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[src/trunk]: src IPF 5.1.2 is in external/bsd/ipf and sys/external/bsd/ipf now;

branches:  trunk
changeset: 781571:21509f7fdf8c
user:      plunky <>
date:      Sat Sep 15 18:12:17 2012 +0000

IPF 5.1.2 is in external/bsd/ipf and sys/external/bsd/ipf now;
these files are obsolete


 dist/ipf/BNF                          |    81 -
 dist/ipf/BugReport                    |    12 -
 dist/ipf/FWTK/Index                   |     3 -
 dist/ipf/FWTK/README                  |    18 -
 dist/ipf/FWTK/README.ipfilter         |    20 -
 dist/ipf/FWTK/ftp-gw.diff             |   232 -
 dist/ipf/FWTK/fwtk_transparent.diff   |  1025 ----
 dist/ipf/FWTK/fwtkp                   |   812 ---
 dist/ipf/HISTORY                      |  2543 -----------
 dist/ipf/IMPORTANT                    |    11 -
 dist/ipf/IPF.KANJI                    |   465 --
 dist/ipf/IPFILTER.LICENCE             |    29 -
 dist/ipf/Makefile                     |   418 -
 dist/ipf/QNX_OCL.txt                  |   275 -
 dist/ipf/README                       |   101 -
 dist/ipf/README.NetBSD                |   368 -
 dist/ipf/STYLE.TXT                    |    57 -
 dist/ipf/WhatsNew40.txt               |    90 -
 dist/ipf/Y2K                          |     3 -
 dist/ipf/arc4random.c                 |   275 -
 dist/ipf/bpf-ipf.h                    |   452 --
 dist/ipf/bpf_filter.c                 |   586 --
 dist/ipf/etc/protocols                |   104 -
 dist/ipf/etc/services                 |  2536 -----------
 dist/ipf/ip_fil.c                     |   868 ---
 dist/ipf/ip_fil_compat.c              |  2234 ---------
 dist/ipf/ip_htable.c                  |   656 --
 dist/ipf/ip_htable.h                  |    80 -
 dist/ipf/ip_irc_pxy.c                 |   430 -
 dist/ipf/ip_lookup.c                  |   690 ---
 dist/ipf/ip_lookup.h                  |    97 -
 dist/ipf/ip_pool.c                    |   983 ----
 dist/ipf/ip_pool.h                    |    92 -
 dist/ipf/ip_pptp_pxy.c                |   521 --
 dist/ipf/ip_rpcb_pxy.c                |  1407 ------
 dist/ipf/ip_scan.c                    |   600 --
 dist/ipf/ip_scan.h                    |   108 -
 dist/ipf/ip_sync.c                    |  1034 ----
 dist/ipf/ip_sync.h                    |   119 -
 dist/ipf/ipf.h                        |   292 -
 dist/ipf/ipf2netbsd                   |   178 -
 dist/ipf/iplang/BNF                   |    69 -
 dist/ipf/iplang/Makefile              |    32 -
 dist/ipf/iplang/iplang.h              |    54 -
 dist/ipf/iplang/iplang.tst            |    11 -
 dist/ipf/iplang/iplang_l.l            |   322 -
 dist/ipf/iplang/iplang_y.y            |  1861 --------
 dist/ipf/ipmon.h                      |    97 -
 dist/ipf/ipsd/Celler/ip_compat.h      |   203 -
 dist/ipf/ipsd/Makefile                |    61 -
 dist/ipf/ipsd/README                  |    32 -
 dist/ipf/ipsd/ipsd.c                  |   296 -
 dist/ipf/ipsd/ipsd.h                  |    28 -
 dist/ipf/ipsd/ipsdr.c                 |   314 -
 dist/ipf/ipsd/linux.h                 |    17 -
 dist/ipf/ipsd/sbpf.c                  |   210 -
 dist/ipf/ipsd/sdlpi.c                 |   261 -
 dist/ipf/ipsd/slinux.c                |   118 -
 dist/ipf/ipsd/snit.c                  |   228 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/44arp.c               |   121 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/Crashable             |    21 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/Makefile              |   183 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/README                |     8 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/arp.c                 |   144 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/dlcommon.c            |  1383 ------
 dist/ipf/ipsend/dltest.h              |    34 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/hpux.c                |   114 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/in_var.h              |   179 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/ip.c                  |   369 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/ip_var.h              |   125 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/ipresend.1            |   108 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/ipresend.c            |   160 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/ipsend.1              |   110 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/ipsend.5              |   403 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/ipsend.c              |   441 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/ipsend.h              |    71 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/ipsopt.c              |   200 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/iptest.1              |   103 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/iptest.c              |   218 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/iptests.c             |  1430 ------
 dist/ipf/ipsend/larp.c                |    93 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/linux.h               |    19 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/lsock.c               |   259 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/resend.c              |   149 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/sbpf.c                |   157 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/sdlpi.c               |   174 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/sirix.c               |    93 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/slinux.c              |    92 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/snit.c                |   160 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/sock.c                |   464 --
 dist/ipf/ipsend/sockraw.c             |    89 -
 dist/ipf/ipsend/tcpip.h               |    86 -
 dist/ipf/ipt.h                        |    29 -
 dist/ipf/kmem.h                       |    27 -
