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[src/trunk]: src/sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist Import 20110211.
branches: trunk
changeset: 762181:1ebfe638ae6e
user: jruoho <>
date: Thu Feb 17 10:00:50 2011 +0000
Import 20110211.
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/changes.txt | 969 ++++-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/common/adfile.c | 142 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/common/adisasm.c | 232 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/common/adwalk.c | 152 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/common/dmextern.c | 225 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/common/dmrestag.c | 140 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/common/dmtable.c | 496 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/common/dmtbdump.c | 270 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/common/getopt.c | 141 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/Makefile | 752 +++-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslanalyze.c | 1921 +--------
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslbtypes.c | 525 ++
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslcodegen.c | 140 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslcompiler.h | 273 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslcompiler.l | 143 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslcompiler.y | 148 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/asldefine.h | 151 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslerror.c | 212 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslfiles.c | 257 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslfold.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslglobal.h | 145 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/asllength.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/asllisting.c | 140 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslload.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/asllookup.c | 144 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslmain.c | 232 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslmap.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslmessages.h | 379 +
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslopcodes.c | 184 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/asloperands.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslopt.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslpredef.c | 207 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslresource.c | 198 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslrestype1.c | 142 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslrestype1i.c | 138 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslrestype2.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslrestype2d.c | 166 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslrestype2e.c | 143 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslrestype2q.c | 142 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslrestype2w.c | 166 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslstartup.c | 192 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslstubs.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/asltransform.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/asltree.c | 206 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/asltypes.h | 439 +--
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/asluuid.c | 216 +
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslwalks.c | 1148 +++++
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/dtcompile.c | 222 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/dtcompiler.h | 223 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/dtexpress.c | 390 ++
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/dtfield.c | 444 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/dtio.c | 642 ++-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/dtsubtable.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/dttable.c | 291 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/dttemplate.c | 373 +
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/dttemplate.h | 685 +++
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/dtutils.c | 195 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/debugger/dbfileio.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/debugger/dbhistry.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/debugger/dbmethod.c | 525 ++
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/debugger/dbnames.c | 934 ++++
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/debugger/dbstats.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/debugger/dbxface.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/disassembler/dmbuffer.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/disassembler/dmnames.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/disassembler/dmobject.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/disassembler/dmopcode.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/disassembler/dmresrcs.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/disassembler/dmutils.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/disassembler/dmwalk.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dsargs.c | 430 ++
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dscontrol.c | 424 ++
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dsfield.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dsinit.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dsmethod.c | 191 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dsmthdat.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dsobject.c | 152 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dsutils.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dswexec.c | 156 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dswload.c | 831 +----
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dswload2.c | 747 +++
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dswscope.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dswstate.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evevent.c | 196 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evgpe.c | 486 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evgpeblk.c | 237 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evgpeinit.c | 422 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evgpeutil.c | 181 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evmisc.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evregion.c | 138 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evsci.c | 137 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evxfevnt.c | 866 +----
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evxfgpe.c | 890 ++++
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evxfregn.c | 178 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exconvrt.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/excreate.c | 145 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exfield.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exfldio.c | 140 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exmisc.c | 137 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exmutex.c | 142 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exnames.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exoparg1.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exoparg2.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exoparg3.c | 137 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exoparg6.c | 137 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exprep.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exregion.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exresnte.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exresolv.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exresop.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exstore.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exstoren.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exstorob.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exsystem.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exutils.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/lint/options.lnt | 3 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/unix/Makefile | 31 +
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/unix/Makefile.config | 87 +
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/unix/acpiexec/Makefile | 649 +++
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/unix/acpinames/Makefile | 297 +
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/unix/acpisrc/Makefile | 77 +
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/unix/acpixtract/Makefile | 17 +
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/unix/iasl/Makefile | 602 +++
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/unix/readme.txt | 51 +
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/hardware/hwacpi.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/hardware/hwgpe.c | 268 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/hardware/hwpci.c | 459 ++
