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[src/netbsd-1-6]: src/sys/dev/podulebus Pull up revision 1.8 (requested by ch...

branches:  netbsd-1-6
changeset: 529208:596adce95f79
user:      tron <>
date:      Fri Nov 01 11:14:06 2002 +0000

Pull up revision 1.8 (requested by chris in ticket #120):
Substantial overhaul of podule IDs.  Unlike on PCI or USB, podule IDs are
assigned by RISCOS Ltd (and were assigned by Acorn) to be unique across all
manufacturers.  This means that associating each one with a manufacturer (and
checking the manufacturer when attaching) is bogus.  Thus, we don't do that
any more.
This should have the pleasant side-effect of getting APDL IDE interfaces
working, since they're just ICS ones with a different manufacturer ID.


 sys/dev/podulebus/podule_data.h |  318 +++++++++++----------------------------
 sys/dev/podulebus/podules.h     |  160 +++++++------------
 2 files changed, 154 insertions(+), 324 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 534 to 300 lines):

diff -r 303618577fb6 -r 596adce95f79 sys/dev/podulebus/podule_data.h
--- a/sys/dev/podulebus/podule_data.h   Fri Nov 01 11:13:55 2002 +0000
+++ b/sys/dev/podulebus/podule_data.h   Fri Nov 01 11:14:06 2002 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: podule_data.h,v 1.7 2002/05/19 22:34:07 bjh21 Exp $    */
+/*     $NetBSD: podule_data.h,v 2002/11/01 11:14:06 tron Exp $ */
@@ -38,244 +38,114 @@
-static struct podule_description podules_acorn[] = {
-       { PODULE_ACORN_ETHER3XXX,       "Ether3 (NOROM)" },
-       { PODULE_ACORN_SCSI,    "SCSI 1 interface" },
-       { PODULE_ACORN_ETHER1,  "ether 1 interface" },
-       { PODULE_ACORN_ROMRAM,  "ROM/RAM podule" },
-       { PODULE_ACORN_BBCIO,   "BBC IO interface" },
-       { PODULE_ACORN_ST506,   "ST506 HD interface" },
+static struct podule_description known_podules[] = {
+       { PODULE_ACORN_SCSI,    "Acorn SCSI interface" },
+       { PODULE_ETHER1,        "Ether1 interface" },
+       { PODULE_ROMRAM,        "ROM/RAM podule" },
+       { PODULE_BBCIO, "BBC I/O podule" },
+       { PODULE_FAXPACK,       "FaxPack modem" },
+       { PODULE_ST506, "ST506 HD interface" },
        { PODULE_ACORN_MIDI,    "MIDI interface" },
+       { PODULE_LASERDIRECT,   "LaserDirect (Canon LBP-4)" },
+       { PODULE_A448,  "A448 sound sampler" },
+       { PODULE_HCCS_IDESCSI,  "HCCS IDE or SCSI interface" },
+       { PODULE_CUMANA_SCSI2,  "SCSI II interface" },
        { PODULE_ACORN_USERMIDI,        "User Port/MIDI interface" },
-       { PODULE_ACORN_ETHER2,  "ether 2 interface" },
-       { PODULE_ACORN_ETHERI,  "EtherI interface" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_olivetti[] = {
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_watford[] = {
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_cconcepts[] = {
-       { PODULE_CCONCEPTS_ROMRAM,      "ROM/RAM podule" },
-       { PODULE_CCONCEPTS_FAXPACK,     "FaxPack modem" },
-       { PODULE_CCONCEPTS_LASERDIRECT, "laser direct (Canon LBP-4)" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_armadillo[] = {
-       { PODULE_ARMADILLO_A448,        "A448 sound sampler" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_wildvision[] = {
-       { PODULE_WILDVISION_HAWKV9,     "hawk v9 mark2" },
-       { PODULE_WILDVISION_SOUNDSAMPLER,       "Sound Sampler" },