 dist/ipf/l4check/Makefile             |    10 -
 dist/ipf/l4check/http.check           |     2 -
 dist/ipf/l4check/http.ok              |     1 -
 dist/ipf/l4check/l4check.c            |   824 ---
 dist/ipf/l4check/l4check.conf         |    31 -
 dist/ipf/lib/Makefile                 |   310 -
 dist/ipf/lib/addicmp.c                |    21 -
 dist/ipf/lib/addipopt.c               |    67 -
 dist/ipf/lib/alist_free.c             |    22 -
 dist/ipf/lib/alist_new.c              |    68 -
 dist/ipf/lib/bcopywrap.c              |    20 -
 dist/ipf/lib/binprint.c               |    31 -
 dist/ipf/lib/buildopts.c              |    44 -
 dist/ipf/lib/checkrev.c               |    46 -
 dist/ipf/lib/count4bits.c             |    40 -
 dist/ipf/lib/count6bits.c             |    29 -
 dist/ipf/lib/debug.c                  |    37 -
 dist/ipf/lib/facpri.c                 |   137 -
 dist/ipf/lib/facpri.h                 |    43 -
 dist/ipf/lib/fill6bits.c              |    48 -
 dist/ipf/lib/flags.c                  |    25 -
 dist/ipf/lib/gethost.c                |    44 -
 dist/ipf/lib/getifname.c              |    92 -
 dist/ipf/lib/getnattype.c             |    61 -
 dist/ipf/lib/getport.c                |    81 -
 dist/ipf/lib/getportproto.c           |    40 -
 dist/ipf/lib/getproto.c               |    40 -
 dist/ipf/lib/getsumd.c                |    23 -
 dist/ipf/lib/hostname.c               |    60 -
 dist/ipf/lib/icmpcode.c               |    24 -
 dist/ipf/lib/inet_addr.c              |   210 -
 dist/ipf/lib/initparse.c              |    20 -
 dist/ipf/lib/ionames.c                |    40 -
 dist/ipf/lib/ipf_dotuning.c           |    72 -
 dist/ipf/lib/ipft_ef.c                |   135 -
 dist/ipf/lib/ipft_hx.c                |   160 -
 dist/ipf/lib/ipft_pc.c                |   269 -
 dist/ipf/lib/ipft_sn.c                |   197 -
 dist/ipf/lib/ipft_td.c                |   178 -
 dist/ipf/lib/ipft_tx.c                |   327 -
 dist/ipf/lib/ipoptsec.c               |    58 -
 dist/ipf/lib/kmem.c                   |   204 -
 dist/ipf/lib/kmem.h                   |    34 -
 dist/ipf/lib/kmemcpywrap.c            |    23 -
 dist/ipf/lib/kvatoname.c              |    39 -
 dist/ipf/lib/load_file.c              |    90 -
 dist/ipf/lib/load_hash.c              |   115 -
 dist/ipf/lib/load_hashnode.c          |    61 -
 dist/ipf/lib/load_http.c              |   211 -
 dist/ipf/lib/load_pool.c              |    72 -
 dist/ipf/lib/load_poolnode.c          |    63 -
 dist/ipf/lib/load_url.c               |    33 -
 dist/ipf/lib/mutex_emul.c             |    88 -
 dist/ipf/lib/nametokva.c              |    38 -
 dist/ipf/lib/nat_setgroupmap.c        |    34 -
 dist/ipf/lib/ntomask.c                |    46 -
 dist/ipf/lib/optname.c                |    65 -
 dist/ipf/lib/optprint.c               |    83 -
 dist/ipf/lib/optprintv6.c             |    47 -
 dist/ipf/lib/optvalue.c               |    34 -
 dist/ipf/lib/portname.c               |    42 -
 dist/ipf/lib/print_toif.c             |    32 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printactivenat.c         |    87 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printaps.c               |   112 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printbuf.c               |    32 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printfr.c                |   480 --
 dist/ipf/lib/printfraginfo.c          |    30 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printhash.c              |    58 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printhash_live.c         |    79 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printhashdata.c          |   114 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printhashnode.c          |    53 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printhostmap.c           |    22 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printhostmask.c          |    46 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printifname.c            |    20 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printip.c                |    24 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printlog.c               |    38 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printmask.c              |    30 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printnat.c               |   242 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printpacket.c            |    91 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printpacket6.c           |    51 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printpool.c              |    62 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printpool_live.c         |    85 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printpooldata.c          |    80 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printpoolnode.c          |    33 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printportcmp.c           |    29 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printproto.c             |    56 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printsbuf.c              |    32 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printstate.c             |   190 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printtqtable.c           |    27 -
 dist/ipf/lib/printtunable.c           |    29 -
 dist/ipf/lib/remove_hash.c            |    53 -
 dist/ipf/lib/remove_hashnode.c        |    58 -
 dist/ipf/lib/remove_pool.c            |    50 -
 dist/ipf/lib/remove_poolnode.c        |    57 -
 dist/ipf/lib/resetlexer.c             |    25 -
 dist/ipf/lib/rwlock_emul.c            |   133 -
 dist/ipf/lib/tcp_flags.c              |    50 -
 dist/ipf/lib/tcpflags.c               |    45 -
 dist/ipf/lib/v6ionames.c              |    28 -
 dist/ipf/lib/v6optvalue.c             |    39 -
 dist/ipf/lib/var.c                    |   179 -
 dist/ipf/lib/verbose.c                |    37 -
 dist/ipf/man/Makefile                 |    28 -