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/hardware/hwregs.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/hardware/hwsleep.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/hardware/hwtimer.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/hardware/hwvalid.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/hardware/hwxface.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acapps.h | 168 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/accommon.h | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acconfig.h | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acdispat.h | 186 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acevents.h | 171 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acexcep.h | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/achware.h | 158 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acnames.h | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acobject.h | 150 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acopcode.h | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acoutput.h | 151 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acparser.h | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acpi.h | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acpredef.h | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acrestyp.h | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acstruct.h | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/actbl.h | 175 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/actbl2.h | 178 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/amlcode.h | 144 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/amlresrc.h | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/accygwin.h | 144 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/acefi.h | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/acenv.h | 150 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/acfreebsd.h | 139 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/acgcc.h | 138 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/acintel.h | 158 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/aclinux.h | 139 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/acmsvc.h | 156 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/acos2.h | 142 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/acwin.h | 138 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/acwin64.h | 138 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nsalloc.c | 148 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nsdumpdv.c | 137 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nsload.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nsnames.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nsobject.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nsparse.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nspredef.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nsrepair.c | 138 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nssearch.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nsutils.c | 248 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nswalk.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nsxfobj.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/os_specific/service_layers/osunixdir.c | 165 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/os_specific/service_layers/osunixxf.c | 381 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/os_specific/service_layers/oswindir.c | 153 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/os_specific/service_layers/oswintbl.c | 143 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/os_specific/service_layers/oswinxf.c | 500 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/osunixxf.c | 381 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/parser/psargs.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/parser/psloop.c | 138 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/parser/psparse.c | 158 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/parser/psscope.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/parser/pstree.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/parser/psutils.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/parser/pswalk.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/parser/psxface.c | 143 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/resources/rsaddr.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/resources/rscalc.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/resources/rscreate.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/resources/rsinfo.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/resources/rsio.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/resources/rsirq.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/resources/rslist.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/resources/rsmemory.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/resources/rsmisc.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tables/tbfind.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tables/tbinstal.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tests/misc/badcode.asl | 75 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tests/misc/grammar.asl | 2 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tests/templates/Makefile | 9 +
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tests/templates/ | 50 +
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpiexec/Makefile | 789 +++-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpiexec/aecommon.h | 175 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpiexec/aeexec.c | 394 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpiexec/aehandlers.c | 422 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpiexec/aemain.c | 208 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpiexec/aetables.c | 508 +--
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpiexec/aetables.h | 283 +
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpiexec/osunixdir.c | 165 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpinames/Makefile | 298 +
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpinames/acpinames.h | 57 +
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpinames/anmain.c | 276 +
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpinames/anstubs.c | 423 ++
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpinames/antables.c | 304 +
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpisrc/Makefile | 2 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpisrc/acpisrc.h | 143 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpisrc/ascase.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpisrc/asconvrt.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpisrc/asfile.c | 141 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpisrc/asmain.c | 150 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpisrc/asremove.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpisrc/astable.c | 280 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpisrc/asutils.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpisrc/osunixdir.c | 165 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpixtract/Makefile | 2 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpixtract/acpixtract.c | 186 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/examples/examples.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utalloc.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utclib.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utcopy.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utdecode.c | 627 +++
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utdelete.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utids.c | 187 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utinit.c | 140 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utlock.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utmath.c | 164 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utmutex.c | 169 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utobject.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utosi.c | 422 ++
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utresrc.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utstate.c | 136 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utxface.c | 307 +-
sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utxferror.c | 478 ++
246 files changed, 26416 insertions(+), 27650 deletions(-)
diffs (truncated from 63355 to 300 lines):
diff -r e3c916ac09f0 -r 1ebfe638ae6e sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/changes.txt
--- a/sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/changes.txt Thu Feb 17 08:41:35 2011 +0000
+++ b/sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/changes.txt Thu Feb 17 10:00:50 2011 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,513 @@
-28 May 2010. Summary of changes for version 20100528:
+11 February 2011. Summary of changes for version 20110211:
This release is available at
+1) ACPI CA Core Subsystem:
+Added a mechanism to defer _REG methods for some early-installed handlers.
+Most user handlers should be installed before call to AcpiEnableSubsystem.
+However, Event handlers and region handlers should be installed after
+AcpiInitializeObjects. Override handlers for the "default" regions should be
+installed early, however. This change executes all _REG methods for the
+default regions (Memory/IO/PCI/DataTable) simultaneously to prevent any
+chicken/egg issues between them. ACPICA BZ 848.
