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[src/trunk]: src/sbin/pppoectl Adapt to new if_sppp.h ioctls.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 520186:1947dde71579
user:      martin <>
date:      Fri Jan 04 12:23:00 2002 +0000

Adapt to new if_sppp.h ioctls.
Add -d option to dump PPPoE session state. XXX need to document this.


 sbin/pppoectl/pppoectl.c |  238 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 files changed, 153 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 386 to 300 lines):

diff -r e074fa10256d -r 1947dde71579 sbin/pppoectl/pppoectl.c
--- a/sbin/pppoectl/pppoectl.c  Fri Jan 04 12:21:24 2002 +0000
+++ b/sbin/pppoectl/pppoectl.c  Fri Jan 04 12:23:00 2002 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: pppoectl.c,v 1.1 2001/12/10 17:22:09 martin Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: pppoectl.c,v 1.2 2002/01/04 12:23:00 martin Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 1997 Joerg Wunsch
@@ -47,13 +47,11 @@
 #include <unistd.h>
 static void usage(void);
-void   print_vals(const char *ifname, struct spppreq *sp);
-const char *phase_name(enum ppp_phase phase);
-const char *proto_name(u_short proto);
-const char *authflags(u_short flags);
-#define PPP_PAP                0xc023
-#define PPP_CHAP       0xc223
+static void print_error(const char *ifname, int error, const char * str);
+static void print_vals(const char *ifname, int phase, struct spppauthcfg *sp, int lcp_timeout);
+const char *phase_name(int phase);
+const char *proto_name(int proto);
+const char *authflags(int flags);
 int hz = 0;
@@ -61,13 +59,15 @@
 main(int argc, char **argv)
        int s, c;
-       int errs = 0, verbose = 0;
+       int errs = 0, verbose = 0, dump = 0;
        size_t off, len;
        const char *ifname, *cp;
        const char *eth_if_name, *access_concentrator, *service;
-       struct ifreq ifr;
-       struct spppreq spr;
+       struct spppauthcfg spr;
+       struct sppplcpcfg lcp;
+       struct spppstatus status;
        int mib[2];
+       int set_lcp = 0;
        struct clockinfo clockinfo;
        eth_if_name = NULL;
@@ -79,6 +79,10 @@
+               case 'd':
+                       dump++;
+                       break;
                case 'e':
                        eth_if_name = optarg;
@@ -102,8 +106,6 @@
        ifname = argv[0];
-       strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof ifr.ifr_name);
        /* use a random AF to create the socket */
        if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0)
@@ -129,18 +131,49 @@
                e = ioctl(s, PPPOESETPARMS, &parms);
-               if (e) {
-                       fprintf(stderr, "%s: ioctl(PPPOESETPARMS): %s\n",
-                       ifname, strerror(e));
-               }
+               if (e) 
+                       print_error(ifname, e, "PPPOESETPARMS");
                return 0;
-       spr.cmd = (int)SPPPIOGDEFS;
-       ifr.ifr_data = (caddr_t)&spr;
+       if (dump) {
+               /* dump PPPoE session state */
+               struct pppoeconnectionstate state;
+               int e;
+               memset(&state, 0, sizeof state);
+               strncpy(state.ifname, ifname, sizeof state.ifname);
+               e = ioctl(s, PPPOEGETSESSION, &state);
+               if (e) 
+                       print_error(ifname, e, "PPPOEGETSESSION,");
-       if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFGENERIC, &ifr) == -1)
+               printf("%s:\tstate = ", ifname);
+               switch(state.state) {
+               case PPPOE_STATE_INITIAL:
+                       printf("initial\n"); break;
+               case PPPOE_STATE_PADI_SENT:
+                       printf("PADI sent\n"); break;
+               case PPPOE_STATE_PADR_SENT:
+                       printf("PADR sent\n"); break;
+               case PPPOE_STATE_SESSION:
+                       printf("session\n"); break;
+               case PPPOE_STATE_CLOSING:
+                       printf("closing\n"); break;
+               }
+               printf("\tSession ID: 0x%x\n", state.session_id);
+               printf("\tPADI retries: %d\n", state.padi_retry_no);
+               printf("\tPADR retries: %d\n", state.padr_retry_no);
