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[src/trunk]: src/sys/dev/dtv Instead of returning an integer between 0 and 31...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 767354:5d110ed47af6
user:      apb <>
date:      Sat Jul 16 22:30:26 2011 +0000

Instead of returning an integer between 0 and 31 (scaled by 1<<24), use
(0.5 + x/2 - 1/x) as an approximation to log2(x) for x from 1 to 2, and
scale the input to fit this range.  Now the error is always less than

Also add an test program, hidden behind #ifdef TEST_DTV_MATH, to print
a table of expected and actual results, and the errors.


 sys/dev/dtv/dtv_math.c |  169 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 files changed, 140 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diffs (199 lines):

diff -r 4442557e0b01 -r 5d110ed47af6 sys/dev/dtv/dtv_math.c
--- a/sys/dev/dtv/dtv_math.c    Sat Jul 16 22:16:59 2011 +0000
+++ b/sys/dev/dtv/dtv_math.c    Sat Jul 16 22:30:26 2011 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: dtv_math.c,v 1.2 2011/07/16 16:13:13 jmcneill Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: dtv_math.c,v 1.3 2011/07/16 22:30:26 apb Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 2011 Alan Barrett <>
@@ -27,50 +27,161 @@
 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
-__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: dtv_math.c,v 1.2 2011/07/16 16:13:13 jmcneill Exp $");
+__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: dtv_math.c,v 1.3 2011/07/16 22:30:26 apb Exp $");
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/bitops.h>
-#include <dev/dtv/dtvif.h>
-#define LOG10_2_x24 5050445    /* floor(log10(2.0) * 2**24 */
  * dtv_intlog10 -- return an approximation to log10(x) * 1<<24,
  * using integer arithmetic.
- * As a special case, returns 0 when x == 0.
+ * As a special case, returns 0 when x == 0.  The mathematical
+ * result is -infinity.
- * Results should be approximately as follows, bearing in
- * mind that this function returns only an approximation
- * to the exact results.
+ * This function uses 0.5 + x/2 - 1/x as an approximation to
+ * log2(x) for x in the range [1.0, 2.0], and scales the input value
+ * to fit this range.  The resulting error is always better than
+ * 0.2%.
+ *
+ * Here's a table of the desired and actual results, as well
+ * as the absolute and relative errors, for several values of x.
- * dtv_intlog10(0) = 0 (special case; the mathematical value is undefined)
- * dtv_intlog10(1) = 0
- * dtv_intlog10(2) = 5050445 (approx 0.30102999 * 2**24)
- * dtv_intlog10(10) = 16777216 (1.0 * 2**24)
- * dtv_intlog10(100) = 33554432 (2.0 * 2**24)
- * dtv_intlog10(1000) = 50331648 (3.0 * 2**24)
- * dtv_intlog10(10000) = 67108864 (4.0 * 2**24)
- * dtv_intlog10(100000) = 83886080 (5.0 * 2**24)
- * dtv_intlog10(1000000) = 100663296 (6.0 * 2**24)
- * dtv_intlog10(10000000) = 117440512 (7.0 * 2**24)
- * dtv_intlog10(100000000) = 134217728 (8.0 * 2**24)
- * dtv_intlog10(1000000000) = 150994944 (9.0 * 2**24)
- * dtv_intlog10(4294967295) = 161614248 (approx 9.63295986 * 2**24)
+ *           x     desired      actual     err_abs err_rel
+ *           0           0           0          +0 +0.00000
+ *           1           0           0          +0 +0.00000
+ *           2     5050445     5050122        -323 -0.00006
+ *           3     8004766     7996348       -8418 -0.00105
+ *           4    10100890    10100887          -3 -0.00000
+ *           5    11726770    11741823      +15053 +0.00128
+ *           6    13055211    13046470       -8741 -0.00067
+ *           7    14178392    14158860      -19532 -0.00138
+ *           8    15151335    15151009        -326 -0.00002
+ *           9    16009532    16028061      +18529 +0.00116
+ *          10    16777216    16792588      +15372 +0.00092
+ *          11    17471670    17475454       +3784 +0.00022
+ *          12    18105656    18097235       -8421 -0.00047
+ *          13    18688868    18672077      -16791 -0.00090
+ *          14    19228837    19209625      -19212 -0.00100
+ *          15    19731537    19717595      -13942 -0.00071
+ *          16    20201781    20201774          -7 -0.00000
+ *          20    21827661    21842710      +15049 +0.00069
+ *          24    23156102    23147357       -8745 -0.00038
+ *          30    24781982    24767717      -14265 -0.00058
+ *          40    26878106    26893475      +15369 +0.00057
