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[src/trunk]: src/sbin/disklabel partition, not parition (by Adrian Mrva). fil...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 537545:6ffb382d9b36
user:      wiz <>
date:      Wed Oct 02 11:05:56 2002 +0000

partition, not parition (by Adrian Mrva). file system instead of filesystem.


 sbin/disklabel/disklabel.5 |  28 ++++++++++++++--------------
 1 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diffs (72 lines):

diff -r 146c762ab391 -r 6ffb382d9b36 sbin/disklabel/disklabel.5
--- a/sbin/disklabel/disklabel.5        Wed Oct 02 11:00:53 2002 +0000
+++ b/sbin/disklabel/disklabel.5        Wed Oct 02 11:05:56 2002 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.\"    $NetBSD: disklabel.5,v 1.20 2002/09/28 00:47:25 dbj Exp $
+.\"    $NetBSD: disklabel.5,v 1.21 2002/10/02 11:05:56 wiz Exp $
 .\" Copyright (c) 1987, 1991, 1993
 .\"    The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
@@ -55,13 +55,13 @@
 This information is used by the system disk driver and by the bootstrap
 program to determine how to program the drive
-and where to find the filesystems on the disk partitions.
-Additional information is used by the filesystem in order
-to use the disk most efficiently and to locate important filesystem information.
+and where to find the file systems on the disk partitions.
+Additional information is used by the file system in order
+to use the disk most efficiently and to locate important file system information.
 The description of each partition contains an identifier for the partition
-type (standard filesystem, swap area, etc.).
-The filesystem updates the in-core copy of the label if it contains
-incomplete information about the filesystem.
+type (standard file system, swap area, etc.).
+The file system updates the in-core copy of the label if it contains
+incomplete information about the file system.
 The label is located in sector number
@@ -114,10 +114,10 @@
  * Each disk has a label which includes information about the hardware
- * disk geometry, filesystem partitions, and drive specific information.
+ * disk geometry, file system partitions, and drive specific information.
  * The location of the label, as well as the number of partitions the
  * label can describe and the number of the "whole disk" (raw)
- * paritition are machine dependent.
+ * partition are machine dependent.
 #include \*[Lt]machine/disklabel.h\*[Gt]
@@ -213,16 +213,16 @@
        u_int32_t d_magic2;             /* the magic number (again) */
        u_int16_t d_checksum;           /* xor of data incl. partitions */
-                       /* filesystem and partition information: */
+                       /* file system and partition information: */
        u_int16_t d_npartitions;        /* number of partitions in following */
        u_int32_t d_bbsize;             /* size of boot area at sn0, bytes */
        u_int32_t d_sbsize;             /* max size of fs superblock, bytes */
        struct  partition {             /* the partition table */
                u_int32_t p_size;       /* number of sectors in partition */
                u_int32_t p_offset;     /* starting sector */
-               u_int32_t p_fsize;      /* filesystem basic fragment size */
-               u_int8_t p_fstype;      /* filesystem type, see below */
-               u_int8_t p_frag;        /* filesystem fragments per block */
+               u_int32_t p_fsize;      /* file system basic fragment size */
+               u_int8_t p_fstype;      /* file system type, see below */
+               u_int8_t p_frag;        /* file system fragments per block */
                union {
                        u_int16_t cpg;  /* UFS: FS cylinders per group */
                        u_int16_t sgs;  /* LFS: FS segment shift */
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
  * Filesystem type and version.
- * Used to interpret other filesystem-specific
+ * Used to interpret other file system-specific
  * per-partition information.
 #define        FS_UNUSED       0       /* unused */

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