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[src/trunk]: src/sys/dev/pci/voyager make anti-aliased fonts with odd widths ...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 772300:0a630266152b
user:      macallan <>
date:      Wed Dec 28 18:23:01 2011 +0000

make anti-aliased fonts with odd widths work
The drawing engine needs lines padded to 64bit when doing colour host blits
which is of course not mentioned anywhere in the manual.


 sys/dev/pci/voyager/voyagerfb.c |  155 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)

diffs (193 lines):

diff -r 0dc6232ab881 -r 0a630266152b sys/dev/pci/voyager/voyagerfb.c
--- a/sys/dev/pci/voyager/voyagerfb.c   Wed Dec 28 17:33:52 2011 +0000
+++ b/sys/dev/pci/voyager/voyagerfb.c   Wed Dec 28 18:23:01 2011 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: voyagerfb.c,v 1.14 2011/12/27 07:05:53 macallan Exp $  */
+/*     $NetBSD: voyagerfb.c,v 1.15 2011/12/28 18:23:01 macallan Exp $  */
  * Copyright (c) 2009, 2011 Michael Lorenz
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
-__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: voyagerfb.c,v 1.14 2011/12/27 07:05:53 macallan Exp $");
+__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: voyagerfb.c,v 1.15 2011/12/28 18:23:01 macallan Exp $");
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <sys/systm.h>
@@ -838,49 +838,51 @@
        struct vcons_screen *scr = ri->ri_hw;
        struct voyagerfb_softc *sc = scr->scr_cookie;
        uint32_t cmd;
+       int fg, bg, uc;
+       uint8_t *data;
+       int x, y, wi, he;
-       if (sc->sc_mode == WSDISPLAYIO_MODE_EMUL) {
-               int fg, bg, uc;
-               uint8_t *data;
-               int x, y, wi, he;
-               wi = font->fontwidth;
-               he = font->fontheight;
+       if (sc->sc_mode != WSDISPLAYIO_MODE_EMUL)
+               return;
+       if (!CHAR_IN_FONT(c, font))
+               return;
+       wi = font->fontwidth;
+       he = font->fontheight;
-               if (!CHAR_IN_FONT(c, font))
-                       return;
-               bg = ri->ri_devcmap[(attr >> 16) & 0x0f];
-               fg = ri->ri_devcmap[(attr >> 24) & 0x0f];
-               x = ri->ri_xorigin + col * wi;
-               y = ri->ri_yorigin + row * he;
-               if (c == 0x20) {
-                       voyagerfb_rectfill(sc, x, y, wi, he, bg);
-                       return;
-               }
-               uc = c - font->firstchar;
-               data = (uint8_t *)font->data + uc * ri->ri_fontscale;
-               if (font->stride < font->fontwidth) {
-                       /* this is a mono font */
-                       cmd = ROP_COPY |
-                             SM502_CTRL_USE_ROP2 |
-                             SM502_CTRL_CMD_HOSTWRT |
-                             SM502_CTRL_HOSTBLT_MONO |
-                             SM502_CTRL_QUICKSTART_E | 
-                             SM502_CTRL_MONO_PACK_32BIT;
-                       voyagerfb_ready(sc);
-                       bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_regh,
-                           SM502_CONTROL, cmd);
-                       bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_regh, 
-                           SM502_FOREGROUND, fg);
-                       bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_regh, 
-                           SM502_BACKGROUND, bg);
-                       bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_regh,
-                           SM502_SRC, 0);
-                       bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_regh,
-                           SM502_DST, (x << 16) | y);
-                       bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_regh,
-                           SM502_DIMENSION, (wi << 16) | he);
-                       /* now feed the data, padded to 32bit */
-                       switch (ri->ri_font->stride) {
+       bg = ri->ri_devcmap[(attr >> 16) & 0x0f];
+       fg = ri->ri_devcmap[(attr >> 24) & 0x0f];
+       x = ri->ri_xorigin + col * wi;
+       y = ri->ri_yorigin + row * he;
+       if (c == 0x20) {
+               voyagerfb_rectfill(sc, x, y, wi, he, bg);
+               return;
+       }
+       uc = c - font->firstchar;
+       data = (uint8_t *)font->data + uc * ri->ri_fontscale;
+       if (font->stride < font->fontwidth) {
+               /* this is a mono font */
+               cmd = ROP_COPY |
+                     SM502_CTRL_USE_ROP2 |
+                     SM502_CTRL_CMD_HOSTWRT |
+                     SM502_CTRL_HOSTBLT_MONO |
+                     SM502_CTRL_QUICKSTART_E | 
