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[src/trunk]: src/share/misc + ADPCM, BPS, CCD, CDDA, CIS, CYMK, DCT, DFT, DPC...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 572582:21ad2abbe1d7
user:      jmmv <>
date:      Sat Jan 08 18:48:56 2005 +0000



 share/misc/acronyms.comp |  32 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diffs (160 lines):

diff -r 7d8191c5278d -r 21ad2abbe1d7 share/misc/acronyms.comp
--- a/share/misc/acronyms.comp  Sat Jan 08 18:48:34 2005 +0000
+++ b/share/misc/acronyms.comp  Sat Jan 08 18:48:56 2005 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-$NetBSD: acronyms.comp,v 1.47 2004/11/11 08:42:27 grant Exp $
+$NetBSD: acronyms.comp,v 1.48 2005/01/08 18:48:56 jmmv Exp $
 ABI    application binary interface
 ACPI   advanced configuration and power interface
 ADC    analog [to] digital converter
+ADPCM  adaptive differential pulse amplitude modulation
 AGP    accelerated graphics port
 ANSI   american national standards institute
 API    application programming interface
@@ -17,15 +18,19 @@
 BGP    border gateway protocol
 BIOS   basic input/output system
 BLOB   binary large object
+BPS    bits per second
 BSD    berkeley software distribution
 CAD    computer-aided design
 CAV    constant angular velocity (as opposed to CLV)
+CCD    charge coupled device
 CD     compact disc
+CDDA   compact disc digital audio
 CDRAM  cache dynamic random access memory
 CGA    color graphics array
 CGI    common gateway interface
 CHS    cylinder/head/sector
 CIDR   classless inter-domain routing
+CIS    contact image sensor
 CLI    command line interface
 CLV    constant linear velocity (as opposed to CAV)
 COFF   common object file format
@@ -34,13 +39,18 @@
 CRT    cathode ray tube
 CSS    cascading style sheets
 CVS    concurrent versions system
+CYMK   cyan yellow magenta black
 DAC    digital [to] analog converter
+DCT    discrete cosine transform
 DDC    display data channel
 DDR    double data rate
 DDWG   digital display working group
+DFT    discrete fourier transform
 DHCP   dynamic host configuration protocol
 DMA    direct memory access
 DNS    domain name system
+DPCM   differential pulse amplitude modulation
+DPI    dots per inch
 DRAM   dynamic random access memory
 DSL    digital subscriber line
 DTD    document type definition
@@ -50,6 +60,7 @@
 EDID   extended display identification data
 EDO    extended data out
 EEPROM electrically erasable programmable read only memory
+EFM    eight to fourteen modulation
 EGA    enhanced graphics array
 EISA   extended industry standard architecture
 ELF    executable and linking format
@@ -108,8 +119,10 @@
 LDAP   lightweight directory access protocol
 LED    light emitting diode
 LIR    local internet registry
+LRC    longitudinal redundancy check
 LSB    least significant bit [or: byte]
 LUN    logical unit number
+LZW    lempel ziv welch
 MAC    media access control
 MBR    master boot record
 MDRAM  multibank dynamic random access memory
@@ -119,28 +132,37 @@
 MMU    memory management unit
 MPEG   moving picture experts group
 MSB    most significant bit [or: byte]
+MSF    minutes seconds frames
 MTA    mail transfer agent
 MTU    maximum transmission unit
 MUA    mail user agent
+MWE    module width encoding
 NAT    network address translation
 NFS    network file system
 NIC    network interface card
 NIS    network information service
+NRZ    non return to zero
 NUMA   non uniform memory access
+OCR    optical character recognition
 OEM    original equipment manufacturer
 OSF    open software foundation
 OSI    open systems interconnection
 OTP    one time password
 PAM    pluggable authentication modules
+PAM    pulse amplitude modulation
 PAX    portable archive exchange
+PC     personal computer
 PCI    peripheral component interconnect
+PCM    pulse code modulation
 PCMCIA personal computer memory card international association
 PDP    page descriptor page
 PERL   practical extraction [and] report language
 PGP    pretty good privacy
 PIC    programmable interrupt controller
 PID    process id
+PIN    personal identification number
 PIO    programmed input/output
+PMT    photo-multiplier tube
 PNG    portable network graphics
 POP    post office protocol
 POSIX  portable operating system interface [for] unix
@@ -153,6 +175,7 @@
 PTE    page table entry
 PTLA   pseudo top level aggregator
 PTP    page table page
+PWM    pulse width modulation
 QOS    quality of service
 RAID   redundant array of inexpensive disks
 RAM    random access memory
@@ -160,9 +183,11 @@
 RFC    request for comments
 RGB    red green blue
 RISC   reduced instruction set computing
+RLE    run length encoding
 ROM    read only memory
 RPM    revolutions per minute
 RTF    rich text format
+RTT    round time trip
 S/PDIF sony/phillips digital interface
 SACD   super audio compact disc
 SAM    serial access memory
@@ -179,6 +204,7 @@
 SNMP   simple network management protocol
 SPD    serial presence detect
 SRAM   static random access memory
+SSFDC  solid state floppy disc card
 SSH    secure shell
 SSL    secure sockets layer
 STP    shielded twisted pair
@@ -192,10 +218,13 @@
 TLB    transition lookaside buffer
 TLD    top level domain
 TMDS   transition minimized differential signaling
+TTL    time to live
 TTY    teletype
 TZ     time zone
 UC     uncacheable
+UDO    ultra density optical (storage)
 UDP    user datagram protocol
+UFS    unix file system
 UPS    uninterruptible power supply
 URI    uniform resource identifier
 URL    uniform resource locator
@@ -207,6 +236,7 @@
 VCM    virtual channel memory
 VESA   video electronics standards association
 VGA    video graphics array
+VLSM   variable length subnetting mask
 VM     virtual memory
 VPN    virtual private network
 VRAM   video random access memory

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