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[src/trunk]: src/regress/lib/libc/divrem Add more tests, including a random(3...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 521101:5b6f119eadee
user:      ross <>
date:      Wed Jan 23 20:48:08 2002 +0000

Add more tests, including a random(3)-based test like the old divrem, update
the known-good md5, print progress info, and avoid cases where c99 allows
undefined results.


 regress/lib/libc/divrem/Makefile     |    4 +-
 regress/lib/libc/divrem/divremtest.c |  142 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diffs (191 lines):

diff -r 72c121a66a6f -r 5b6f119eadee regress/lib/libc/divrem/Makefile
--- a/regress/lib/libc/divrem/Makefile  Wed Jan 23 19:21:42 2002 +0000
+++ b/regress/lib/libc/divrem/Makefile  Wed Jan 23 20:48:08 2002 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.1 2002/01/22 01:19:31 ross Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.2 2002/01/23 20:48:08 ross Exp $
 PROG=          divremtest
 NOMAN=         # defined
 COPTS+=                -Wall -Wno-format -Wno-parentheses
-GOODRESULT=    a8c75451201482303e1508e3b9494879
+GOODRESULT=    ffc1f640297c048e4a9ee02c89bd328a
 regress: ${PROG}
        [ `./${PROG} | md5` = ${GOODRESULT} ]
diff -r 72c121a66a6f -r 5b6f119eadee regress/lib/libc/divrem/divremtest.c
--- a/regress/lib/libc/divrem/divremtest.c      Wed Jan 23 19:21:42 2002 +0000
+++ b/regress/lib/libc/divrem/divremtest.c      Wed Jan 23 20:48:08 2002 +0000
@@ -3,6 +3,12 @@
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <stdint.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#define        KLE     3       // exponent for k and l salt values
+#define        NEARBY  600     // all numbers +-NEARBY 0 and INTxx_MIN will be tried
+#define        RANDOMCOUNT 300000      // number of random(3)-based cases to run
 #define         IM(x)   ((intmax_t)(x))
 #define        UIM(x)  ((uintmax_t)(x))
@@ -15,49 +21,133 @@
        printf(id "%16jx / %16jx => %16jx\n", UIM(a), UIM(b), UIM(c));  \
+#define        T64S(a, b, c)   TEST("64 ", (a), (b), (c))
+#define        T64U(a, b, c)   TEST("64U", (a), (b), (c))
+union {
+       char    ranstate[128];
+       long    alignme;
+} ranalign;
+int enable_time_output;
+void mark_time(const int phase)
+static time_t startphase;
+       time_t t;
+       t = time(NULL);
+       if (enable_time_output && phase != 0) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "phase %d/6: %5d seconds\n", phase,
+                   (int)(t - startphase));
+               fflush(stderr);
+       }
+       startphase = t;
 int main(int ac, char **av)
-    int32_t sr32;
+     int32_t a32, b32, sr32;
     uint32_t ur32;
-    intmax_t sr64;
+     intmax_t a64, b64, sr64;
     uintmax_t ur64;
-    int i, j, k, l;
+     int i, j, k, l;
-    for(i = 0; i <= 31; ++i) {
-       for(j = 0; j <= 31; ++j) {
-           for(k = -1; k <= 1; ++k) {
-               for(l = -1; l <= 1; ++l) {
-                   TEST("32 ",  (1 << i) + k,  (1 << j) + l, sr32);
-                   TEST("32 ",  (1 << i) + k, -(1 << j) + l, sr32);
-                   TEST("32 ", -(1 << i) + k,  (1 << j) + l, sr32);
-                   TEST("32 ", -(1 << i) + k, -(1 << j) + l, sr32);
-                   if (k < 0 && 1U << i < abs(k) ||
-                       l < 0 && 1U << j < abs(l))
-                           continue;
+    enable_time_output = ac <= 1;
+    mark_time(0);
+    for(i = KLE; i <= 30; ++i) {
+       a32 = 1 << i;
+       for(j = KLE; j <= 30; ++j) {
+           b32 = 1 << j;
+           for(k = -(1 << KLE); k <= 1 << KLE; ++k) {
+               for(l = -(1 << KLE); l <= 1 << KLE; ++l) {
+                   TEST("32 ",  a32 + k,  b32 + l, sr32);
+                   TEST("32 ",  a32 + k, -(b32 + l), sr32);