+                     SM502_CTRL_MONO_PACK_32BIT;
+               voyagerfb_ready(sc);
+               bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_regh,
+                   SM502_CONTROL, cmd);
+               bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_regh, 
+                   SM502_FOREGROUND, fg);
+               bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_regh, 
+                   SM502_BACKGROUND, bg);
+               bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_regh, SM502_SRC, 0);
+               bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_regh,
+                   SM502_DST, (x << 16) | y);
+               bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_regh,
+                   SM502_DIMENSION, (wi << 16) | he);
+               /* now feed the data, padded to 32bit */
+               switch (ri->ri_font->stride) {
                        case 1:
                                voyagerfb_feed8(sc, data, ri->ri_fontscale);
@@ -889,38 +891,40 @@
-                       }       
-               } else {
-                       /*
-                        * alpha font
-                        * we can't accelerate the actual alpha blending but
-                        * we can at least use a host blit to go through the
-                        * pipeline instead of having to sync the engine
-                        */
-                       int i, r, g, b, aval;
-                       int rf, gf, bf, rb, gb, bb;
-                       uint32_t pixel;
+               }       
+       } else {
+               /*
+                * alpha font
+                * we can't accelerate the actual alpha blending but
+                * we can at least use a host blit to go through the
+                * pipeline instead of having to sync the engine
+                */
+               int i, j, r, g, b, aval, pad;
+               int rf, gf, bf, rb, gb, bb;
+               uint32_t pixel;
-                       cmd = ROP_COPY |
-                             SM502_CTRL_USE_ROP2 |
-                             SM502_CTRL_CMD_HOSTWRT |
-                             SM502_CTRL_QUICKSTART_E;
-                       voyagerfb_ready(sc);
-                       bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_regh,
-                           SM502_CONTROL, cmd);
-                       bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_regh,
-                           SM502_SRC, 0);
-                       bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_regh,
-                           SM502_DST, (x << 16) | y);
-                       bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_regh,
-                           SM502_DIMENSION, (wi << 16) | he);
-                       rf = (fg >> 16) & 0xff;
-                       rb = (bg >> 16) & 0xff;
-                       gf = (fg >> 8) & 0xff;
-                       gb = (bg >> 8) & 0xff;
-                       bf =  fg & 0xff;
-                       bb =  bg & 0xff;
-                       for (i = 0; i < wi * he; i++) {
+               cmd = ROP_COPY |
+                     SM502_CTRL_USE_ROP2 |
+                     SM502_CTRL_CMD_HOSTWRT |
+                     SM502_CTRL_QUICKSTART_E;
+               voyagerfb_ready(sc);
+               bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_regh,
+                   SM502_CONTROL, cmd);
+               bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_regh,
+                   SM502_SRC, 0);
+               bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_regh,
+                   SM502_DST, (x << 16) | y);
+               bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_regh,
+                   SM502_DIMENSION, (wi << 16) | he);
+               rf = (fg >> 16) & 0xff;
+               rb = (bg >> 16) & 0xff;
+               gf = (fg >> 8) & 0xff;
+               gb = (bg >> 8) & 0xff;
+               bf =  fg & 0xff;
+               bb =  bg & 0xff;
+               pad = wi & 1;
+               for (i = 0; i < he; i++) {
+                       for (j = 0; j < wi; j++) {
                                aval = *data;
                                if (aval == 0) {
@@ -938,6 +942,9 @@
                                bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_regh,
                                    SM502_DATAPORT, pixel);
+                       if (pad)
+                               bus_space_write_4(sc->sc_memt, sc->sc_regh,
+                                   SM502_DATAPORT, 0);

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