-       printf '%s %d\n' "${chr}" $((I - 1))
+       printf '%s _SH_OPT_%s %s\n' "${chr}" "${var}" "${COND}"
-done < "$IF" 4>>"${OF}" | sort -t' ' -k1,1f -k1,1r | while read chr index
+done 4>>"${OF}" | sort -t' ' -k1,1f -k1,1r | while read chr index COND
        if $FIRST
+               printf '    { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }\n};\n'
+               printf '#endif\n\n'
+               printf 'enum shell_opt_names {\n'
+               cat "${E_FILE}"
+               printf '};\n\n'
                printf '#ifdef DEFINE_OPTIONS\n'
-               printf '    { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }\n};\n\n'
                printf 'const unsigned char optorder[] = {\n'
+       [ -n "${COND}" ] && printf '%s\n' "${COND}"
        printf '\t%s,\n' "${index}"
+       [ -n "${COND}" ] && printf '#endif\n'
 done >>"${OF}"
@@ -141,7 +190,9 @@
        printf 'extern int sizeof_optlist;\n'
        printf 'extern const unsigned char optorder[];\n'
        printf 'extern const int option_flags;\n'
-       printf '\n#endif\n'
+       printf '\n#endif\n\n'
+       cat "${O_FILE}"
 } >> "${OF}"
 exit 0
diff -r b9081ff66ba4 -r a250dd8af939 bin/sh/option.list
--- a/bin/sh/option.list        Sun May 28 13:55:07 2017 +0000
+++ b/bin/sh/option.list        Sun May 28 14:14:22 2017 +0000
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
-/* $NetBSD: option.list,v 1.1 2017/05/28 00:38:01 kre Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: option.list,v 1.2 2017/05/28 14:14:22 kre Exp $ */
  * define the shell's settable options
+ *
+ *     new options can be defined by adding them here,
+ *     but they do nothing untilcode to implement them
+ *     is added (using the "var name" field)
  * format is up to 5 columns... (followed by anything)
  * end of line comments can be introduced by ' #' (space/tab hash) to eol.
- * proprocessor directoves can be (kind of) interspersed as required
  * The columns are:
  *     1. internal shell "var name"    (required)
@@ -19,39 +22,54 @@
  *             if neither long nor short name, line is ignored
  *     4. option set short name (name of option equiv class)
  *             if '-' or absent then no class
- *     5. efault value of option
+ *     5. default value of option
  *             if absent, default is 0
- *             only 0 or 1 possible (0==off 1==on)
+ *             only 0 or 1 possible (0==off 1==on) ("on" and "off" can be used)
+ *
+ * Data may be followed by any C preprocessor #if expression (incl the #if..)
+ * (including #ifdef #ifndef) to conditionalise output for that option.
+ * The #if expression continues until \n or next following '#'
- * The order of the lines below gives the order they are listed by set -o
- * Options labelled '[U]' are not (yet, maybe ever) implemented.
- */
+// the POSIX defined options
 aflag  allexport       a               # export all variables
-cdprint        cdprint                         # always print result of a cd
-Eflag  emacs           E V             # enable emacs style editing
 eflag  errexit         e               # exit on command error ($? != 0)
-usefork        fork            F               # use fork(2) instead of vfork(2)
-Iflag  ignoreeof       I               # do not exit interactive shell on EOF
-iflag  interactive     i               # interactive shell
 mflag  monitor         m               # enable job control
 Cflag  noclobber       C               # do not overwrite files when using >
 nflag  noexec          n               # do not execue commands
 fflag  noglob          f               # no pathname expansion
+uflag  nounset         u               # expanding unset var is an error
+vflag  verbose         v               # echo commands as read
+xflag  xtrace          x               # trace command execution
+// the long name (ignoreeof) is standard, the I flag is not
+Iflag  ignoreeof       I               # do not exit interactive shell on EOF
+// defined but not really implemented by the shell (yet) - they do nothing
+bflag  notify          b               # [U] report bg job completion
 nolog  nolog                           # [U] no func definitions in history
+// 'h' is standard, long name (trackall) is not
+hflag  trackall        h               # [U] locate cmds in funcs during defn
+// 's' is standard for command line, not as 'set' option, nor 'stdin' name
+sflag  stdin           s               # read from standard input
+// minusc              c               # command line option only.
+// --                  o               # handled differently...
+// non-standard options -- 'i' is just a state, not an option in standard.
+iflag  interactive     i               # interactive shell
+cdprint        cdprint                         # always print result of a cd
+usefork        fork            F               # use fork(2) instead of vfork(2)
 pflag  nopriv          p               # preserve privs if set[ug]id
-bflag  notify          b               # [U] report bg job completion
-uflag  nounset         u               # expanding unset var is an error
 posix  posix                           # be closer to POSIX compat
 qflag  quietprofile    q               # disable -v/-x in startup files
-sflag  stdin           s               # read from standard input
-tabcomplete    tabcomplete             # make <tab> cause filename expansion
-hflag  trackall        h               # [U] locate cmds in funcs during defn
-vflag  verbose         v               # echo commands as read
+// editline/history related options ("vi" is standard, 'V' and others are not)

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