+       { PODULE_LINGENUITY_SCSI8,      "8 bit SCSI interface" },
+       { PODULE_ARXE_SCSI,     "16 bit SCSI interface" },
+       { PODULE_COLOURCARD,    "ColourCard" },
+       { PODULE_HAWKV9,        "Hawk v9 mark2" },
+       { PODULE_WILDVISION_SOUNDSAMPLER,       "Wild Vision Sound Sampler" },
+       { PODULE_DTSOFT_IDE,    "IDE interface" },
+       { PODULE_OAK_SCSI,      "16 bit SCSI interface" },
+       { PODULE_ETHER2,        "Ether2 interface" },
+       { PODULE_ULTIMATE,      "Ultimate micropodule carrier" },
        { PODULE_WILDVISION_CENTRONICS, "Bi-directional Centronics" },
-       { PODULE_WILDVISION_SCANLIGHTV256,      "scanlight video 256" },
-       { PODULE_WILDVISION_EAGLEM2,    "eagle M2" },
-       { PODULE_WILDVISION_LARKA16,    "lark A16" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_hccs[] = {
-       { PODULE_HCCS_IDESCSI,  "IDE or SCSI interface" },
-       { PODULE_HCCS_ULTIMATE, "Ultimate micropodule carrier" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_atomwide[] = {
-       { PODULE_ATOMWIDE_ETHER3,       "ether 3/5 interface" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_atomwide2[] = {
-       { PODULE_ATOMWIDE2_SERIAL,      "multiport serial interface" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_lingenuity[] = {
-       { PODULE_LINGENUITY_SCSI,       "16 bit SCSI interface" },
-       { PODULE_LINGENUITY_SCSISHARE,  "16 bit SCSIShare interface" },
-       { PODULE_LINGENUITY_SCSI8,      "8 bit SCSI interface" },
-       { PODULE_LINGENUITY_SCSI8SHARE, "8 bit SCSIShare interface" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_irlam[] = {
-       { PODULE_IRLAM_24I16,   "24i16 digitiser" },
-       { PODULE_IRLAM_MMETHERV,        "Multi-media/EtherV" },
-       { PODULE_IRLAM_ETHERN,  "EtherN interface" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_oak[] = {
-       { PODULE_OAK_SCSI,      "16 bit SCSI interface" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_beebug[] = {
-       { PODULE_BEEBUG_IDE8,   "8 bit IDE" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_sj[] = {
-       { PODULE_SJ_NEXUS,      "Nexus interface (Podule)" },
-       { PODULE_SJ_NEXUSNS,    "Nexus interface (A3020 netslot)" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_morley[] = {
+       { PODULE_NEXUS, "Nexus interface (Podule)" },
        { PODULE_MORLEY_SCSI,   "SCSI interface" },
        { PODULE_MORLEY_USERANALOGUE,   "User and Analogue ports" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_hccs2[] = {
-       { PODULE_HCCS2_USERANALOGUE,    "User and Analogue ports" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_vti[] = {
+       { PODULE_HCCS_USERANALOGUE,     "User and Analogue ports" },
+       { PODULE_LINGENUITY_SCSI8SHARE, "8 bit SCSIShare interface" },
        { PODULE_VTI_SCSI,      "SCSI interface" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_dtsoft[] = {
-       { PODULE_DTSOFT_IDE,    "IDE interface" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_cumana[] = {
-       { PODULE_CUMANA_SCSI2,  "SCSI II interface" },
+       { PODULE_NEXUSNS,       "Nexus interface (A3020 netslot)" },
+       { PODULE_ATOMWIDE_SERIAL,       "multiport serial interface" },
+       { PODULE_LINGENUITY_SCSI,       "16 bit SCSI interface" },
+       { PODULE_LINGENUITY_SCSISHARE,  "16 bit SCSIShare interface" },