+               return 0;
+       }
+       memset(&spr, 0, sizeof spr);
+       strncpy(spr.ifname, ifname, sizeof spr.ifname);
+       memset(&lcp, 0, sizeof lcp);
+       strncpy(lcp.ifname, ifname, sizeof lcp.ifname);
+       memset(&status, 0, sizeof status);
+       strncpy(status.ifname, ifname, sizeof status.ifname);
        mib[0] = CTL_KERN;
        mib[1] = KERN_CLOCKRATE;
@@ -155,7 +188,28 @@
        if (argc == 0) {
                /* list only mode */
-               print_vals(ifname, &spr);
+               /* first pass, get name lenghts */
+               if (ioctl(s, SPPPGETAUTHCFG, &spr) == -1)
+                       err(EX_OSERR, "SPPPGETAUTHCFG");
+               /* now allocate buffers for strings */
+               if (spr.myname_length)
+                       spr.myname = malloc(spr.myname_length);
+               if (spr.hisname_length)
+                       spr.hisname = malloc(spr.hisname_length);
+               /* second pass: get names too */
+               if (ioctl(s, SPPPGETAUTHCFG, &spr) == -1)
+                       err(EX_OSERR, "SPPPGETAUTHCFG");
+               if (ioctl(s, SPPPGETLCPCFG, &lcp) == -1)
+                       err(EX_OSERR, "SPPPGETLCPCFG");
+               if (ioctl(s, SPPPGETSTATUS, &status) == -1)
+                       err(EX_OSERR, "SPPPGETSTATUS");
+               print_vals(ifname, status.phase, &spr, lcp.lcp_timeout);
+               if (spr.hisname) free(spr.hisname);
+               if (spr.myname) free(spr.myname);
                return 0;
@@ -165,58 +219,54 @@
                if (startswith("authproto=")) {
                        cp = argv[0] + off;
                        if (strcmp(cp, "pap") == 0)
-                               spr.defs.myauth.proto =
-                                       spr.defs.hisauth.proto = PPP_PAP;
+                               spr.myauth =
+                                       spr.hisauth = SPPP_AUTHPROTO_PAP;
                        else if (strcmp(cp, "chap") == 0)
-                               spr.defs.myauth.proto =
-                                       spr.defs.hisauth.proto = PPP_CHAP;
+                               spr.myauth = spr.hisauth = SPPP_AUTHPROTO_CHAP;
                        else if (strcmp(cp, "none") == 0)
-                               spr.defs.myauth.proto =
-                                       spr.defs.hisauth.proto = 0;
+                               spr.myauth = spr.hisauth = SPPP_AUTHPROTO_NONE;
                                errx(EX_DATAERR, "bad auth proto: %s", cp);
                } else if (startswith("myauthproto=")) {
                        cp = argv[0] + off;
                        if (strcmp(cp, "pap") == 0)
-                               spr.defs.myauth.proto = PPP_PAP;
+                               spr.myauth = SPPP_AUTHPROTO_PAP;
                        else if (strcmp(cp, "chap") == 0)
-                               spr.defs.myauth.proto = PPP_CHAP;
+                               spr.myauth = SPPP_AUTHPROTO_CHAP;
                        else if (strcmp(cp, "none") == 0)
-                               spr.defs.myauth.proto = 0;
+                               spr.myauth = SPPP_AUTHPROTO_NONE;
                                errx(EX_DATAERR, "bad auth proto: %s", cp);
-               } else if (startswith("myauthname="))
-                       strncpy(, argv[0] + off,
-                               AUTHNAMELEN);
-               else if (startswith("myauthsecret=") ||
-                        startswith("myauthkey="))
-                       strncpy(spr.defs.myauth.secret, argv[0] + off,
-                               AUTHKEYLEN);
-               else if (startswith("hisauthproto=")) {
+               } else if (startswith("myauthname=")) {
+                       spr.myname = argv[0] + off;
+                       spr.myname_length = strlen(spr.myname)+1;
+               } else if (startswith("myauthsecret=") || startswith("myauthkey=")) {
+                       spr.mysecret = argv[0] + off;
+                       spr.mysecret_length = strlen(spr.mysecret)+1;
+               } else if (startswith("hisauthproto=")) {
                        cp = argv[0] + off;
                        if (strcmp(cp, "pap") == 0)
