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[src/netbsd-2-0]: src/sys/netinet Pull up revision 1.64 (requested by christo...

branches:  netbsd-2-0
changeset: 561207:329313ed7899
user:      tron <>
date:      Sun May 30 11:24:37 2004 +0000

Pull up revision 1.64 (requested by christos in ticket #416):
PR/24969: Arto Selonen: /usr/sbin/ipfs from ipfilter 4.1.1 does not work
patch applied.


 sys/netinet/fil.c |  170 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 files changed, 146 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diffs (232 lines):

diff -r 36825396db42 -r 329313ed7899 sys/netinet/fil.c
--- a/sys/netinet/fil.c Sun May 30 11:24:23 2004 +0000
+++ b/sys/netinet/fil.c Sun May 30 11:24:37 2004 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: fil.c,v 2004/05/30 11:21:09 tron Exp $        */
+/*     $NetBSD: fil.c,v 2004/05/30 11:24:37 tron Exp $        */
  * Copyright (C) 1993-2003 by Darren Reed.
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
 #if !defined(lint)
 #if defined(__NetBSD__)
 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
-__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: fil.c,v 2004/05/30 11:21:09 tron Exp $");
+__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: fil.c,v 2004/05/30 11:24:37 tron Exp $");
 static const char sccsid[] = "@(#)fil.c        1.36 6/5/96 (C) 1993-2000 Darren Reed";
 static const char rcsid[] = "@(#)Id: fil.c,v 2004/03/23 12:06:56 darrenr Exp";
@@ -4992,21 +4992,23 @@
  * This array defines the expected size of objects coming into the kernel
  * for the various recognised object types.
-static int     fr_objbytes[] = {
-       0,                      /* frentry */
-       sizeof(struct friostat),
-       sizeof(struct fr_info),
-       sizeof(struct fr_authstat),
-       sizeof(struct ipfrstat),
-       sizeof(struct ipnat),
-       sizeof(struct natstat),
-       sizeof(struct ipstate_save),
-       sizeof(struct nat_save),
-       sizeof(struct natlookup),
-       0,                      /* ipstate */
-       sizeof(struct ips_stat),
-       sizeof(struct frauth),
-       sizeof(struct ipftune)
+#define        NUM_OBJ_TYPES   14
+static int     fr_objbytes[NUM_OBJ_TYPES][2] = {
+       { 1,    sizeof(struct frentry) },               /* frentry */
+       { 0,    sizeof(struct friostat) },
+       { 0,    sizeof(struct fr_info) },
+       { 0,    sizeof(struct fr_authstat) },
+       { 0,    sizeof(struct ipfrstat) },
+       { 0,    sizeof(struct ipnat) },
+       { 0,    sizeof(struct natstat) },
+       { 0,    sizeof(struct ipstate_save) },
+       { 1,    sizeof(struct nat_save) },              /* nat_save */
+       { 0,    sizeof(struct natlookup) },
+       { 1,    sizeof(struct ipstate) },               /* ipstate */
+       { 0,    sizeof(struct ips_stat) },
+       { 0,    sizeof(struct frauth) },
+       { 0,    sizeof(struct ipftune) }
@@ -5029,8 +5031,7 @@
        ipfobj_t obj;
        int error = 0;
-       if ((type < 0) ||
-           (type > ((sizeof(fr_objbytes)/sizeof(fr_objbytes[0])) - 1)))
+       if ((type < 0) || (type > NUM_OBJ_TYPES-1))
                return EINVAL;
        BCOPYIN((caddr_t)data, (caddr_t)&obj, sizeof(obj));
@@ -5039,18 +5040,129 @@
                return EINVAL;
 #ifndef        IPFILTER_COMPAT
-       if ((fr_objbytes[type] != 0) && (obj.ipfo_size != fr_objbytes[type]))
+       if ((fr_objbytes[type][0] & 1) != 0) {
+               if (obj.ipfo_size < fr_objbytes[type][1])
+                       return EINVAL;
+       } else if (obj.ipfo_size != fr_objbytes[type][1])
                return EINVAL;
        if (obj.ipfo_rev != IPFILTER_VERSION)
                /* XXX compatibility hook here */
-       if ((fr_objbytes[type] != 0) && (obj.ipfo_size != fr_objbytes[type]))
+       if ((fr_objbytes[type][0] & 1) != 0) {
+               if (obj.ipfo_size < fr_objbytes[type][1])
+                       /* XXX compatibility hook here */
+                       return EINVAL;
+       } else if (obj.ipfo_size != fr_objbytes[type][1])
                /* XXX compatibility hook here */
                return EINVAL;
-       error = COPYIN((caddr_t)obj.ipfo_ptr, (caddr_t)ptr, obj.ipfo_size);
+       if ((fr_objbytes[type][0] & 1) != 0) {
+               error = COPYIN((caddr_t)obj.ipfo_ptr, (caddr_t)ptr,
+                               fr_objbytes[type][1]);
+       } else {
+               error = COPYIN((caddr_t)obj.ipfo_ptr, (caddr_t)ptr,
+                               obj.ipfo_size);
+       }
+       return error;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Function:    fr_inobjsz                                                  */
+/* Returns:     int     - 0 = success, else failure                         */