 dist/ipf/man/ipf.4                    |   268 -
 dist/ipf/man/ipf.5                    |   560 --
 dist/ipf/man/ipf.8                    |   173 -
 dist/ipf/man/ipfilter.4               |   241 -
 dist/ipf/man/ipfilter.4.mandoc        |   267 -
 dist/ipf/man/ipfilter.5               |    12 -
 dist/ipf/man/ipfs.8                   |   127 -
 dist/ipf/man/ipfstat.8                |   195 -
 dist/ipf/man/ipftest.1                |   207 -
 dist/ipf/man/ipl.4                    |    81 -
 dist/ipf/man/ipmon.5                  |    68 -
 dist/ipf/man/ipmon.8                  |   187 -
 dist/ipf/man/ipnat.4                  |   100 -
 dist/ipf/man/ipnat.5                  |   298 -
 dist/ipf/man/ipnat.8                  |    82 -
 dist/ipf/man/ippool.5                 |   154 -
 dist/ipf/man/ippool.8                 |   126 -
 dist/ipf/man/ipscan.5                 |    52 -
 dist/ipf/man/ipscan.8                 |    44 -
 dist/ipf/man/mkfilters.1              |    16 -
 dist/ipf/md5.c                        |   310 -
 dist/ipf/md5.h                        |    65 -
 dist/ipf/mkfilters                    |   116 -
 dist/ipf/ml_ipl.c                     |   159 -
 dist/ipf/mlf_rule.c                   |   163 -
 dist/ipf/mlfk_ipl.c                   |   361 -
 dist/ipf/mlfk_rule.c                  |    69 -
 dist/ipf/mlh_rule.c                   |   116 -
 dist/ipf/mln_rule.c                   |    86 -
 dist/ipf/mlo_ipl.c                    |   260 -
 dist/ipf/mlo_rule.c                   |    78 -
 dist/ipf/mls_rule.c                   |   112 -
 dist/ipf/mlso_rule.c                  |   129 -
 dist/ipf/opts.h                       |    59 -
 dist/ipf/pcap-ipf.h                   |    35 -
 dist/ipf/perl/             |   639 --
 dist/ipf/perl/Isbgraph                |   297 -
 dist/ipf/perl/LICENSE                 |     6 -
 dist/ipf/perl/Services                |  2146 ---------
 dist/ipf/perl/             |    22 -
 dist/ipf/perl/              |   210 -
 dist/ipf/perl/            |   181 -
 dist/ipf/perl/plog                    |  1061 ----
 dist/ipf/radix.c                      |  1181 -----
 dist/ipf/radix_ipf.h                  |   207 -
 dist/ipf/rules/BASIC.NAT              |    46 -
 dist/ipf/rules/BASIC_1.FW             |    99 -
 dist/ipf/rules/BASIC_2.FW             |    72 -
 dist/ipf/rules/example.1              |     5 -
 dist/ipf/rules/example.10             |    13 -
 dist/ipf/rules/example.11             |    27 -
 dist/ipf/rules/example.12             |    18 -
 dist/ipf/rules/example.13             |    18 -
 dist/ipf/rules/example.2              |     6 -
 dist/ipf/rules/example.3              |    41 -
 dist/ipf/rules/example.4              |     5 -
 dist/ipf/rules/example.5              |    26 -
 dist/ipf/rules/example.6              |     6 -
 dist/ipf/rules/example.7              |    13 -
 dist/ipf/rules/example.8              |    11 -
 dist/ipf/rules/example.9              |    13 -
 dist/ipf/rules/             |    62 -
 dist/ipf/rules/firewall               |    39 -
 dist/ipf/rules/ftp-proxy              |    45 -
 dist/ipf/rules/ftppxy                 |     6 -
 dist/ipf/rules/ip_rules               |     3 -
 dist/ipf/rules/ipmon.conf             |    24 -
 dist/ipf/rules/mediaone               |    45 -
 dist/ipf/rules/nat-setup              |    77 -
 dist/ipf/rules/                 |    14 -
 dist/ipf/rules/pool.conf              |     4 -
 dist/ipf/rules/server                 |    11 -
 dist/ipf/rules/tcpstate               |    13 -
 dist/ipf/samples/Makefile             |    24 -
 dist/ipf/samples/ipfilter-pb.gif      |   Bin 
 dist/ipf/samples/proxy.c              |   317 -
 dist/ipf/samples/relay.c              |   196 -
 dist/ipf/samples/userauth.c           |    62 -
 dist/ipf/snoop.h                      |    47 -
 dist/ipf/test/README.TXT              |    30 -
 dist/ipf/test/bpftest                 |    28 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/Makefile       |    41 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/bpf-f1         |    20 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/bpf1           |     4 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/f18            |     5 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/f19            |    10 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/f20            |     3 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/f24            |     5 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/i13            |     2 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/i14            |    10 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/i15            |     4 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/i16            |     3 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/i17            |    10 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/i18            |    11 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/i19.dist       |    22 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/i20            |     4 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/i21            |    16 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/in5            |    24 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/in6            |     8 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/ip1            |    68 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/ip2            |     2 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/ipv6.3         |     6 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/ipv6.5         |     6 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/ipv6.6         |     8 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/n10            |     9 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/n11            |    51 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/n12            |     7 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/n13            |     5 