+ *          60    29832427    29818482      -13945 -0.00047
+ *         100    33554432    33540809      -13623 -0.00041
+ *        1000    50331648    50325038       -6610 -0.00013
+ *       10000    67108864    67125985      +17121 +0.00026
+ *      100000    83886080    83875492      -10588 -0.00013
+ *     1000000   100663296   100652005      -11291 -0.00011
+ *    10000000   117440512   117458739      +18227 +0.00016
+ *   100000000   134217728   134210175       -7553 -0.00006
+ *  1000000000   150994944   150980258      -14686 -0.00010
+ *  4294967295   161614248   161614192         -56 -0.00000
 dtv_intlog10(uint32_t x)
+       uint32_t ilog2x;
+       uint32_t t;
+       uint32_t t1;
        if (__predict_false(x == 0))
                return 0;
-        * all we do is find log2(x), as an integer between 0 and 31,
-        * and scale it.  Thus, there are only 32 values that this
-        * function will ever return.  To do a better job, we would
-        * need a lookup table and interpolation.
+        * find ilog2x = floor(log2(x)), as an integer in the range [0,31].
+        */
+       ilog2x = ilog2(x);
+       /*
+        * Set "t" to the result of shifting x left or right
+        * until the most significant bit that was actually set
+        * moves into the 1<<24 position.
+        *
+        * Now we can think of "t" as representing
+        * x / 2**(floor(log2(x))),
+        * as a fixed-point value with 8 integer bits and 24 fraction bits.
+        *
+        * This value is in the semi-closed interval [1.0, 2.0)
+        * when interpreting it as a fixed-point number, or in the
+        * interval [0x01000000, 0x01ffffff] when examining the
+        * underlying uint32_t representation.
+        */
+       t = (ilog2x > 24 ? x >> (ilog2x - 24) : x << (24 - ilog2x));
+       /*
+        * Calculate "t1 = 1 / t" in the 8.24 fixed-point format.
+        * This value is in the interval [0.5, 1.0]
+        * when interpreting it as a fixed-point number, or in the
+        * interval [0x00800000, 0x01000000] when examining the
+        * underlying uint32_t representation.
+        *
+        */
+       t1 = ((uint64_t)1 << 48) / t;
+       /*
+        * Calculate "t = ilog2x + t/2 - t1 + 0.5" in the 8.24
+        * fixed-point format.
+        *
+        * If x is a power of 2, then t is now exactly equal to log2(x)
+        * when interpreting it as a fixed-point number, or exactly
+        * log2(x) << 24 when examining the underlying uint32_t
+        * representation.
+        *
+        * If x is not a power of 2, then t is the result of
+        * using the function x/2 - 1/x + 0.5 as an approximation for
+        * log2(x) for x in the range [1, 2], and scaling both the
+        * input and the result by the appropriate number of powers of 2.
-       return (uint32_t)(LOG10_2_x24) * (uint32_t)ilog2(x);
+       t = (ilog2x << 24) + (t >> 1) - t1 + (1 << 23);
+       /*
+        * Multiply t by log10(2) to get the final result.
+        *
+        * log10(2) is approximately 643/2136  We divide before
+        * multiplying to avoid overflow.
+        */
+       return t / 2136 * 643;
+ * To test:
+ *     cc -DTEST_DTV_MATH ./dtv_math.c -lm -o ./a.out && ./a.out
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <math.h>
+       uint32_t xlist[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
+                       14, 15, 16, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, 100, 1000, 10000,
+                       100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000,
+                       0xffffffff};
+       int i;
+       printf("%11s %11s %11s %11s %s\n",
+               "x", "desired", "actual", "err_abs", "err_rel");
+       for (i = 0; i < __arraycount(xlist); i++)
+       {
+               uint32_t x = xlist[i];
+               uint32_t desired = (uint32_t)(log10((double)x)
+                                               * (double)(1<<24));
+               uint32_t actual = dtv_intlog10(x);
+               int32_t err_abs = actual - desired;
+               double err_rel = (err_abs == 0 ? 0.0
+                               : err_abs / (double)actual);
+               printf("%11"PRIu32" %11"PRIu32" %11"PRIu32
+                       " %+11"PRId32" %+.5f\n",
+                       x, desired, actual, err_abs, err_rel);
+       }
+       return 0;
+#endif /* TEST_DTV_MATH */

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