+Implemented an optimization for GPE detection. This optimization will simply
+ignore GPE registers that contain no enabled GPEs -- there is no need to
+read the register since this information is available internally. This
+becomes more important on machines with a large GPE space. ACPICA bugzilla
+884. Lin Ming. Suggestion from Joe Liu.
+Removed all use of the highly unreliable FADT revision field. The revision
+number in the FADT has been found to be completely unreliable and cannot be
+trusted. Only the actual table length can be used to infer the version. This
+change updates the ACPICA core and the disassembler so that both no longer
+even look at the FADT version and instead depend solely upon the FADT
+Fix an unresolved name issue for the no-debug and no-error-message source
+generation cases. The _AcpiModuleName was left undefined in these cases, but
+it is actually needed as a parameter to some interfaces. Define
+_AcpiModuleName as a null string in these cases. ACPICA Bugzilla 888.
+Split several large files (makefiles and project files updated)
+ utglobal.c -> utdecode.c
+ dbcomds.c -> dbmethod.c dbnames.c
+ dsopcode.c -> dsargs.c dscontrol.c
+ dsload.c -> dsload2.c
+ aslanalyze.c -> aslbtypes.c aslwalks.c
+Example Code and Data Size: These are the sizes for the OS-independent
+acpica.lib produced by the Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 32-bit compiler. The
+debug version of the code includes the debug output trace mechanism and has
+a much larger code and data size.
+ Previous Release (VC 9.0):
+ Non-Debug Version: 89.7K Code, 23.7K Data, 113.4K Total
+ Debug Version: 163.9K Code, 67.5K Data, 231.4K Total
+ Current Release (VC 9.0):
+ Non-Debug Version: 89.7K Code, 23.7K Data, 113.4K Total
+ Debug Version: 163.9K Code, 67.5K Data, 231.4K Total
+2) iASL Compiler/Disassembler and Tools:
+iASL: Implemented the predefined macros __LINE__, __FILE__, and __DATE__.
+These are useful C-style macros with the standard definitions. ACPICA
+bugzilla 898.
+iASL/DTC: Added support for integer expressions and labels. Support for full
+expressions for all integer fields in all ACPI tables. Support for labels in
+"generic" portions of tables such as UEFI. See the iASL reference manual.
+Debugger: Added a command to display the status of global handlers. The
+"handlers" command will display op region, fixed event, and miscellaneous
+global handlers. installation status -- and for op regions, whether default
+or user-installed handler will be used.
+iASL: Warn if reserved method incorrectly returns a value. Many predefined
+names are defined such that they do not return a value. If implemented as a
+method, issue a warning if such a name explicitly returns a value. ACPICA
+Bugzilla 855.
+iASL: Added detection of GPE method name conflicts. Detects a conflict where
+there are two GPE methods of the form _Lxy and _Exy in the same scope. (For
+example, _L1D and _E1D in the same scope.) ACPICA bugzilla 848.
+iASL/DTC: Fixed a couple input scanner issues with comments and line
+numbers. Comment remover could get confused and miss a comment ending. Fixed
+a problem with line counter maintenance.
+iASL/DTC: Reduced the severity of some errors from fatal to error. There is
+no need to abort on simple errors within a field definition.
+Debugger: Simplified the output of the help command. All help output now in
+a single screen, instead of help subcommands. ACPICA Bugzilla 897.
+12 January 2011. Summary of changes for version 20110112:
+1) ACPI CA Core Subsystem:
+Fixed a race condition between method execution and namespace walks that can
+possibly cause a fault. The problem was apparently introduced in version
+20100528 as a result of a performance optimization that reduces the number
+namespace walks upon method exit by using the delete_namespace_subtree
+function instead of the delete_namespace_by_owner function used previously.
+Bug is a missing namespace lock in the delete_namespace_subtree function.
+Fixed several issues and a possible fault with the automatic "serialized"
+method support. History: This support changes a method to "serialized" on
+fly if the method generates an AE_ALREADY_EXISTS error, indicating the
+possibility that it cannot handle reentrancy. This fix repairs a couple of
+issues seen in the field, especially on machines with many cores:
+ 1) Delete method children only upon the exit of the last thread,
+ so as to not delete objects out from under other running threads
+ (and possibly causing a fault.)