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/n14            |     5 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/n16            |    21 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/n17            |    16 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/n18            |    87 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/n8             |     9 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/n9             |     9 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/ni10           |     9 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/ni11           |     9 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/ni12           |     9 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/ni13           |    63 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/ni14           |    63 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/ni15           |    63 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/ni16           |    63 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/ni19           |    49 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/ni20           |    49 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/ni21           |     4 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/ni23           |    29 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/ni6            |    17 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/ni7            |     5 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/ni8            |     9 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/ni9            |     9 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/p1             |    21 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/p2             |    25 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/p3             |    35 -
 dist/ipf/test/expected/p5             |    21 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/f18               |     4 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/f19               |     4 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/f20               |     2 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/f24               |    27 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/          |     3 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/ipv6.3            |    30 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/ipv6.5            |    14 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/ipv6.6            |    24 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/n10               |     6 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/n11               |    16 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/n12               |    18 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/n13               |     4 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/n14               |     4 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/n16               |    40 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/n17               |    20 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/n18               |     8 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/n8                |    30 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/n9                |    30 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/ni10              |    23 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/ni11              |    24 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/ni12              |    24 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/ni13              |   235 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/ni14              |   235 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/ni15              |   235 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/ni16              |   235 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/ni17              |     6 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/ni19              |   157 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/ni20              |   157 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/ni21              |     3 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/ni23              |     3 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/ni6               |    54 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/ni7               |    13 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/ni8               |    24 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/ni9               |    24 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/p1                |     8 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/p2                |     8 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/p3                |    12 -
 dist/ipf/test/input/p5                |     8 -
 dist/ipf/test/iptest                  |    22 -
 dist/ipf/test/ptest                   |    31 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/bpf-f1          |     4 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/bpf1            |     4 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/f18             |     4 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/f19             |     2 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/f20             |     4 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/f24             |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/i13             |     8 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/i14             |    10 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/i15             |     4 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/i16             |     3 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/i17             |    13 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/i18             |     3 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/i19             |    22 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/i20             |     4 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/i21             |     7 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/i23             |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/in5             |    24 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/in6             |     8 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/in7             |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ip1             |    78 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ip2             |     2 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ipv6.3          |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ipv6.5          |     2 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ipv6.6          |     2 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/n10             |     3 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/n11             |     3 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/n12             |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/n13             |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/n14             |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/n16             |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/n17             |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/n18             |     3 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/n8              |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/n9              |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni10.ipf        |     4 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni10.nat        |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni11.ipf        |     4 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni11.nat        |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni12.ipf        |     4 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni12.nat        |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni13.ipf        |     3 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni13.nat        |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni14.ipf        |     3 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni14.nat        |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni15.ipf        |     3 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni15.nat        |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni16.ipf        |     3 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni16.nat        |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni17.nat        |     4 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni19.ipf        |     3 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni19.nat        |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni20.ipf        |     3 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni20.nat        |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni21.ipf        |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni21.nat        |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni23.ipf        |     3 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni23.nat        |     2 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni6.ipf         |     9 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni6.nat         |     3 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni7.ipf         |     4 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni7.nat         |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni8.ipf         |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni8.nat         |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni9.ipf         |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/ni9.nat         |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/p1.ipf          |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/p1.pool         |     2 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/p2.ipf          |     2 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/p3.ipf          |     6 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/p3.pool         |     4 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/p5.ipf          |     1 -
 dist/ipf/test/regress/p5.pool         |     2 -
 dist/ipf/test/test.format             |   103 -
 dist/ipf/test/             |   294 -
 dist/ipf/todo                         |    98 -
 dist/ipf/tools/BNF.ipf                |    80 -
 dist/ipf/tools/BNF.ipnat              |    28 -
 dist/ipf/tools/Makefile               |   107 -
 dist/ipf/tools/ipf.c                  |   570 --
 dist/ipf/tools/ipf_y.y                |  2213 ---------
 dist/ipf/tools/ipfcomp.c              |  1360 ------
 dist/ipf/tools/ipfs.c                 |   892 ---
 dist/ipf/tools/ipfstat.c              |  2117 ---------
 dist/ipf/tools/ipftest.c              |   830 ---
 dist/ipf/tools/ipmon.c                |  1745 -------
 dist/ipf/tools/ipmon_y.y              |   700 ---
 dist/ipf/tools/ipnat.c                |   581 --
 dist/ipf/tools/ipnat_y.y              |   879 ---
 dist/ipf/tools/ippool.c               |   878 ---
 dist/ipf/tools/ippool_y.y             |   522 --
 dist/ipf/tools/ipscan_y.y             |   571 --
 dist/ipf/tools/ipsyncm.c              |   256 -
 dist/ipf/tools/ipsyncs.c              |   273 -
 dist/ipf/tools/lex_var.h              |    60 -
 dist/ipf/tools/lexer.c                |   663 --
 dist/ipf/tools/lexer.h                |    42 -
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/fil.c            |  7388 ---------------------------------
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_auth.c        |  1102 ----
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_auth.h        |    71 -
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_compat.h      |  2637 -----------
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_fil.h         |  1569 -------
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_fil_compat.c  |  2228 ---------