+/* Parameters:  data(I) - pointer to ioctl data                             */
+/*              ptr(I)  - pointer to store real data in                     */
+/*              type(I) - type of structure being moved                     */
+/*              sz(I)   - size of data to copy                              */
+/*                                                                          */
+/* As per fr_inobj, except the size of the object to copy in is passed in   */
+/* but it must not be smaller than the size defined for the type and the    */
+/* type must allow for varied sized objects.  The extra requirement here is */
+/* that sz must match the size of the object being passed in - this is not  */
+/* not possible nor required in fr_inobj().                                 */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+int fr_inobjsz(data, ptr, type, sz)
+void *data;
+void *ptr;
+int type, sz;
+       ipfobj_t obj;
+       int error;
+       if ((type < 0) || (type > NUM_OBJ_TYPES-1))
+               return EINVAL;
+       if (((fr_objbytes[type][0] & 1) == 0) || (sz < fr_objbytes[type][1]))
+               return EINVAL;
+       BCOPYIN((caddr_t)data, (caddr_t)&obj, sizeof(obj));
+       if (obj.ipfo_type != type)
+               return EINVAL;
+#ifndef        IPFILTER_COMPAT
+       if (obj.ipfo_size != sz)
+               return EINVAL;
+       if (obj.ipfo_rev != IPFILTER_VERSION)
+               /* XXX compatibility hook here */
+               ;
+       if (obj.ipfo_size != sz)
+               /* XXX compatibility hook here */
+               return EINVAL;
+       error = COPYIN((caddr_t)obj.ipfo_ptr, (caddr_t)ptr, sz);
+       return error;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Function:    fr_outobjsz                                                 */
+/* Returns:     int     - 0 = success, else failure                         */
+/* Parameters:  data(I) - pointer to ioctl data                             */
+/*              ptr(I)  - pointer to store real data in                     */
+/*              type(I) - type of structure being moved                     */
+/*              sz(I)   - size of data to copy                              */
+/*                                                                          */
+/* As per fr_outobj, except the size of the object to copy out is passed in */
+/* but it must not be smaller than the size defined for the type and the    */
+/* type must allow for varied sized objects.  The extra requirement here is */
+/* that sz must match the size of the object being passed in - this is not  */
+/* not possible nor required in fr_outobj().                                */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+int fr_outobjsz(data, ptr, type, sz)
+void *data;
+void *ptr;
+int type, sz;
+       ipfobj_t obj;
+       int error;
+       if ((type < 0) || (type > NUM_OBJ_TYPES-1) ||
+           ((fr_objbytes[type][0] & 1) == 0) ||
+           (sz < fr_objbytes[type][1]))
+               return EINVAL;
+       BCOPYIN((caddr_t)data, (caddr_t)&obj, sizeof(obj));
+       if (obj.ipfo_type != type)
+               return EINVAL;
+#ifndef        IPFILTER_COMPAT
+       if (obj.ipfo_size != sz)
+               return EINVAL;
+       if (obj.ipfo_rev != IPFILTER_VERSION)
+               /* XXX compatibility hook here */
+               ;
+       if (obj.ipfo_size != sz)
+               /* XXX compatibility hook here */
+               return EINVAL;
+       error = COPYOUT((caddr_t)ptr, (caddr_t)obj.ipfo_ptr, sz);
        return error;
@@ -5074,19 +5186,29 @@
        ipfobj_t obj;
        int error;
+       if ((type < 0) || (type > NUM_OBJ_TYPES-1))
+               return EINVAL;
        BCOPYIN((caddr_t)data, (caddr_t)&obj, sizeof(obj));
        if (obj.ipfo_type != type)
                return EINVAL;
 #ifndef        IPFILTER_COMPAT
-       if ((fr_objbytes[type] != 0) && (obj.ipfo_size != fr_objbytes[type]))
+       if ((fr_objbytes[type][0] & 1) != 0) {
+               if (obj.ipfo_size < fr_objbytes[type][1])
+                       return EINVAL;
+       } else if (obj.ipfo_size != fr_objbytes[type][1])
                return EINVAL;
        if (obj.ipfo_rev != IPFILTER_VERSION)
                /* XXX compatibility hook here */
-       if ((fr_objbytes[type] != 0) && (obj.ipfo_size != fr_objbytes[type]))
+       if ((fr_objbytes[type][0] & 1) != 0) {
+               if (obj.ipfo_size < fr_objbytes[type][1])
+                       /* XXX compatibility hook here */
+                       return EINVAL;
+       } else if (obj.ipfo_size != fr_objbytes[type][1])
                /* XXX compatibility hook here */
                return EINVAL;

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