+                   TEST("32 ", -(a32 + k),   b32 + l, sr32);
+                   TEST("32 ", -(a32 + k), -(b32 + l), sr32);
+                   assert((1U << i) + k >= 0);
+                   assert((1U << j) + l >= 0);
                    TEST("32U", (1U << i) + k, (1U << j) + l, ur32);
+    mark_time(1);
+    for(a32 = -NEARBY; a32 < NEARBY; ++a32) {
+       for(b32 = -NEARBY; b32 < NEARBY; ++b32) {
+           TEST("32 ", a32, b32, sr32);
+           if (a32 >= 0 && b32 >= 0)
+               TEST("32U", (unsigned)a32, (unsigned)b32, ur32);
+       }
+    }
+    mark_time(2);
+    for(a32 = INT32_MIN; a32 < INT32_MIN + NEARBY; ++a32) {
+       for(b32 = INT32_MIN; b32 < INT32_MIN + NEARBY; ++b32)
+           TEST("32 ", a32, b32, sr32);
+       for(b32 = -NEARBY; b32 < NEARBY; ++b32)
+           if (a32 != INT32_MIN || b32 != -1)
+               TEST("32 ", a32, b32, sr32);
+    }
+    mark_time(3);
     if (sizeof(intmax_t) == 4)
-    for(i = 0; i <= 63; ++i) {
-       for(j = 0; j <= 63; ++j) {
-           for(k = -1; k <= 1; ++k) {
-               for(l = -1; l <= 1; ++l) {
-                   TEST("64 ",  (IM(1) << i) + k,  (IM(1) << j) + l, sr64);
-                   TEST("64 ",  (IM(1) << i) + k, -(IM(1) << j) + l, sr64);
-                   TEST("64 ", -(IM(1) << i) + k,  (IM(1) << j) + l, sr64);
-                   TEST("64 ", -(IM(1) << i) + k, -(IM(1) << j) + l, sr64);
-                   if (k < 0 && UIM(1U) << i < abs(k) ||
-                       l < 0 && UIM(1U) << j < abs(l))
-                           continue;
-                   TEST("64U", (UIM(1U) << i) + k, (UIM(1U) << j) + l, ur64);
+    for(i = KLE; i <= 62; ++i) {
+       a64 = IM(1) << i;
+       for(j = KLE; j <= 62; ++j) {
+           b64 = IM(1) << j;
+           for(k = -(1 << KLE); k <= 1 << KLE; ++k) {
+               for(l = -(1 << KLE); l <= 1 << KLE; ++l) {
+                   T64S( a64 + k,  b64 + l, sr64);
+                   T64S( a64 + k, -b64 + l, sr64);
+                   T64S(-a64 + k,  b64 + l, sr64);
+                   T64S(-a64 + k, -b64 + l, sr64);
+                   T64U(UIM(a64) + k, UIM(b64) + l, ur64);
+    mark_time(4);
+    for(a64 = -(1 << KLE); a64 < 1 << KLE; ++a64) {
+       for(b64 = -(1 << KLE); b64 < 1 << KLE; ++b64) {
+           TEST("64 ", a64, b64, sr64);
+           if (a64 >= 0 && b64 >= 0)
+               TEST("64U", (unsigned)a64, (unsigned)b64, ur64);
+       }
+    }
+    for(a64 = INT64_MIN; a64 < INT64_MIN + NEARBY; ++a64) {
+       for(b64 = INT64_MIN; b64 < INT64_MIN + NEARBY; ++b64)
+           TEST("64 ", a64, b64, sr64);
+       for(b64 = -NEARBY; b64 < NEARBY; ++b64)
+           if (a64 != INT64_MIN || b64 != -1)
+               TEST("64 ", a64, b64, sr64);
+    }
+    mark_time(5);
+    initstate(1UL, ranalign.ranstate, sizeof ranalign.ranstate);
+    for(i = 0; i < RANDOMCOUNT; ++i) {
+       int32_t low32 = random();
+       int64_t low64 = (intmax_t)random() << 32 | low32;
+       a32 = random();
+       b32 = random();
+       a64 = ((intmax_t)random() << 32) | a32;
+       b64 = ((intmax_t)random() << 32) | b32;
+       TEST("32 ", a32, b32, sr32);
+       TEST("32u", (unsigned)a32 + low32, (unsigned)b32 + low32, ur32);
+       TEST("32 ", -a32 - 1, b32, sr32);
+       TEST("32 ", a32, -b32, sr32);
+       if (a32 != INT32_MAX || b32 != 1)
+           TEST("32 ", -a32 - 1, -b32, sr32);
+       TEST("64 ", a64, b64, sr64);
+       TEST("64u", (unsigned)a64 + low64, (unsigned)b64 + low64, ur64);
+       TEST("64 ", -a64 - 1, b64, sr64);
+       TEST("64 ", a64, -b64, sr64);
+       if (a64 != INT64_MAX || b64 != 1)
+           TEST("64 ", -a64 - 1, -b64, sr64);
+    }
+    mark_time(6);
     return 0;

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