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_fil_netbsd.c  |  2157 ---------
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_frag.c        |  1042 ----
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_frag.h        |   107 -
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_ftp_pxy.c     |  1426 ------
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_h323_pxy.c    |   293 -
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_htable.c      |   666 --
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_htable.h      |    80 -
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_ipsec_pxy.c   |   348 -
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_irc_pxy.c     |   440 -
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_log.c         |   698 ---
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_lookup.c      |   708 ---
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_lookup.h      |    97 -
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_nat.c         |  5526 ------------------------
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_nat.h         |   475 --
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_netbios_pxy.c |   126 -
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_pool.c        |   996 ----
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_pool.h        |    92 -
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_pptp_pxy.c    |   533 --
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_proxy.c       |   861 ---
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_proxy.h       |   461 --
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_raudio_pxy.c  |   344 -
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_rcmd_pxy.c    |   242 -
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_rpcb_pxy.c    |  1417 ------
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_scan.c        |   607 --
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_scan.h        |   108 -
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_state.c       |  4430 -------------------
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_state.h       |   262 -
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_sync.c        |  1042 ----
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_sync.h        |   119 -
 sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ipl.h            |    19 -
 usr.sbin/ipf/Makefile                 |     7 -
 usr.sbin/ipf/             |    38 -
 usr.sbin/ipf/ipf/Makefile             |    44 -
 usr.sbin/ipf/ipfs/Makefile            |     6 -
 usr.sbin/ipf/ipfstat/Makefile         |     9 -
 usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/Makefile         |   105 -
 usr.sbin/ipf/ipmon/Makefile           |    37 -
 usr.sbin/ipf/ipnat/Makefile           |    39 -
 usr.sbin/ipf/ippool/Makefile          |    37 -
 usr.sbin/ipf/ipresend/Makefile        |    11 -
 usr.sbin/ipf/ipsend/Makefile          |    38 -
 usr.sbin/ipf/iptest/Makefile          |    11 -
 usr.sbin/ipf/libipf/Makefile          |    35 -
 usr.sbin/ipf/rules/Makefile           |    17 -
 516 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 114400 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 116462 to 300 lines):

diff -r b2849fa7c685 -r 21509f7fdf8c dist/ipf/BNF
--- a/dist/ipf/BNF      Sat Sep 15 18:03:42 2012 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-filter-rule = [ insert ] action in-out [ options ] [ tos ] [ ttl ]
-             [ proto ] [ ip ] [ group ] [ tag ] [ pps ] .
-insert = "@" decnumber .
-action = block | "pass" | log | "count" | auth | call .
-in-out = "in" | "out" .
-options        = [ log ] [ "quick" ] [ onif [ dup ] [ froute ] ] .
-tos    = "tos" decnumber | "tos" hexnumber .
-ttl    = "ttl" decnumber .
-proto  = "proto" protocol .
-ip     = srcdst [ flags ] [ with withopt ] [ icmp ] [ keep ] .
-group  = [ "head" decnumber ] [ "group" decnumber ] .
-pps    = "pps" decnumber .
-onif   = "on" interface-name [ "out-via" interface-name ] .
-block  = "block" [ return-icmp[return-code] | "return-rst" ] .
-auth   = "auth" | "preauth" .
-log    = "log" [ "body" ] [ "first" ] [ "or-block" ] [ "level" loglevel ] .
-tag    = "tag" tagid .
-call   = "call" [ "now" ] function-name "/" decnumber.
-dup    = "dup-to" interface-name[":"ipaddr] .
-froute = "fastroute" | "to" interface-name .
-replyto = "reply-to" interface-name [ ":" ipaddr ] .
-protocol = "tcp/udp" | "udp" | "tcp" | "icmp" | decnumber .
-srcdst = "all" | fromto .
-fromto = "from" object "to" object .
-return-icmp = "return-icmp" | "return-icmp-as-dest" .
-loglevel = facility"."priority | priority .
-object = addr [ port-comp | port-range ] .
-addr   = "any" | nummask | host-name [ "mask" ipaddr | "mask" hexnumber ] .
-port-comp = "port" compare port-num .
-port-range = "port" port-num range port-num .
-flags  = "flags" flag { flag } [ "/" flag { flag } ] .
-with   = "with" | "and" .
-icmp   = "icmp-type" icmp-type [ "code" decnumber ] .
-return-code = "("icmp-code")" .
-keep   = "keep" "state" [ "limit" number ] | "keep" "frags" .
-nummask        = host-name [ "/" decnumber ] .
-host-name = ipaddr | hostname | "any" .
-ipaddr = host-num "." host-num "." host-num "." host-num .
-host-num = digit [ digit [ digit ] ] .
-port-num = service-name | decnumber .
-withopt = [ "not" | "no" ] opttype [ [ "," ] withopt ] .
-opttype = "ipopts" | "short" | "nat" | "bad-src" | "lowttl" | "frag" |
-          "mbcast" | "opt" ipopts  .
-optname        = ipopts [ "," optname ] .
-ipopts  = optlist | "sec-class" [ secname ] .
-secname        = seclvl [ "," secname ] .
-seclvl  = "unclass" | "confid" | "reserv-1" | "reserv-2" | "reserv-3" |
-         "reserv-4" | "secret" | "topsecret" .
-icmp-type = "unreach" | "echo" | "echorep" | "squench" | "redir" |
-           "timex" | "paramprob" | "timest" | "timestrep" | "inforeq" |
-           "inforep" | "maskreq" | "maskrep"  | "routerad" |
-           "routersol" | decnumber .