+       { PODULE_BEEBUG_IDE8,   "8 bit IDE" },
        { PODULE_CUMANA_SCSI1,  "SCSI I interface" },
-       { PODULE_CUMANA_SLCD,   "CDFS & SLCD expansion card" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_ics[] = {
+       { PODULE_ETHER3,        "Ether3/Ether5 interface" },
        { PODULE_ICS_IDE,       "IDE Interface" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_serialport[] = {
        { PODULE_SERIALPORT_DUALSERIAL, "Serial interface" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_arxe[] = {
-       { PODULE_ARXE_SCSI,     "16 bit SCSI interface" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_aleph1[] = {
-       { PODULE_ALEPH1_PCCARD, "PC card" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_icubed[] = {
-       { PODULE_ICUBED_ETHERLAN100,    "EtherLan 100-series" },
-       { PODULE_ICUBED_ETHERLAN200,    "EtherLan 200-series" },
-       { PODULE_ICUBED_ETHERLAN500,    "EtherLan 500-series" },
-       { PODULE_ICUBED_ETHERLAN600,    "EtherLan 600-series" },
-       { PODULE_ICUBED_ETHERLAN700,    "EtherLan 700-series" },
-       { PODULE_ICUBED_ETHERLAN100AEH, "AEH77 (EtherLan 102)" },
-       { PODULE_ICUBED_ETHERLAN200AEH, "AEH79 (EtherLan 210)" },
-       { PODULE_ICUBED_ETHERLAN600AEH, "AEH62/78/99 (EtherLan 602)" },
-       { PODULE_ICUBED_ETHERLAN500AEH, "AEH75 (EtherLan 512)" },
-       { PODULE_ICUBED_ETHERLAN700AEH, "AEH98 (EtherLan 700-series)" },
-       { PODULE_ICUBED_ETHERLAN100XXX, "EtherLan 100???" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_brini[] = {
-       { PODULE_BRINI_PORT,    "BriniPort intelligent I/O interface" },
-       { PODULE_BRINI_LINK,    "BriniLink transputer link adapter" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_ant[] = {
-       { PODULE_ANT_ETHER3,    "ether 3/5 interface" },
-       { PODULE_ANT_ETHERB,    "ether B network slot interface" },
-       { PODULE_ANT_ETHERM,    "ether M dual interface NIC" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_castle[] = {
+       { PODULE_ETHERLAN200,   "EtherLan 200-series" },
+       { PODULE_SCANLIGHTV256, "ScanLight Video 256" },
+       { PODULE_EAGLEM2,       "Eagle M2" },
+       { PODULE_LARKA16,       "Lark A16" },
+       { PODULE_ETHERLAN100,   "EtherLan 100-series" },
+       { PODULE_ETHERLAN500,   "EtherLan 500-series" },
+       { PODULE_ETHERM,        "EtherM dual interface NIC" },
+       { PODULE_CUMANA_SLCD,   "CDFS & SLCD expansion card" },
+       { PODULE_BRINILINK,     "BriniLink transputer link adapter" },
+       { PODULE_ETHERB,        "EtherB network slot interface" },
+       { PODULE_24I16, "24i16 digitiser" },
+       { PODULE_PCCARD,        "PC card" },
+       { PODULE_ETHERLAN600,   "EtherLan 600-series" },
+       { PODULE_CASTLE_SCSI16SHARE,    "8 or 16 bit SCSI2Share interface" },
+       { PODULE_CASTLE_ETHERSCSISHARE, "8 or 16 bit SCSI2Share interface, possibly with Ethernet" },
+       { PODULE_CASTLE_ETHERSCSI,      "EtherSCSI" },
        { PODULE_CASTLE_SCSI16, "8 or 16 bit SCSI2 interface" },
-       { PODULE_CASTLE_SCSI16SHARE,    "8 or 16 bit SCSI2Share interface" },
-       { PODULE_CASTLE_ETHERSCSI,      "EtherSCSI" },
-       { PODULE_CASTLE_ETHERSCSISHARE, "8 or 16 bit SCSI2Share interface, possibly with Ethernet" },
+       { PODULE_ALSYSTEMS_SCSI,        "SCSI II host adapter" },
