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[src/trunk]: src bind comes with a very helpful sample named.conf, so install...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 474756:6ea88344f833
user:      abs <>
date:      Mon Jul 19 02:30:43 1999 +0000

bind comes with a very helpful sample named.conf, so install it in
/usr/share/examples/named. I'm not overwhelmed about moving the file
into src/share/examples but there is prior art (amd).


 etc/mtree/NetBSD.dist           |    7 +-
 share/examples/named/Makefile   |   11 +
 share/examples/named/named.conf |  431 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 usr.sbin/bind/named/named.conf  |  431 ----------------------------------------
 4 files changed, 448 insertions(+), 432 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 906 to 300 lines):

diff -r 1188f3629a20 -r 6ea88344f833 etc/mtree/NetBSD.dist
--- a/etc/mtree/NetBSD.dist     Mon Jul 19 01:36:07 1999 +0000
+++ b/etc/mtree/NetBSD.dist     Mon Jul 19 02:30:43 1999 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#      $NetBSD: NetBSD.dist,v 1.82 1999/04/03 09:36:04 fair Exp $
+#      $NetBSD: NetBSD.dist,v 1.83 1999/07/19 02:30:43 abs Exp $
 #      @(#)4.4BSD.dist 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/13/93
 /set type=dir uname=root gname=wheel mode=0755
@@ -809,6 +809,11 @@
 # ./usr/share/examples/ipf
+# ./usr/share/examples/named
+# ./usr/share/examples/named
 # ./usr/share/examples/supfiles
 # ./usr/share/examples/supfiles
diff -r 1188f3629a20 -r 6ea88344f833 share/examples/named/Makefile
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/examples/named/Makefile     Mon Jul 19 02:30:43 1999 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#      $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 1999/07/19 02:30:43 abs Exp $
+.include <>
+.if ${MKSHARE} != "no"
+FILES= named.conf
+MKOBJ= no
+.include <>
diff -r 1188f3629a20 -r 6ea88344f833 share/examples/named/named.conf
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/share/examples/named/named.conf   Mon Jul 19 02:30:43 1999 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+/*     $NetBSD: named.conf,v 1.1 1999/07/19 02:30:43 abs Exp $ */
+ * This is a worthless, nonrunnable example of a named.conf file that has
+ * every conceivable syntax element in use.  We use it to test the parser.
+ * It could also be used as a conceptual template for users of new features.
+ */
+ * C-style comments are OK
+ */
+// So are C++-style comments
+# So are shell-style comments
+// watch out for ";" -- it's important!
+options {
+       directory ".";                  // use current directory
+       named-xfer "/usr/libexec/named-xfer";   // _PATH_XFER
+       dump-file "named_dump.db";      // _PATH_DUMPFILE
+       pid-file "/var/run/";  // _PATH_PIDFILE
+       statistics-file "named.stats";  // _PATH_STATS
+       memstatistics-file "named.memstats";    // _PATH_MEMSTATS
+       check-names master fail;
+       check-names slave warn;
+       check-names response ignore;
+       host-statistics no;
+       deallocate-on-exit no;          // Painstakingly deallocate all
+                                       // objects when exiting instead of
+                                       // letting the OS clean up for us.
+                                       // Useful a memory leak is suspected.
+                                       // Final statistics are written to the
+                                       // memstatistics-file.
+       datasize default;
+       stacksize default;
+       coresize default;
+       files unlimited;
+       recursion yes;
+       fetch-glue yes;
+       fake-iquery no;
+       notify yes;                     // send NOTIFY messages.  You can set
+                                       // notify on a zone-by-zone
+                                       // basis in the "zone" statement
+                                       // see (below)
+       auth-nxdomain yes;              // always set AA on NXDOMAIN.
+                                       // don't set this to 'no' unless
+                                       // you know what you're doing -- older
+                                       // servers won't like it.
+       multiple-cnames no;             // if yes, then a name my have more
+                                       // than one CNAME RR.  This use
+                                       // is non-standard and is not
+                                       // recommended, but it is available
+                                       // because previous releases supported
+                                       // it and it was used by large sites
+                                       // for load balancing.
+       allow-query { any; };
+       allow-transfer { any; };
+       transfers-in 10;                // DEFAULT_XFERS_RUNNING, cannot be
+                                       // set > than MAX_XFERS_RUNNING (20)
+       transfers-per-ns 2;             // DEFAULT_XFERS_PER_NS
+       transfers-out 0;                // not implemented
+       max-transfer-time-in 120;       // MAX_XFER_TIME; the default number
+                                       // of minutes an inbound zone transfer
+                                       // may run.  May be set on a per-zone
+                                       // basis.
+       /*
+        * The "transfer-format" option specifies the way outbound zone
+        * transfers (i.e. from us to them) are formatted.  Two values are
+        * allowed:
+        *
+        *      one-answer              Each RR gets its own DNS message.
+        *                              This format is not very efficient,
+        *                              but is widely understood.  All
+        *                              versions of BIND prior to 8.1 generate
+        *                              this format for outbound zone 
+        *                              and require it on inbound transfers.
+        *
+        *      many-answers            As many RRs as will fit are put into
+        *                              each DNS message.  This format is
+        *                              the most efficient, but is only known
+        *                              to work with BIND 8.  Patches to
+        *                              BIND 4.9.5 named-xfer that enable it
+        *                              to understand 'many-answers' will be
+        *                              available.
+        *
+        * If you are going to be doing zone transfers to older servers, you
+        * shouldn't use 'many-answers'.  'transfer-format' may also be set