-icmp-code = decumber | "net-unr" | "host-unr" | "proto-unr" | "port-unr" |
-           "needfrag" | "srcfail" | "net-unk" | "host-unk" | "isolate" |
-           "net-prohib" | "host-prohib" | "net-tos" | "host-tos" |
-           "filter-prohib" | "host-preced" | "cutoff-preced" .
-optlist        = "nop" | "rr" | "zsu" | "mtup" | "mtur" | "encode" | "ts" | "tr" |
-         "sec" | "lsrr" | "e-sec" | "cipso" | "satid" | "ssrr" | "addext" |
-         "visa" | "imitd" | "eip" | "finn" .
-facility = "kern" | "user" | "mail" | "daemon" | "auth" | "syslog" |
-          "lpr" | "news" | "uucp" | "cron" | "ftp" | "authpriv" |
-          "audit" | "logalert" | "local0" | "local1" | "local2" |
-          "local3" | "local4" | "local5" | "local6" | "local7" .
-priority = "emerg" | "alert" | "crit" | "err" | "warn" | "notice" |
-          "info" | "debug" .
-hexnumber = "0" "x" hexstring .
-hexstring = hexdigit [ hexstring ] .
-decnumber = digit [ decnumber ] .
-compare = "=" | "!=" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | "eq" | "ne" | "lt" | "gt" |
-         "le" | "ge" .
-range  = "<>" | "><" .
-hexdigit = digit | "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" .
-digit  = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" .
-flag   = "F" | "S" | "R" | "P" | "A" | "U" | "C" | "W" .
diff -r b2849fa7c685 -r 21509f7fdf8c dist/ipf/BugReport
--- a/dist/ipf/BugReport        Sat Sep 15 18:03:42 2012 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Please submit this information at SourceForge using this URL:
-Please also send an email to
-Some information that I generally find important:
-* IP Filter Version
-* Operating System and its Version
-* Configuration: (LKM or compiled-into-kernel)
-* Description of problem
-* How to repeat
diff -r b2849fa7c685 -r 21509f7fdf8c dist/ipf/FWTK/Index
--- a/dist/ipf/FWTK/Index       Sat Sep 15 18:03:42 2012 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-README - Readme for ftp-gw.diff and fwtkp
-README.ipfilter - README for fwtk_transparent.diff
-fwtk_transparent.diff - patches for 2.0beta
diff -r b2849fa7c685 -r 21509f7fdf8c dist/ipf/FWTK/README
--- a/dist/ipf/FWTK/README      Sat Sep 15 18:03:42 2012 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-There are two patch files in this directory, each allowing for the Firewall
-Toolkit to be used in a transparent proxy configuration.
-ftp-gw.diff    - A patch written by myself for use only with IP Filter and
-                 ftp-gw from the Firewall Toolkit.  You need to copy ip_nat.h,
-                 ip_fil.h and ip_compat.h to the ftp-gw directory to compile
-                 once this patch has been applied.
-fwtkp          - A set of patches written by James B. Croall (
-                 for use with both IP Filter and ipfwadm (for Linux) and more
-                 of the various FWTK gateway plugins, including:
-                 ftp-gw http-gw plug-gw rlogin-gw tn-gw
-Both patches when applied to the Firewall toolkit require the same
-configuration for IP Filter.
diff -r b2849fa7c685 -r 21509f7fdf8c dist/ipf/FWTK/README.ipfilter
--- a/dist/ipf/FWTK/README.ipfilter     Sat Sep 15 18:03:42 2012 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-there was a patch for fwtk with ip_filter 3.1.5 from James B. Croall
-(thanx for his work) which I put onto fwtk 2.0beta.
-Now, if you decide to do transparent proxying with ip-filter you
-have to put -DUSE_IP_FILTER to COPTS in Makefile.config.
-With Solaris 2.x you have to correctly replace the path to your
-ip_filter sources. (lib/hnam.c needs ip_nat.h)
-I also patched plug-gw to be configured to accept not only one
-destination with the parameter "-all-destinations" in netperm-table.
-Perhaps this is a security hole...
-The patched fwtk worked fine for me with linux (kernel 2.0.28 and ipfadm 2.1)
-and Solaris 2.5 (ip_filter 3.1.5).
-If you try to enhance the transparent proxy features for other
-architectures, see lib/hnam.c (getdsthost).