-                               spr.defs.hisauth.proto = PPP_PAP;
+                               spr.hisauth = SPPP_AUTHPROTO_PAP;
                        else if (strcmp(cp, "chap") == 0)
-                               spr.defs.hisauth.proto = PPP_CHAP;
+                               spr.hisauth = SPPP_AUTHPROTO_CHAP;
                        else if (strcmp(cp, "none") == 0)
-                               spr.defs.hisauth.proto = 0;
+                               spr.hisauth = SPPP_AUTHPROTO_NONE;
                                errx(EX_DATAERR, "bad auth proto: %s", cp);
-               } else if (startswith("hisauthname="))
-                       strncpy(, argv[0] + off,
-                               AUTHNAMELEN);
-               else if (startswith("hisauthsecret=") ||
-                        startswith("hisauthkey="))
-                       strncpy(spr.defs.hisauth.secret, argv[0] + off,
-                               AUTHKEYLEN);
-               else if (strcmp(argv[0], "callin") == 0)
-                       spr.defs.hisauth.flags |= AUTHFLAG_NOCALLOUT;
+               } else if (startswith("hisauthname=")) {
+                       spr.hisname = argv[0] + off;
+                       spr.hisname_length = strlen(spr.hisname)+1;
+               } else if (startswith("hisauthsecret=") || startswith("hisauthkey=")) {
+                       spr.hissecret = argv[0] + off;
+                       spr.hissecret_length = strlen(spr.hissecret)+1;
+               } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "callin") == 0)
+                       spr.hisauthflags |= SPPP_AUTHFLAG_NOCALLOUT;
                else if (strcmp(argv[0], "always") == 0)
-                       spr.defs.hisauth.flags &= ~AUTHFLAG_NOCALLOUT;
+                       spr.hisauthflags &= ~SPPP_AUTHFLAG_NOCALLOUT;
                else if (strcmp(argv[0], "norechallenge") == 0)
-                       spr.defs.hisauth.flags |= AUTHFLAG_NORECHALLENGE;
+                       spr.hisauthflags |= SPPP_AUTHFLAG_NORECHALLENGE;
                else if (strcmp(argv[0], "rechallenge") == 0)
-                       spr.defs.hisauth.flags &= ~AUTHFLAG_NORECHALLENGE;
+                       spr.hisauthflags &= ~SPPP_AUTHFLAG_NORECHALLENGE;
 #ifndef __NetBSD__
                else if (strcmp(argv[0], "enable-vj") == 0)
                        spr.defs.enable_vj = 1;
@@ -228,7 +278,8 @@
                        if ((timeout_arg > 20000) || (timeout_arg <= 0))
                                errx(EX_DATAERR, "bad lcp timeout value: %s",
-                       spr.defs.lcp.timeout = timeout_arg * hz / 1000;
+                       lcp.lcp_timeout = timeout_arg * hz / 1000;
+                       set_lcp = 1;
                } else
                        errx(EX_DATAERR, "bad parameter: \"%s\"", argv[0]);
@@ -236,13 +287,15 @@
-       spr.cmd = (int)SPPPIOSDEFS;
-       if (ioctl(s, SIOCSIFGENERIC, &ifr) == -1)
+       if (ioctl(s, SPPPSETAUTHCFG, &spr) == -1)
+               err(EX_OSERR, "SPPPSETAUTHCFG");
+       if (set_lcp) {
+               if (ioctl(s, SPPPSETLCPCFG, &lcp) == -1)
+                       err(EX_OSERR, "SPPPSETLCPCFG");
+       }
        if (verbose)
-               print_vals(ifname, &spr);
+               print_vals(ifname, status.phase, &spr, lcp.lcp_timeout);
        return 0;
@@ -256,24 +309,24 @@
-print_vals(const char *ifname, struct spppreq *sp)
+static void
+print_vals(const char *ifname, int phase, struct spppauthcfg *sp, int lcp_timeout)
 #ifndef __NetBSD__
        time_t send, recv;
-       printf("%s:\tphase=%s\n", ifname, phase_name(sp->defs.pp_phase));
-       if (sp->defs.myauth.proto) {
-               printf("\tmyauthproto=%s myauthname=\"%.*s\"\n",
-                      proto_name(sp->defs.myauth.proto),
-                      AUTHNAMELEN, sp->;
+       printf("%s:\tphase=%s\n", ifname, phase_name(phase));
+       if (sp->myauth) {
+               printf("\tmyauthproto=%s myauthname=\"%s\"\n",
+                      proto_name(sp->myauth),
+                      sp->myname);
-       if (sp->defs.hisauth.proto) {
-               printf("\thisauthproto=%s hisauthname=\"%.*s\"%s\n",
-                      proto_name(sp->defs.hisauth.proto),

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