+ 2) Set the "serialized" bit for the method only upon the exit of the
+ Last thread, so as to not cause deadlock when running threads
+ attempt to exit.
+ 3) Cleanup the use of the AML "MethodFlags" and internal method flags
+ so that there is no longer any confusion between the two.
+ Lin Ming, Bob Moore. Reported by
+Debugger: Now lock the namespace for duration of a namespace dump. Prevents
+issues if the namespace is changing dynamically underneath the debugger.
+Especially affects temporary namespace nodes, since the debugger displays
+these also.
+Updated the ordering of include files. The ACPICA headers should appear
+before any compiler-specific headers (stdio.h, etc.) so that acenv.h can set
+any necessary compiler-specific defines, etc. Affects the ACPI-related tools
+and utilities.
+Updated all ACPICA copyrights and signons to 2011. Added the 2011 copyright
+to all module headers and signons, including the Linux header. This affects
+virtually every file in the ACPICA core subsystem, iASL compiler, and all
+Added project files for MS Visual Studio 2008 (VC++ 9.0). The original
+project files for VC++ 6.0 are now obsolete. New project files can be found
+under acpica/generate/msvc9. See acpica/generate/msvc9/readme.txt for
+Example Code and Data Size: These are the sizes for the OS-independent
+acpica.lib produced by the Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 32-bit compiler. The
+debug version of the code includes the debug output trace mechanism and has
+much larger code and data size.
+ Previous Release (VC 6.0):
+ Non-Debug Version: 89.8K Code, 18.9K Data, 108.7K Total
+ Debug Version: 166.6K Code, 52.1K Data, 218.7K Total
+ Current Release (VC 9.0):
+ Non-Debug Version: 89.7K Code, 23.7K Data, 113.4K Total
+ Debug Version: 163.9K Code, 67.5K Data, 231.4K Total
+2) iASL Compiler/Disassembler and Tools:
+iASL: Added generic data types to the Data Table compiler. Add "generic"
+types such as UINT32, String, Unicode, etc., to simplify the generation of
+platform-defined tables such as UEFI. Lin Ming.
+iASL: Added listing support for the Data Table Compiler. Adds listing
+(-l) to display actual binary output for each line of input code.
+09 December 2010. Summary of changes for version 20101209:
+1) ACPI CA Core Subsystem:
+Completed the major overhaul of the GPE support code that was begun in July
+2010. Major features include: removal of _PRW execution in ACPICA (host
+executes _PRWs anyway), cleanup of "wake" GPE interfaces and processing,
+changes to existing interfaces, simplification of GPE handler operation, and
+a handful of new interfaces:
+ AcpiUpdateAllGpes
+ AcpiFinishGpe
+ AcpiSetupGpeForWake
+ AcpiSetGpeWakeMask
+ One new file, evxfgpe.c to consolidate all external GPE interfaces.
+See the ACPICA Programmer Reference for full details and programming
+information. See the new section 4.4 "General Purpose Event (GPE) Support"
+for a full overview, and section 8.7 "ACPI General Purpose Event Management"
+for programming details. ACPICA BZ 858,870,877. Matthew Garrett, Lin Ming,
+Bob Moore, Rafael Wysocki.
+Implemented a new GPE feature for Windows compatibility, the "Implicit Wake
+GPE Notify". This feature will automatically issue a Notify(2) on a device
+when a Wake GPE is received if there is no corresponding GPE method or
+handler. ACPICA BZ 870.
+Fixed a problem with the Scope() operator during table parse and load phase.
+During load phase (table load or method execution), the scope operator
+not enter the target into the namespace. Instead, it should open a new scope
+at the target location. Linux BZ 19462, ACPICA BZ 882.
+Example Code and Data Size: These are the sizes for the OS-independent
+acpica.lib produced by the Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 32-bit compiler. The
+debug version of the code includes the debug output trace mechanism and has
+much larger code and data size.