+        * on a host-by-host basis using the 'server' statement (see below).
+        */
+       transfer-format one-answer;
+       query-source address * port *;
+       /*
+        * The "forward" option is only meaningful if you've defined
+        * forwarders.  "first" gives the normal BIND
+        * forwarding behavior, i.e. ask the forwarders first, and if that
+        * doesn't work then do the full lookup.  You can also say
+        * "forward only;" which is what used to be specified with
+        * "slave" or "options forward-only".  "only" will never attempt
+        * a full lookup; only the forwarders will be used.
+        */
+       forward first;
+       forwarders { };                 // default is no forwarders
+       /*
+        * Here's a forwarders example that isn't trivial
+        */
+       /*
+       forwarders {
+     ;
+     ;
+       };
+       */
+       topology { localhost; localnets; };     // prefer local nameservers
+       /*
+        * Here's a more complicated topology example; it's commented out
+        * because only one topology block is allowed.
+        *
+       topology {
+               10/8;                   // prefer network
+                                       // netmask most
+               !1.2.3/24;              // don't like netmask
+                                       // at all
+               { 1.2/16; 3/8; };       // like netmask
+                                       // and netmask
+                                       // equally well, but less than 10/8
+       };
+       */
+       listen-on port 53 { any; };     // listen for queries on port 53 on
+                                       // any interface on the system
+                                       // (i.e. all interfaces).  The
+                                       // "port 53" is optional; if you
+                                       // don't specify a port, port 53
+                                       // is assumed.
+       /*
+        * Multiple listen-on statements are allowed.  Here's a more
+        * complicated example:
+        */
+       /*
+       listen-on {; };         // listen on port 53 on interface
+                                       //
+       listen-on port 1234 {           // listen on port 1234 on any
+               !;               // interface on network 1.2.3
+               1.2.3/24;               // netmask, except for
+       };                              // interface
+       */
+       /*
+        * Interval Timers
+        */
+       cleaning-interval 60;           // clean the cache of expired RRs
+                                       // every 'cleaning-interval' minutes
+       interface-interval 60;          // scan for new or deleted interfaces
+                                       // every 'interface-interval' minutes
+       statistics-interval 60;         // log statistics every 
+                                       // 'statistics-interval' minutes
+zone "" {
+       type master;                    // what used to be called "primary" 
+       file "";
+       check-names fail;
+       allow-update { none; };
+       allow-transfer { any; };
+       allow-query { any; };
+       // notify yes;                  // send NOTIFY messages for this
+                                       // zone?  The global option is used
+                                       // if "notify" is not specified
+                                       // here.
+       also-notify { };                // don't notify any nameservers other
+                                       // than those on the NS list for this
+                                       // zone
+zone "" {
+       type slave;                     // what used to be called "secondary" 
+       file "";
+       masters {
+     ;                // where to zone transfer from
+     ;
+       };
+       transfer-source;      // fixes multihoming problems
+       check-names warn;
+       allow-update { none; };
+       allow-transfer { any; };
+       allow-query { any; };
+       max-transfer-time-in 120;       // if not set, global option is used.
+       also-notify { };                // don't notify any nameservers other
+                                       // than those on the NS list for this
+                                       // zone
+zone "" {
+       type stub;                      // stub zones are like slave zones,
+                                       // except that only the NS records
+                                       // are transferred.
+       file "";
+       masters {
+     ;                // where to zone transfer from
+     ;
+       };
+       check-names warn;
+       allow-update { none; };
+       allow-transfer { any; };
+       allow-query { any; };
+       max-transfer-time-in 120;       // if not set, global option is used.
+zone "." {
+       type hint;                      // used to be specified w/ "cache"
+       file "cache.db";        
+acl can_query { !1.2.3/24; any; };     // network mask
+                                       // is disallowed; rest are OK
+acl can_axfr {; can_query; };  // host and any host allowed
+                                       // by can_query are OK
+zone "" {
+       type master;
+       file "foo";
+       allow-query { can_query; };
+       allow-transfer { can_axfr; };
+       allow-update {
+     ;
+     ;
+       };
+key sample_key {                       // for TSIG; supported by parser
+       algorithm hmac-md5;             // but not yet implemented in the
+       secret "your secret here";      // rest of the server
+key key2 {
+       algorithm hmac-md5;
+       secret "ereh terces rouy";
+server {
+       bogus no;                       // if yes, we won't query or listen
+                                       // to this server
+       transfer-format one-answer;     // set transfer format for this
+                                       // server (see the description of
+                                       // 'transfer-format' above)
+                                       // if not specified, the global option
+                                       // will be used
+       transfers 0;                    // not implemented
+       keys { sample_key; key2; };     // for TSIG; supported by the parser
+                                       // but not yet implemented in the
+                                       // rest of the server
+logging {
+       /*
+        * All log output goes to one or more "channels"; you can make as
+        * many of them as you want.
+        */

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