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[src/trunk]: src/games/fortune/datfiles Reformat one entry for vertical space.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 500706:ae2a117da193
user:      mycroft <>
date:      Sun Dec 17 09:25:38 2000 +0000

Reformat one entry for vertical space.


 games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes |  53 ++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diffs (63 lines):

diff -r 73734bfb4954 -r ae2a117da193 games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes
--- a/games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes   Sun Dec 17 09:22:47 2000 +0000
+++ b/games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes   Sun Dec 17 09:25:38 2000 +0000
@@ -16284,40 +16284,25 @@
         THE LAST BUG
-"But you're out of your mind,"
-They said with a shrug.
-"The customer's happy;
-What's one little bug?"
-But he was determined.
-The others went home.
-He spread out the program,
-Deserted, alone.
-The cleaning men came,
-The whole room was cluttered
-With memory-dumps, punch cards.
-"I'm close," he muttered.
-The mumbling got louder,
-Simple deduction,
-"I've got it, it's right,
-Just change one instruction."
-It still wasn't perfect,
-As year followed year,
-And strangers would comment,
-"Is that guy still here?"
-He died at the console,
-Of hunger and thirst.
-Next day he was buried,
-Face down, nine-edge first.
-And the last bug in sight,
-An ant passing by,
-Saluted his tombstone,
-And whispered, "Nice try."
+"But you're out of your mind,"             It still wasn't perfect,
+They said with a shrug.                            As year followed year,
+"The customer's happy;                     And strangers would comment,
+What's one little bug?"                            "Is that guy still here?"
+But he was determined.                     He died at the console,
+The others went home.                      Of hunger and thirst.
+He spread out the program,                 Next day he was buried,
+Deserted, alone.                           Face down, nine-edge first.
+The cleaning men came,                     And the last bug in sight,
+The whole room was cluttered               An ant passing by,
+With memory-dumps, punch cards.                    Saluted his tombstone,
+"I'm close," he muttered.                  And whispered, "Nice try."
+The mumbling got louder,                               
+Simple deduction,                              
+"I've got it, it's right,                              
+Just change one instruction."                          
 Speaking of the philosophy involved in moving humanity into space:

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