+ Previous Release:
+ Non-Debug Version: 89.8K Code, 18.9K Data, 108.7K Total
+ Debug Version: 166.6K Code, 52.1K Data, 218.7K Total
+ Current Release:
+ Non-Debug Version: 89.9K Code, 19.0K Data, 108.9K Total
+ Debug Version: 166.3K Code, 52.1K Data, 218.4K Total
+2) iASL Compiler/Disassembler and Tools:
+iASL: Relax the alphanumeric restriction on _CID strings. These strings are
+"bus-specific" per the ACPI specification, and therefore any characters are
+acceptable. The only checks that can be performed are for a null string and
+perhaps for a leading asterisk. ACPICA BZ 886.
+iASL: Fixed a problem where a syntax error that caused a premature EOF
+condition on the source file emitted a very confusing error message. The
+premature EOF is now detected correctly. ACPICA BZ 891.
+Disassembler: Decode the AccessSize within a Generic Address Structure (byte
+access, word access, etc.) Note, this field does not allow arbitrary bit
+access, the size is encoded as 1=byte, 2=word, 3=dword, and 4=qword.
+New: AcpiNames utility - Example namespace dump utility. Shows an example of
+ACPICA configuration for a minimal namespace dump utility. Uses table and
+namespace managers, but no AML interpreter. Does not add any functionality
+over AcpiExec, it is a subset of AcpiExec. The purpose is to show how to
+partition and configure ACPICA. ACPICA BZ 883.
+AML Debugger: Increased the debugger buffer size for method return objects.
+Was 4K, increased to 16K. Also enhanced error messages for debugger method
+execution, including the buffer overflow case.
+13 October 2010. Summary of changes for version 20101013:
+1) ACPI CA Core Subsystem:
+Added support to clear the PCIEXP_WAKE event. When clearing ACPI events, now
+clear the PCIEXP_WAKE_STS bit in the ACPI PM1 Status Register, via
+HwClearAcpiStatus. Original change from Colin King. ACPICA BZ 880.
+Changed the type of the predefined namespace object _TZ from ThermalZone to
+Device. This was found to be confusing to the host software that processes
+the various thermal zones, since _TZ is not really a ThermalZone. However, a
+Notify() can still be performed on it. ACPICA BZ 876. Suggestion from Rui
+Added Windows Vista SP2 to the list of supported _OSI strings. The actual
+string is "Windows 2006 SP2".
+Eliminated duplicate code in AcpiUtExecute* functions. Now that the nsrepair
+code automatically repairs _HID-related strings, this type of code is no
+longer needed in Execute_HID, Execute_CID, and Execute_UID. ACPICA BZ 878.
+Example Code and Data Size: These are the sizes for the OS-independent
+acpica.lib produced by the Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 32-bit compiler. The
+debug version of the code includes the debug output trace mechanism and has
+much larger code and data size.
+ Previous Release:
+ Non-Debug Version: 89.9K Code, 19.0K Data, 108.9K Total
+ Debug Version: 166.3K Code, 52.1K Data, 218.4K Total
+ Current Release:
+ Non-Debug Version: 89.9K Code, 19.0K Data, 108.9K Total
+ Debug Version: 166.3K Code, 52.1K Data, 218.4K Total
+2) iASL Compiler/Disassembler and Tools:
+iASL: Implemented additional compile-time validation for _HID strings. The
+non-hex prefix (such as "PNP" or "ACPI") must be uppercase, and the length
+the string must be exactly seven or eight characters. For both _HID and _CID
+strings, all characters must be alphanumeric. ACPICA BZ 874.
+iASL: Allow certain "null" resource descriptors. Some BIOS code creates
+descriptors that are mostly or all zeros, with the expectation that they
+be filled in at runtime. iASL now allows this as long as there is a
+tag" (name) associated with the descriptor, which gives the ASL a handle
+needed to modify the descriptor. ACPICA BZ 873.
+Added single-thread support to the generic Unix application OSL. Primarily
+for iASL support, this change removes the use of semaphores in the single-
+threaded ACPICA tools/applications - increasing performance. The
+_MULTI_THREADED option was replaced by the (reverse) ACPI_SINGLE_THREADED
+option. ACPICA BZ 879.
+AcpiExec: several fixes for the 64-bit version. Adds XSDT support and
+for 64-bit DSDT/FACS addresses in the FADT. Lin Ming.
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