+       { PODULE_RAPIDE,        "RapIDE32 interface" },
+       { PODULE_ETHERLAN100AEH,        "AEH77 (EtherLan 102)" },
+       { PODULE_ETHERLAN200AEH,        "AEH79 (EtherLan 210)" },
+       { PODULE_ETHERLAN600AEH,        "AEH62/78/99 (EtherLan 602)" },
+       { PODULE_ETHERLAN500AEH,        "AEH75 (EtherLan 512)" },
+       { PODULE_CONNECT32,     "Connect32 SCSI II interface" },
        { PODULE_CASTLE_SCSI32, "32 bit SCSI2 + DMA interface" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_alsystems[] = {
-       { PODULE_ALSYSTEMS_SCSI,        "SCSI II host adapter" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_simtec[] = {
+       { PODULE_ETHERLAN700AEH,        "AEH98 (EtherLan 700-series)" },
+       { PODULE_ETHERLAN700,   "EtherLan 700-series" },
        { PODULE_SIMTEC_IDE8,   "8 bit IDE interface" },
        { PODULE_SIMTEC_IDE,    "16 bit IDE interface" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_yes[] = {
-       { PODULE_YES_RAPIDE,    "RapIDE32 interface" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_mcs[] = {
-       { PODULE_MCS_SCSI,      "Connect32 SCSI II interface" },
-       { PODULE_MCS_MIDICONNECT,       "Midi-Connect" },
-       { 0x0000, NULL }
-static struct podule_description podules_eesox[] = {
-       { PODULE_EESOX_SCSI,    "EESOX SCSI II interface" },
+       { PODULE_MIDICONNECT,   "Midi-Connect" },
+       { PODULE_ETHERI,        "EtherI interface" },
+       { PODULE_MIDIMAX,       "MIDI max" },
+       { PODULE_MMETHERV,      "Multi-media/EtherV" },
+       { PODULE_ETHERN,        "EtherN interface" },
        { 0x0000, NULL }
-struct podule_list known_podules[] = {
-       { MANUFACTURER_ACORN,           "Acorn Computers",      podules_acorn },
-       { MANUFACTURER_OLIVETTI,        "Olivetti",     podules_olivetti },
-       { MANUFACTURER_WATFORD,         "Watford Electronics",  podules_watford },
-       { MANUFACTURER_CCONCEPTS,       "Computer Concepts",    podules_cconcepts },
-       { MANUFACTURER_ARMADILLO,       "Armadillo Systems",    podules_armadillo },
-       { MANUFACTURER_WILDVISION,      "Wild Vision",  podules_wildvision },
-       { MANUFACTURER_HCCS,            "HCCS",         podules_hccs },
-       { MANUFACTURER_ATOMWIDE,        "Atomwide",     podules_atomwide },
-       { MANUFACTURER_ATOMWIDE2,       "Atomwide",     podules_atomwide2 },
-       { MANUFACTURER_LINGENUITY,      "Lingenuity",   podules_lingenuity },
-       { MANUFACTURER_IRLAM,           "Irlam Instruments",    podules_irlam },
-       { MANUFACTURER_OAK,             "Oak Solutions",        podules_oak },
-       { MANUFACTURER_BEEBUG,          "BEEBUG (RISC Developments)",   podules_beebug },
-       { MANUFACTURER_SJ,              "SJ Research",  podules_sj },
-       { MANUFACTURER_MORLEY,          "Morley",       podules_morley },
-       { MANUFACTURER_HCCS2,           "HCCS",         podules_hccs2 },
-       { MANUFACTURER_VTI,             "Vertical Twist",       podules_vti },
-       { MANUFACTURER_DTSOFT,          "D.T. Software",        podules_dtsoft },
-       { MANUFACTURER_CUMANA,          "Cumana",       podules_cumana },
-       { MANUFACTURER_ICS,             "ICS",  podules_ics },
-       { MANUFACTURER_SERIALPORT,      "Serial Port",  podules_serialport },

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