-Michael Kutzner,
diff -r b2849fa7c685 -r 21509f7fdf8c dist/ipf/FWTK/ftp-gw.diff
--- a/dist/ipf/FWTK/ftp-gw.diff Sat Sep 15 18:03:42 2012 +0000
+++ /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-*** ftp-gw.c.orig      Sun Jun 22 16:27:42 1997
---- ftp-gw.c   Sun Jun 22 17:02:16 1997
-*** 11,31 ****
---- 11,41 ----
-   */
-  static       char    RcsId[] = "Header: /devel/CVS/IP-Filter/FWTK/ftp-gw.diff,v 2.1 1999/08/04 17:30:30 darrenr Exp";
-+ /*
-+  * Patches for IP Filter NAT extensions written by Darren Reed, 7/7/96
-+  *
-+  */
-+ static       char    vIpFilter[] = "v3.1.11";
-  #include     <stdio.h>
-  #include     <ctype.h>
-  #include     <syslog.h>
-+ #include     <unistd.h>
-+ #include     <fcntl.h>
-  #include     <sys/signal.h>
-  #include     <sys/ioctl.h>
-  #include     <sys/errno.h>
-  extern       int     errno;
-+ #ifdef       sun
-  extern       char    *sys_errlist[];
-+ #endif
-  #include     <arpa/ftp.h>
-  #include     <arpa/telnet.h>
-  #include     <sys/time.h>
-  #include     <sys/types.h>
-  #include     <sys/socket.h>
-  #include     <netinet/in.h>
-+ #include     <net/if.h>
-  extern       char    *rindex();
-  extern       char    *index();
-*** 36,41 ****
---- 46,54 ----
-  #include     "firewall.h"
-+ #include     "ip_compat.h"
-+ #include     "ip_fil.h"
-+ #include     "ip_nat.h"
-  #ifndef      BSIZ
-  #define      BSIZ    2048
-*** 83,88 ****
---- 96,103 ----
-  static       int     cmd_noop();
-  static       int     cmd_abor();
-  static       int     cmd_passthru();
-+ static       int     nat_destination();
-+ static       int     connectdest();
-  static       void    saveline();
-  static       void    flushsaved();
-  static       void    trap_sigurg();
-*** 317,323 ****
-                       if(authallflg)
-                               if(say(0,"220-Proxy first requires authentication"))
-                                       exit(1);
-!                      sprintf(xuf,"220 %s FTP proxy (Version %s) ready.",huf,FWTK_VERSION_MINOR);
-                       if(say(0,xuf))
-                               exit(1);
-               }
---- 332,341 ----
-                       if(authallflg)
-                               if(say(0,"220-Proxy first requires authentication"))
-                                       exit(1);
-!                      sprintf(xuf,"220-%s FTP proxy (Version %s) ready.",huf,FWTK_VERSION_MINOR);
-!                      if(say(0,xuf))
-!                              exit(1);
-!                      sprintf(xuf,"220-%s TIS ftp-gw with IP Filter %s NAT extensions",huf,vIpFilter);
-                       if(say(0,xuf))
-                               exit(1);
-               }
-*** 338,343 ****
---- 356,363 ----
-                               exit(1);
-       }
-+      nat_destination(0);
-       /* main loop */
-       while(1) {
-               FD_ZERO(&rdy);
-*** 608,619 ****
-       static char     narg[] = "501 Missing or extra username";
-       static char     noad[] = "501 Use user@site to connect via proxy";
-       char            buf[1024];
--      char            mbuf[512];
-       char            *p;
-       char            *dest;
-       char            *user;
-       int             x;
--      int             msg_int;
-       short           port = FTPPORT;
-       /* kludgy but effective. if authorizing everything call auth instead */
---- 628,637 ----
-*** 643,648 ****
---- 661,687 ----
-                       return(sayn(0,noad,sizeof(noad)));
-       }
-+      if((rfd == -1) && (x = connectdest(dest,port)))
-+              return x;
-+      sprintf(buf,"USER %s",user);
-+      if(say(rfd,buf))
-+              return(1);
-+      x = getresp(rfd,buf,sizeof(buf),1);
-+      if(sendsaved(0,x))
-+              return(1);
-+      return(say(0,buf));
-+ }
-+ static int
-+ connectdest(dest,port)
-+ char *dest;
-+ short port;
-+ {
-+      char            buf[1024];
-+      char            mbuf[512];
-+      int             msg_int;
-+      int             x;
-       if(*dest == '\0')
-               dest = "localhost";
-*** 685,693 ****
-               char    ebuf[512];
-               strcpy(ebuf,buf);
-!              sprintf(buf,"521 %s: %s",dest,ebuf);
-               return(say(0,buf));

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